Wednesday, October 25, 2017

From trash to treasure

I came across these smashed cans where someone has added a face to them.  I don't know who the artist is, but I love how he or she has reflected the angle of the can into the face.  In a way I feel like they could just come to life and walk away.  But I am interested in what you think about them.

So do you think they are cool, interesting, boring or maybe even a little creepy?  Do you prefer their eyes open or the sleeping ones in the last image?  Do you have a favorite one?  Does the one can remind you of Mr. Snethen?  What would you paint on a smashed can if you found one?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Have you ever wondered why they put sculptures called "Figureheads" on the fronts of ships?  And why they don't do it anymore?

So maybe you have never wondered, but I ran across this first picture and it made me wonder.  So I did what any curious person does, and I Googled it. 

It actually started with the Vikings painting eyes on the fronts of their ships so that they looked menacing.  Eventually it became beautiful ornaments to decorate the ship and tell you the name at the same time.  And then eventually as ships became battering rams they didn't want the sculptures destroyed so they stopped using them.  But the practice was around for almost 400 years.

So do you think this is a fad that should come back or stay in the past?  If they brought it back for our military ships what do you think they should put on the fronts?  What would you carve into a sculpture and put at the front of your ship, if you had one?

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Finding art in your closet

I know sometimes it is hard to think of all of the different ways we make art, but have you ever thought of clothing?  It is an art major, but did you think of that this morning when you got dressed? 

I think we can all agree that a dancers dress like this is a work of art in its own right, but do you think of the clothes that you wear as art?

I am just curious if you have ever thought of your wardrobe as as work of art?  And that being said, does that make it your own work of art, since you have picked the items that are in it?  Do you have any pieces that you agree could be works of art?  Now that I have brought this up will you look at your own clothes selection more carefully, or not?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pumpkin Art

I love this time of year.  I love the colors and the temps and of course the pumpkin carvings.  I am always amazed by how artists can take a pumpkin and sculpt it into amazing images with some of the most basic tools out there.  Just check out these pumpkin carvings that I found.

So what do you think?  Do you like the spooky or the creepy ones?  Do you like them to look gross or do you just like to check out the details?  What would you carve if you had the chance and the ability to make one of these pumpkins?

Can lace be a sculpture?

Well can it?

When you think of lace what do you think of?  Something light, delicate and usually white.  Or at least that is what I think of.  Did you have any other thoughts about it?

Well the artist Agnes Herczag has come up with a new vision of what you can do with lace.  She uses colored thread to create images on found objects (usually sticks).  She creates incredibly detailed images by hand sewing them into the designs that she wants.

So what do you think of her art?  Do you think they are sculptures?  If not, what type of category would you put them in?  Is this something that you would like to try?  Which one is your favorite or which one is your least favorite?