Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pumpkin Art

I love this time of year.  I love the colors and the temps and of course the pumpkin carvings.  I am always amazed by how artists can take a pumpkin and sculpt it into amazing images with some of the most basic tools out there.  Just check out these pumpkin carvings that I found.

So what do you think?  Do you like the spooky or the creepy ones?  Do you like them to look gross or do you just like to check out the details?  What would you carve if you had the chance and the ability to make one of these pumpkins?


  1. This is really cool how people can make this out of a pumpkin. The detail is really amazing. This must take a lot of time.

  2. It's crazy how much detail these have for being pumpkins. It even takes kinda long to do a simple design in a pumpkin so It must have took forever to do these.

  3. I really like how much details they all have and how cool they look. I know I wouldn't be able to do this ever!

  4. They are amazing and have lots of great detail and time put into it. I like all of them,the spooky and the creepy ones. I don't think I would be able to finish it before it starts to go bad.

  5. I there is a lot of detail that was put into the pumpkins. Even if I had the time I wouldn't make a design out of one. They could be used as target practice instead.

  6. i love how they make a pumpkin look so creepy

  7. i thinks its really cool and have no idea how they can make somthing like that

  8. i like this one because of the football one. I like how they did it out of pumpkin

  9. I don't really like this one. I think this one sucks. I feel like since they are professionals they could of done way better with this one.

  10. I think these are kinda cool.I like the last one it looks really realistic. If I could do this I wouldn't. :)

  11. Seeing how much I love Halloween, I can't say anything about this. I love the face pumpkin with the amazing features and all!!

  12. These are really cool. I wish I had the ability to turn a pumpkin into a really cool sculpture like that. It is just amazing how they are able to make these with such detail.

  13. I like the creepy ones personally. I like to see all of the little fine details in each carving. I would try to carve out the vikings logo into the pumpkin.

  14. Thats amazing, how would you even do something like that. Would those pumpkins go on your front step or a museum. That'd be a weird profession, pumpkin carver.

  15. I think that the pumpkins are really cool, and i wish that i could carve one like that. they weren't really scary tho maybe to a younger kid they would be.

  16. I think these are incredible. I don't mind the gross ones but I do like to check out the details of them. They are quite exquisite. If I had the ability to do this I would carve severus snape from Harry Potter.

  17. The football pumpkin is honestly pretty cool to see that is made out of a pumpkin and that it is pretty artistic.

  18. I like this. It reminds me of the old Halloween movies when I was a kid. I wish I could carve a pumpkin. I suck at carving anything.

  19. Its very cool how they created this. You can tell that they are in the halloween spirit. Must have a lot of time on his hands.

  20. Wow this is so cool i love football.I love the Zombies because I play zombie survival games and a zombie football player is amazing. Good work, wish i could do it.

  21. I think that pumpkin carvings are very cool. i like the spooky ones better because they would have more of a chance to scare someone. the details on pumpkin carvings are cool and i like to look at them. if i had the ability to make something i would make a car of some sort

  22. I think that the pumpkins are really cool, and i wish that i could carve one like that. they weren't really scary tho maybe to a younger kid they would be.

  23. AMAZING, I really like football and that painting is fantastic. I do not like zombies but he turned the artwork into a materpiece

  24. I really appreciate the level of detail and the unconventional way they carve pumpkins. People usually hollow the inside but you can see that these carvings don't do that. They use more like they're sculpting clay, and it makes it look really good.

  25. I really like this. it must take skill and patience to make these pumkins

  26. i think this is very cool. the football dude painting is the coolest i think.

  27. I think how they used the pumpkin idea to create art is so cool! Not a big fan of zombies, but the way they created these pieces is truly amazing. I know I could never do it, but it would be something cool to try.

  28. dose are so amazing i like the pumpkin i don't think i can do that i like it so much.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I wish I could do something like this. It would take so much concentration and time. I wonder how long it actually took.

  31. i think there is a lot of detail that was put into the pumpkins. Even if I had the time I wouldn't make a design out of one. They could be used as target practice instead.

  32. this art piece , is actually really cool and interesting, never knew that anyone is capable of making such thing.
    Who ever came up with pumpkin art is a genious.

  33. I really like how this opens your eyes to carving pumpkins. Usually when I carve pumpkins I don't think of things that they did it is usually just a scary mouth and some triangle eyes and a nose. They overachieved what.

  34. I like theses pumpkins they are nice and very creative. I like the football one because of the helmet and how it's just so while done.

  35. These pumpkin faces are awesome. My pumpkin carving is nothing like this. I would hope that some day that pumpkin carving is semi good to this. But the detail is amazing. I personally like the football player the best out of all of them. Hats off to the creator of these pumpkin carvings.

  36. Where do they get the time to do that. how long did it take for him to do that it would be fun to do that and see what everyone comes up with.

  37. I think this is really cool. I don't know where people find the time to do stuff like this tho. This is something id never be able to do

  38. This is really cool. I love how people can come up with different ways to carve pumpkins. I try to do different stuff when I carve my pumpkins, but I always end up doing the same old jack-o-lantern. I wish I could do that.

  39. Isaiah makes a good point, but when you look deeper into the eyes of the pumpkin people, what do you think they feel knowing that pictures are out there when they are looking prime and knowing that not even a couple weeks later they're forgotten and rotten out.

  40. i think there is a lot of detail that was put into the pumpkins. Even if I had the time I wouldn't make a design out of one. They could be used as target practice instead.

  41. These are very unique and interesting pumpkins. I've never seen any as extravagant as these are. I could definitely not do these.

  42. These pumpkins look amazing.I wouldnt be able to spend that much time on them tho just to see them rot away. Its a good thing there are pictures.

  43. These look really creepy. Pumpkin carving is really cool and would be fun to do. I really like pumpkin carving.

  44. This is really cool, Ive never seen a pumpkin carved to such detail. I would never be able to do that but I wonder how long it took them.

  45. it's crazy how much detail these have for being pumpkins. It even takes kinda long to do a simple design in a pumpkin so It must have took forever to do these.

  46. It crazy how people can carve pumpkins this good. Its really amazing. Those people are gifted. I wish I could do that.

  47. I think these peeps are trying too hard. Like they will be lucky if they last a couple days. They look pretty sweet though

  48. i think this is really coola nd amzing on how they did this out of a punkin and make they shapes and sems like it would take a very long time to do

  49. it must have taken them days to carve these pumpkins.

  50. These are really so cool I think the designing and thought that goes into the is so intricate, definatly amazing

  51. This is amazing. It would be so difficult to do this because if you mess up, you have to either carve deeper or start over completely. With THAT mant details, it would be easy to mess up

  52. I really like these pumpkin carvings. They are really cool. They defiantly took a lot of time to carve out. I would give these a solid shot at doing it but I probably couldn't do it.

  53. i think this is really coola nd amzing on how they did this out of a punkin and make they shapes and sems like it would take a very long time to do

  54. Some of these pumpkins have intense detail. I love pumpkin carving. You can do things simple like a face or crazy like these. I love putting lights in them and see them light up.

  55. thats crazy that people can do that. i never even do round eyes on my pumpkis because circles are too hard to make. I wonder what kind of knives they used in this

  56. These really arent that good when you think about it. I could do much better than this. Carving pumpkins like this is a waste of good pumpkins.

  57. these pumpkin carvings definitely took a lot of time they have a lot of detail, which made the very cool.

  58. I like how they take the pumpkins and make them look real and yet creepy at the same time

  59. They look really cool, but only for a few days. Pumpkins rot really quickly, so I don't think the time and effort they take to make these justify how long they actually survive.

  60. These are creepy but there unique they would look nice for a couple of days then they would go bad. You would put all that work into a pumpkin they would last a week.

  61. I am impressed, it would take serious skill to but this kind of detail into a pumpkin. It would be cool to watch someone carve a pumpkin like this and see how it works. If I had the chance carve a pumpkin like this it would be really fun to see how it turns out.

  62. My favorites are the ones with a lot of detail. I do think it's cool when they are spooky. If I had the chance to do this, I would carve Hogwarts from Harry Potter.

  63. I think the pumpkin art is very cool. If I was any good or had the patience or precision to do this I would totally try it. My favourite one is the vampire because there's not a lot of the really orange stuff which I don't like.

  64. This art style is amazing! I love how much you can do with this art style. If I made something with this, I would definitely make Michael Jackson from thriller or something like that.

  65. These are awesome! The details on the first one is on point and precise. When I first saw it I did not realize that it was a pumpkin. The artist complete transformed it.

  66. I love how complicated it is

  67. I really like this one. It reminds me of halloween.

  68. I really like this piece of art because it looks cool, i like the designs, although i wouldn't like to do this artwork because it looks like it would take too much time to create:)

  69. It would be chanelleging so congrats to the people that have time to do this. It would definitely take some time to do this on a pumpkin. They would be pretty cool if you light them up though.

  70. This look like they would take a long time to do. They also look very difficult to make. Ido like carving pumpkins but I am not sure I would be bout to do something as complex as this!

  71. I really like that first jack o latern. It is really creative and colorful. I wish I could have one like that.

  72. these look pretty chill. I thinks it would be fun to carve into a soft plant like that. Especially since there so big. i definitely think this would be fun to try.

  73. All of these are a little creepy, which is a good thing. I feel like whoever made these did a good job because it makes me feel uneasy staring at them. I don't believe that I could do this though.

  74. I would love to do this project near halloween. I wish we would've made something like this near halloween

  75. These are really cool. Halloween is my favorite holiday because of all the pumpkins and costumes. These look really good. I always just carve a boring face on them.

  76. These pumpkins looks like a lot of fun. Looks like you need a lot of tools. But I would really like this project.

  77. I can barely carve a face in a punkin. So these are very cool. I like them.

  78. This is really impressive. I would like to try there techniques with their tools. I really like these.

  79. This is really cool how people can make this out of a pumpkin. The detail is really amazing. This must take a lot of time.

  80. i think that is really cool, the only problem is that they don't last forever because eventually they will rot, this would take a lot of time and patience to get just right, but at the same time you don't have very much time because as i said it will rot eventually

  81. Making these seem to be very very difficult. Not only on how much time they need to make them, but to get every little detail the way they want it.

  82. i think its cool how creepy they look. it looks really cool, but very challenging. i would like to tr it but i feel like i would get really frustrated.

  83. These look cool and would definitely take a lot of hard work to make. They would also be fun to carve into but honestly i'm just not feeling them.

  84. I like pumpkins because the designs are good.

  85. I think these look very cute but are kind of creepy. But they definitely look hard to make

  86. I think these are really creepy. I dont like them that much.
