Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Can lace be a sculpture?

Well can it?

When you think of lace what do you think of?  Something light, delicate and usually white.  Or at least that is what I think of.  Did you have any other thoughts about it?

Well the artist Agnes Herczag has come up with a new vision of what you can do with lace.  She uses colored thread to create images on found objects (usually sticks).  She creates incredibly detailed images by hand sewing them into the designs that she wants.

So what do you think of her art?  Do you think they are sculptures?  If not, what type of category would you put them in?  Is this something that you would like to try?  Which one is your favorite or which one is your least favorite?


  1. This is so cool! I wonder how they do this. It looks like it would take a long time.

  2. I would like to do something like this.But I would hate how long it would take.How do you start?

  3. how do you even do this. it is so creative and amazing.

  4. I adore this. The artist is showing rich heritage through something as beautiful as art.

  5. I can't imagine how much time it took for them to make just a little piece like this. I would think you would have to have a steady hand to be able to do this as well. It would be cool to know how to make these.

  6. I think they are sculptures. I think it would be really hard to create this. I think the horse is the one that looks the best.

  7. Oh my gosh! This would take skill and patience. I wouldn't be able to do this, because I have no patience.

  8. this is really cool but, they seem to be really delicate and not as strong as a stone or a metal one.

  9. These are super cool. LOoks really hard to make. I would not want to try this one.

  10. I can't imagine how long it took this person to make this. I surely couldn't make this. I think the horse looks the best out of them all.

  11. These works look like they take a lifetime of practice and a truly outstanding amount of skill to do. The way they use the strings to make it have a really awe inspiring color change is really cool. I also like they use the objects like a small stick to convey the shape of it too, rather than just having it hang there off of something.

  12. this a very cool art project. i would like to try it but i dont know if it would turn out or not. very cool ide though

  13. this is insane. I can´t even imagine how long this probably took them. they had to have loved doing this though.

  14. How can somebody do something amazing like this?! This is really amazing art

  15. this is very cool. they could be considered sculptures.i think this would be really fun to try.

  16. This is honestly so cool! I really enjoy the patterns on the people's faces. I would personally love to try this, although I'm not a very good drawer when it comes to drawing people.

  17. This is a really cool form of art. I think that it can be called a sculpture. I would love to do this but I don"t have the skill, attention span, or patience to to anything like this.

  18. these are so nice i like on how they look like faces.I can´t even imagine how long this probably took them. I think the horse is the one that looks the best.

  19. these are such good paintings and they must have taken a long time because they are full of so much detail

  20. these are such good paintings and they must have taken a long time because they are full of so much detail

  21. These are so cool and complex. Would have taken such a long time to do this and wouldve been very challenging

  22. I can't imagine how much time it took for them to make just a little piece like this. I would think you would have to have a steady hand to be able to do this as well. It would be cool to know how to make these.

  23. i don't think i have the patients and time to even learn how to do all that, i'd honestly just give up, art just isn't my thing.

  24. so much detail that is put into these art pieces , this would honestly frustrate me to the max, i really dig the detail that people added to their pieces .

  25. My first look at these confused me. I didn't really know what they were but they are awesome. That would probably be so hard to do with strings.

  26. I love her art work, and this is definitely a sculpture what else could it be? I would love to try this. My favorite is probs the indian one.

  27. I think this is really cool. I don't know where people can find the time to do this. It looks like it would take along time to do one small thing so i don't know how someone would not lose interest in making it.

  28. I absolutely love anything lace. I would love to do something like this during my life. The hard part would be trying to have the time and patience for this.

  29. Lace is such a nice thing to look at. You get to look at the past and the future at the same time...

  30. I love her art work, and this is definitely a sculpture what else could it be? I would love to try this. My favorite is probs the indian one.

  31. This is very neat and cool. The thought is very unique and different. It looks like a lot of time and effort was put into this.

  32. This is a very unique style of art. I wonder how much string it took to make those. I didnt know you could get such detail with string.

  33. I think they are sculptures. I think it would be really hard to create this. I think the horse is the one that looks the best.

  34. This Actually looks cool. I bet this took a really long time. I would hate doing this but I think it looks cool.

  35. These would take so long and be so hard I could never find the time to sit and do this but I like them and would probably buy one

  36. I realy like this. It looks so cool ecspecialy since its made of string.

  37. I don't think I would want to try it but it looks neat. I can't sew at all so doing that would be very difficult.

  38. This looks really hard to do but really awesome I like how they used different colors to go with the animals and people.

  39. I really like the last one it looks cool. The first 3 are really bad in my opinion. They look really creepy and i don't like that kind of art.

  40. This probably took a long time to do and i don't know how they were able to sit there and do this for hours,maybe even days.

  41. I wouldn't want to make one of these because it would take a long time. I like that it has lots of colors though. I think that they are kinda creepy.

  42. I think these are very cool, but i wouldn't want to make one because it is very hard and would be hard.

  43. These look impossible to make. You would have to be very skilled with string/lace to be able to make one of these. I wouldn't even know where to start since the designs aren't symmetrical or basic shaped.

  44. This is really cool you could make a lot of fun and neat things with this, but it seems like a lot of work to do in class and would take a long time. I dont think we should do it in class

  45. This art style really does give new life to dreamcatchers. There is a whole lot to do with this art style. I would definitely use this to create like a series of stories.

  46. I really like the way these are designed. I wanna know how the artist made these because they are soo amazing. The artist has done great.

  47. The sticks make these art pieces pop out

  48. These are really cool and would def look good in someones room. I don'think I could I do this well though. I do think we should try this in class.

  49. These are cool, but they are kind of weird. It must have taken lots of work to make these. They probably took a lot of time to make.

  50. That looks like a really fun project. But really hard to do. Probably takes a lot of thread and experience.

  51. these look like indian artifacts and they are cool looking. i would like to try it but i feel like it would take a long time and i would get frustrated. i wish i could get lost in art like some of these artists.

  52. I like how they have an ancient feel to them. They also really do genuinely remind me of how our ancestors kept records of things before written language existed.

  53. these are really cool. i've always wanted to try these string things. they have an old feel to them and i like that.

  54. This would look good at the end, but getting to the end would be hard. This project would take lots of time. But it would be worth it.

  55. These are really cool. I have no clue how you would do it, but these are super cool. I don't think I'd have the patience to do something like this.

  56. I don't like it. I wouldn't want to do this. Not very interesting.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.


  58. I can't imagine how much time it took for them to make just a little piece like this. I would think you would have to have a steady hand to be able to do this as well. It would be cool to know how to make these

  59. i definitely think this counts as a sculpture, I don't know if this would take a long time or a short time, it looks really hard but at the same time i don't think that you would be able to stop until you were done because it would unravel

  60. sum good native american art i really like the bear it was really cool because it is blue

  61. They are very cool, I myself wouldn't want to do this. I think they would be very challenging. And time consuming.

  62. these look very cool. I think they would also be very fun to do for a project. All though i'd probabley suck at it.

  63. These look really cool. Compared to the hands they are really small. They must have taken a long time.

  64. These are very creative and I like these. I think these would be a very nice present to give to my grandma.
