Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Leading to Adventure

So I am curious.  Does this interest you more as an artistic piece or as a literary piece?  In other words, do you admire it for being a work of art or does it make you want to curl up with a good book and lose yourself into the story?  Would you pick up this book if this was on the cover?  What do you think the story would be about?  Does it remind you of any books that you have read?


  1. it looks cool and it looks like it could be from a movie. or look like it could be from your imagination when you're reading a book i would like there.

  2. It looks as a piece of artwork that encourages reading, it functions as art and a literary piece. I like how the books form a trail. It would be an adventurous book, depending on if it sounds interesting in the back I might read it.

  3. It looks like a really cool piece of art to hang up by a bookshelf. I would be intrigued if this were on the cover of a book. I would think this story would be like a Alice in Wonderland sort of book.

  4. i really like this are piece i could never draw this but i would like to give it a try to make this art because it is nice drawing and artistic and i love the path with the books.I also like the background with the trees.

  5. I love it as an sr piece and as a literary piece. If this was on the cover of a book i would defintily look at it. I wonder why the artist chose this project.

  6. The piece is beautiful. Why did they use books? I like the color they used.

  7. I really like this piece of of work, It kind of reminds me of alice in wonderland. So if it was on a book cover I would think the book would be focused on a journey the main characters must endure.

  8. I really like this art piece, I like how the the path way is made of books. I think that is a really cool.

  9. I really like this art piece, I like how the the path way is made of books. I think that is a really cool. i like it because it books and different types

  10. Now this is really good art. I feel like this one was really time consuming. I feel like I am going into a magical world of art when I look at this one.

  11. The artist is reflecting a a image of a path made of books. Providing the viewer to image there own story. They are creating each one because each one has their own story. I really think it's a really creative painting and I like all the little details on the sides.

  12. I envy the amount of the work that went into this...I would have never had the time to do this. I would have been to nervous of messing up or forgetting something that was vital to this. Overall I would have never thought of something as brilliant as this.

  13. This is very cool. It had to have taken the artist a long time to paint something like this. It is amazing how she is able to create the depth in the picture.

  14. This is awesome!!! I like how they are using the books as stairs.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This picture is very neat. It is one of a kind very creative. I woulds not have the time and patience for this.

  17. This picture is very creepy looking. It kinda reminds me of little riding hood. It is very simple yet it tells a story.

  18. This piece of art is actually pretty cool. Even tho I don't even like book sin any way because i find them very boring. BUt they way it is set up, it is pretty cool.

  19. If this was on the cover of a book I would read it no doubt. Just because I'd want to see where the path goes too. Did someone paint or draw this, lots of detail?

  20. i thought the book pathway was a cool idea

  21. I really like how this piece using a lot of darker colors to really sell the atmosphere. A dark forest with lights and a path of books leading the way to books. The books too are really good because of course, they're leading to adventure. You can obviously tell this by the looks like Lord of the Rings.

  22. this is a very cool picture. i like how it uses books as a trail. that is cool.

  23. I love how this person was so creative. The books I think is a really good way of making stairs creative. For some reason this art work gives me a vibe of Alice and The Wonder Land.

  24. This is one of my favorites because I love reading and I love art. I feel like this would be a nice piece to hang above a reading nook with a big chair, a few oversized pillows, and dozens of books.

  25. THIS IS AMAZING! I love the path of books

  26. It looks like a really cool piece of art to hang up by a bookshelf. I would be intrigued if this were on the cover of a book. I would think this story would be like a Alice in Wonderland sort of book.

  27. this is some weird art, looks something off of alice in wonderland kind of scene.

  28. just seeing this makes me feel like i'm on drugs, but never would i try them out .
    I wonder who came up with this unique art form.

  29. I think this is really cool and it reminds me of like a cover for a childs storytale book or something.

  30. This painting says a lot about adventurers. I like the painting., color, how the books go on top of each other making nice stairs.

  31. I love this artwork so much. It has a lot of creativity put into it. The thing I love about it is the books turning into a trail.

  32. I really like how they blended the walk way with books. It would be cool to walk down that path looking at how it looks. I Wish these things were in real life.

  33. To answer your question both. It makes me want to get lost in my world in my book. Yes, and this story would probably be about something mystical. Yes because Ive read a book called 13 treasures and it looked kind of like this.

  34. I think this is really cool. I think it is pretty cool how the book turn into a path and you can't really tell that they books. I would not like to do something like this.

  35. This makes me want to read. It looks like something you would find in a library. I would consider this art, but the first thing I think of when I see this is reading.

  36. I like the way they make the books comes out. and how they do it.. He area is soo cool.

  37. I like how mysterious it can seem and from a staircase that can lead to anywhere from someone's imagination. If this is a book cover I think can be a caver any kind of book and it would depend on the title to know what kind of book it is.

  38. I feel like the books mean people can imagine anything and can follow there dreams to wherever they want. At the same time I am not as much a fan of the books due to the fact that I do not enjoy reading.

  39. i feel like this is a literary piece more than a piece of art when i look at this picture i get sleepy because i ate books

  40. its cool how they put books for steps.

  41. This is still my favorite piece on this whole blog. I want a giant poster of this hung up on my wall.

  42. This looks very interesting. It's a very beautiful piece of art. It feels like your looking at a story in one picture.

  43. I hate books because I think reading is super boring and i'm not too sure how people can sit there and read a book for hours without doing anything else but read.

  44. I don't like reading so I look at it more like art. It is more like a fairytale type story. I don't know if I would want to read this book. I like action

  45. I don't like reading so i don't really like the drawing it just doesn't interest me.

  46. like the way they make the books comes out. And how they do it. He area is so cool.

  47. I like how the books 3D

  48. I don't read much, but it looks great as an art piece (maybe for a library?). It brings a feeling like you are "lost in a book" like you're really into it and can't seem to stop.

  49. This work of art makes me want to read a book. It definitely interest me more as a literary piece. I think this would be a good book cover for story that has to do with magic.

  50. It looks cool like it is something that I would imagine from a book or something and it looks like something from a disney movie

  51. The books on the pass look really cool. It makes the forest look so big. Really cool project to do.

  52. I like how the books are steps kinda in this. They have a lot of detail too them. It would take a lot of time to do this.

  53. i like how the books ok like steps and the artist who did this is very creative.

  54. This is a really cool painting. I feel like this is a metaphor for the adventures that books can take us on. It gives me vivid memories of Alice In Wonderland.

  55. This is really good. To answer your question, I do think about reading a good book when I see this. It makes me think of a fairy tale.

  56. This is a very interesting piece of art. I like how it looks almost 3D. I wouldn't ever thought of painting something like this.

  57. I really like this art piece, I like how the the path way is made of books. I think that is a really cool.

  58. I like this, it makes me think of some kind of fairytale world made by disney or something, some kind of alice in wonderland type of thing

  59. I like how mysterious it can seem and from a staircase that can lead to anywhere from someone's imagination. If this is a book cover I think can be a caver any kind of book and it would depend on the title to know what kind of book it is.

  60. I'm not a huge fan of this but at the same time it does look creative. Like if I was a kid and a book I got had a picture like that I would think the book is probably very good.

  61. this goes along with how people say stories can lead you into a different world. i feel like this is what its trying to do
