Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Can you feel it?

If you have done any searching on this blog you will figure out that I enjoy paint that has texture to it.  Basically that means that someone applied a really heavy layer of paint to create their work of art, and this flower painting is no exception.

For me, I am in love with not only the texture but the color (blue is my tone).  I even love how they photographed it next to the fluffy white pillow.  It is such a contrast, and I just want to sit there and touch both of these items.  I am really intrigued by how they achieved the texture and the mixing of paint.  If you look at the corners towards the center and see how the color changes, but the petals feel fairly uniform in size and shape at the same time.

What do you think about this piece?  Is it too simple?  Is it something that you would like to try to do?  If so, what color would you do this piece in?  What is your color tone?  Would you pay $600 for this work of art?  (Actual price)


  1. i can really feel it. like how the objects around the painting have the same color.

  2. i like how it kind of looks like scales

  3. i feel like it would be impossible to draw that pillow. The flowers look like he didn't pick up the paint not even one time. The blue looks good with the white.

  4. i like the texture in the painting of it. the painting looks like a picture and if i were to glance at it one time i would not know it was a painting.

  5. I really like the thickness of the painting. I think it is not so detailed that we could do it, but detailed enough where it looks interesting. I would like to paint a similar flower, but make it red this time.

  6. The painting is absoultely beautiful. Blue is my favorite color so i love this piece. i wonder how they got the petals so even and if they used a tool or not.

  7. I really like this are peice. If I ever tried this piece I think I would use blue as well, or yellow so it would kinda look like the sun. I would pay 600 dollars for this art piece only if I was rich.

  8. Like how the objects around the painting have the same color.
    I like to something like this in my room.I love the color so much.

  9. No I do like this. I think the amount of spirals that show the waves from the center to the outer edges.

  10. I like this. It makes me feel calm. The pillow makes the art pop out. I like how they have all sorts of blues.

  11. I would most definitely get both the painting and the pillow/bench to put in my room. That must've taken a lot of paint and a big brush. I just want to know what the thing is in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture is.

  12. the piece of art is really amazing and it really seems to pop out of the image,even tho it really does i would not pay 600 dollars for any piece of art.

  13. This is amazing. I love how the paint is like somewhat 3D. I would like to try this some time.

  14. i think this a cool project. i dont think its to easy tho. i wouldnt mind doing this project.

  15. This looks sort of simple but I don't think I could do. So it actually is way harder than it looks.

  16. THis project is actually pretty cool to look at. I think it would be very hard to make is look 3D tho

  17. This art work is amazing. It looks 3D, the white pillow makes the painting stick out more. The strokes of the painting and how they stick out is so cool.

  18. It is very impressive how they raised or used more paint to create the image of the flower. I would not pay 600 dollars for it but is definitely really cool. Very cool concept and how they did it.

  19. I really like the thickness of the painting. I think it is not so detailed that we could do it, but detailed enough where it looks interesting. I would like to paint a similar flower, but make it red this time.

  20. I like how the art piece looks like the side of a fish there they have scales and that's what the art looks like

  21. imagine this in 3d, this would look pretty neat , if it wasn't blue, blue sucks man.

  22. I can feel it. I like how it gives a feeling just from looking at it and all of it was art

  23. I think this is really cool. I think it really cool how they can get the texture. I think this is pretty fun, and how'd like to do something like that

  24. This looks sort of simple but I don't think I could do. So it actually is way harder than it looks.

  25. I would like to try to do it but I would so fail. I would do it in the dark maroon/red you have in your room.

  26. I like that the painter made the color lighten the farther out it goes like a real flower. I also like that the petals gets larger as it goes and how something be so unrealistic can show that its a flower anyway.

  27. I think the added texture of the thick paint to the light paint is a great way to show the picture of the painting. Starting with the lighter color and going to darker was also a great choice.

  28. The thick paint is awesome. Finger painting is cool. It is simple because it eliminates so many steps.

  29. The different shades of blue on this piece of art is incredible. I wish i was as good as the pros. I wonder how they got it to swirl like that. It is still pretty awesome though.

  30. I really love this piece because it is a very simple idea, bit it probably took HOURS because the artist would have to let each layer dry before adding the next. If the artist made one layer too light or too dark, so the colors jumped from shade to shade instead of fading, they would have to let it dry and paint over it or completely start over.

  31. This is very pretty. I would love to have something like this in my house. This is very neat.

  32. This looks cool and like something that could hang in almost any house. It's something that I may be able to make. We should try a small version in class sometime.

  33. i cant tell what this is. I think it could be a flower but it could be something else. It looks super cool though, it also looks like it took awhile to do.

  34. This is very nice , and it will look good as a house decor painting .

  35. I think it would be easy to do on your own because it sort of looks like fingerpainting. They just used a lot of paint. They probably take a long time to do so all the layers could dry.

  36. this is a very cool because it has a lot of texture and you don't see that very often, which make it cool. but it probaly very hard.

  37. It's not too simple, but it's not over the top. It has a good amount of color while also bringing in texture. Would be a great piece for a modern house that incorporates a lot of cool white instead of colors or warm white.

  38. I really like this painting. It's simple yet bold at the same time, and I think multiple layers of the flower make it even better. It would be really fun to try something like this in class. I think that the color blue goes well with the flower, but the colors purple or yellows and oranges would be nice as well.

  39. I really love how simple the piece is. I would love to try something like this. I would do my piece in purple because that's my tone, and it would match my room. I don't think I would pay 600 for it, but I might pay 300.

  40. i really like this one. i just love the texture of it and the color change of also.i expecely love the fluffy white pillow it really has a nice contrast to it. this piece is just wonderful.

  41. I really really like this painting. Especially that it shows the texture. Also it gives an ombre of the blue color, This definitely would be interesting to try!

  42. I just love this painting! I love the texture and shades of blue. I wanna know how the artist made this, I would try this for sure. This is definitely something I would buy.

  43. You can see the texture on this painting. It looks as if the artist used their fingers. I really like the colors and texture.

  44. This is beautiful, love the texture

  45. This ary work looks very cool and pretty i like the tone of blue and the texture it has, i also like how it looks bright and clean:)

  46. This is so pretty. I've seen so much art work like this it must be pretty popular i definitely want to try this. Im sure it would take some time.

  47. This painting looks very soft and feathery. I love how they had a very steady transition from white to blue.

  48. I love it when an artist makes their paintings textured. It's so cool to watch them do it, too. I personally don't like leaving paint clumped on MY paintings, but it's cool when others do it.

  49. THis painting is basic but its ok because it has its own look. It looks like parts of the painting are bulging out.

  50. i feel like it would be impossible to draw that pillow. The flowers look like he didn't pick up the paint not even one time. The blue looks good with the white.

  51. i wonder how they got the texture like that, wouldn't it drip if it was that heavy layer of paint, just kind of settle and flatten out against the rest of the work

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This looks really cool. It kind of reminds me of our pallet knife project.I would like to try this. I think the big canvas would be a lot of fun

  54. I don't like this at all really. I can't really explain why I just don't like the vibe it gives.

  55. it looks really simple but i like how it has a 3d effect

  56. These look fun and simple. it seems lie a fun little project to do.

  57. I think it's really cool that they can make the paint pop out like that because you can actually feel the texture of the painting. I feel like it would be kinda hard because you would have to use a lot of paint in the right areas.
