Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Doing a Double Take

An artist is supposed to find ways to make the viewer think about the world in a different way.  Sometimes that can be simple and sometimes that can be very tricky or at least tricky on the eye.  I am in love with visual images that create optical illusions.  It's not hard to find these images on the internet because so many people are playing and working with Photoshop now days.  Here are a few really good ones that I found.

So what do you think of these images?  Do you have a favorite one?  Or would you have done something different with one of the images to make it better?  Can you think of a really cool photo combination that you would like to try?


  1. I like how it is different from what I seen. I like how she made something so ordinary to something that stands out.I like that we something we see every day andshe made it different.

  2. I think it is cool. It messes with your mind a little bit. I think people will enjoy this. It is pretty interesting and awesome.

  3. I love how they use a person than cut him or her in half and make a design out of it, it looks cool, I wish i could do something like this. then the girl in trees is really cool because it blends together as an piece of artwork.

  4. These art pieces look very cool and weird. I wonder how they made these pieces. They are amazing and I like what they did.

  5. I like these because they transfer from one thing to the other so smoothly. They also aren't noticeable but at the same time they are. I like how all them are very unique.

  6. I think these pictures are incredibly insane and very illusional and my favorite one is probably the little girls and the hula hoops. I would probably try the girl in the woods and maybe the hula hoop one.

  7. I really like the painting where she put lines in between the lady. I think that one is really cool and is very interesting. I would like to draw the half mountain and the half city.

  8. The art is amazing, and very creative. I like how the mountain is reflected as a city on the bottom part of the page. I would like to try some of these.

  9. I really like the skyscraper/ mountain one because they were able to make two opposite things look alike and make you do a double take.

  10. The mountain drawing at the top looks good with the city on the bottom. The faded person most of taken him at least a whole week to paint.

  11. i like the one with the girl and the trees. I enjoy how she kinda fade into the trees. I also appreciate how much details are in the painting.

  12. i like these painting a lot they look so realistic. it looks like i can just go right into it. if i could go into one of these painting i would go into first on because it would be fun to live in a city but if i wanted to i could go to the mountains.

  13. I like the effects of them. They play with your mind and i love it.I wonder why he chose those scenes in the end.

  14. I really like this one. I like the optical illusion in this. I like the one with the girl in the trees. Looks like it took a lot of time and talent.

  15. I think it is cool. Looks like it took a lot of time and talent.I like how they play with my mind but it comes together in the end.

  16. i like it how you can see two different things

  17. I think it is cool. Looks like it took a lot of time and talent.I like how they play with my mind but it comes together in the end. i like how it also is really creative

  18. Art like this is deep. I'd like to focus on the last one. The simple blue to me is showing that we all see the word in black & white, expect for a select few that see the word for what it really is.

  19. These are very cool. It gives you different ways to look at the pictures. My favorite is the top one with the mountains and the city.

  20. These are very cool. They have talent. My favorite one is the guys face that is in pixels and its disappearing.

  21. this is very cool. its trippy as heck. wish i could do that

  22. I always like the really cool 'photoshop' works of art. It also reminds me of a type of art where they use parts of real environments to make stuff that looks unreal. Like a waterfall going upwards or mountains in crazy shapes that look real.

  23. These art pieces look very cool and weird. I wonder how they made these pieces. They are amazing and I like what they did.

  24. i love this!! however im not talented enough to do this! very very cool tho.

  25. This kinda brought me back to elementary school when a helicopter took a picture of us spelling out TV. It just looks cool.

  26. All of these pictures especially te girl on the wall one loooks really amazing.

  27. The second picture with the girl and the trees really caught my eye. I love how they faded the girl into the trees. Super cool and trippy!!

  28. I really like both the city/mountains and the guy with half his body as a forest. My least favorite is probably the last one. They are all pretty impressive.

  29. really like the painting where she put lines in between the lady. I think that one is really cool and is very interesting. I would like to draw the half mountain and the half city.

  30. i really dig this one , i don't why but this stuff looks trippy as heck , man.
    I wouldn't really mind learning this art form right here .

  31. I rally like these paintings I like how the mountains and the city are together making it a nice painting. The colors are really nice.

  32. I think this is really cool. I like how they have one thing then it goes into a different. I think it would be fun to try.

  33. These art pieces look very cool and weird. I wonder how they made these pieces. They are amazing and I like what they did.

  34. I like that each painting has a different perspective in there own way. like the one with the dude with the trees. It kinda looks he can be vibrate into thin air and then look closer you can see that part is made out of trees.

  35. Its pretty sweet that there is two things going on in one picture. It made me look twice to see what was going on. Its neat because it has contrast.

  36. i think its cool how they blended the person in with the background.

  37. I really like the one with the girl that looks like she is being spitted.

  38. think these are all very cool. I like how each one can be interpreted as symbolic or as the artist simply playing around. My 2 favorites are the woman with the pink dress and the children with the hula hoops. I noticed that part of the woman's face is missing, like she is trying to hide from someone or something.

  39. This is messing with my head because they all are huge illusions. If i stare at these for too long i'll get a huge headache. But they look cool and look like they were hard to make.

  40. this shits so trippy, it gives a whole new perspective on stuff. i really like the hula hoop one.

  41. I liked the guy and how it looks like his face is blurred out and it's a treeline. I think it would be hard to pick two things that would mix smoothly. However, once you have them going, it would be easy.

  42. these painting are really cool. i like how the black fades into the rest of the picture.

  43. I like the second one down just because it looks pretty cool,
    I like how it fades and completely turns into another picture!

  44. These are definitely geared towards the person who likes modern looking things and would fit great in a modern house. They look complicated, but they aren't so complicated that you don't even know what to look at first.

  45. I think these images are really interesting and very creative. My favorite would either be the girl and the forest or the man and the trees. I like the idea of pairing trees or a forest with something. I just think it looks cool.

  46. I like the picture in the forest because it looks like someone put a lot of time into doing it. I dont think these should be a project in class because it would take to much time. Plus it looks like a lot of work and skill is needed.

  47. I've always enjoyed tricks of the eye like these. I especially like the one with the birch trees and the woman within them.

  48. I wish I would see more pieces like this. I really want to try something like these. My favorite would have to be the girl with the woods. I just love the colors on the bottom of the piece.

  49. This would make for a very cool art project. I like how it forces the viewers to be attentive to what is going on in the picture. I see a lot of potential for this art style if it is put into the right artist's hands

  50. I just love the one in the forest.I would like to be able to make one like that. The art is just amazing.Although I looks tough, with time and skill, in the end it would be really worth it.

  51. This reminds me of Thomas Barbey but with color. Except with color. The mountain one is really cool, for a second I hard to look at it to realize what is really was. The illusion on it was good.

  52. This is really interesting and catches my eye

  53. My favorite one of these is the girl coming out of the wall. These are really cool and I like how she mixes human life with nature. These are really interesting.

  54. I love the creativity in these pictures. my favorite one is the girl with the white shirt in the forest. I love how it is something unexpected.

  55. these are really cool and creative. i would like to try this, but i would probably get really frustrated by it.

  56. I really like the one with the girl and the trees/forest ground. They all look really good. I love this style. We should do something like this.

  57. This isn't a normal painting its different because its not how you would normally. you make everyday thing look abstract.

  58. I like these because they transfer from one thing to the other so smoothly. They also aren't noticeable but at the same time they are. I like how all them are very unique.

  59. I really like these, yet I wonder how they did it. They all have 2 central pictures that come together so perfectly. They are all very interesting pieces of art.

  60. these are really trippy, to get something to work that well together yet have nothing to do with each other would take a really long time, going through every detail to make sure nothing unwanted is left behind.

  61. I don't like all of these. However like two them do stand out and I think are very cool. Some of them like the first are very interesting and cool.

  62. the name fits perfectly with it. you look at it and then you have to look again and there something hidden inside

  63. I really like these. I like the one with the girl fading into the birch trees.
