Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Working simple

Sometimes we try to do the most intricate and fanciest thing we can come up with, but sometimes it is better to just do something simple and master it.

I know what you are thinking, these are just bananas, what is so special about them?  And why the subject matter is simple, I really want you to stop and look at the coloring.  Do you see all of the colors that were used to create the different tints and shades?  Do you see the brush strokes?  What colors were used in the shadow?  Do you think that this takes talent or can anyone do this?  Could you sit down and paint a picture just like this?  If you are not thrilled with the bananas then what simple subject would you paint?


  1. I like the coloring of the bananas it looks so amazing and hard to color.

  2. I like the painting because it is very simple. It is simple but looks like it would be very difficult to get all of the detail the the artist did. It is very detailed and realistic.

  3. I like how it looks simple at the first glance, but if you look at it carefully you can see all the different colors. The simplicity of the painting is really cool. I like how the artist used different brush strokes to make details in the banana.

  4. I really like this banana. It has food detail, and it is really simple. It's a really good painting.

  5. i like the banana it is really cool how they painted that and now that is making me hungry

  6. This painting makes me hungry the bananas stand our so good and just makes you feel hungry. the color in this picture shows well

  7. the painting is amazing and there are more colors than you think at first, there are all sorts of shades. i do not think anyone could do this but i'm sure it can't be that hard.

  8. It's cool how the artist made a very simple drawing stand out. It looks very cool and interesting. The colors stand out and look amazing.

  9. This is very interesting and cool. I like how they take something so ordinary and make it into a beautiful piece of art. Very nice how it's not sharply detailed but has shadowing.

  10. It is beautiful painting of banana's

  11. this gives me a good vibe. It looks like i wanna eat the banana. They look hazy and fuzzy.

  12. this one wasn't that great of a painting because all it is are bananas and anyone can make that. i mean maybe not like that but bananas are so boring. i did like there shadow and there shading.

  13. Bananas are an intersting choice of fruit. I wonder why they didnt pick something else. I also wonder why this is what he wnet with

  14. I definitely like this piece, I can't paint that good, but it's not my favorite piece of art either.This is very interesting and cool.I would hate to paint it.

  15. I dislike this painting. I don't like how you can see the brush strokes. I never liked this style of painting.

  16. Overall it's most then just a bunch of bananas. Okay let me explain...yes, they are bananas, but I'm talking about the amount of work that went into it the artist might not even see them anymore and might just see the hours of time he put in with the shading and colouring.

  17. the shading and coloring is just so good and cool.

  18. The shading and the colors that are in the banana. It shows the casual color in the banana.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. he painting is amazing and there are more colors than you think at first, there are all sorts of shades. i do not think anyone could do this but i'm sure it can't be that hard.

  21. This is a really simple painting, but it definitely doesn't make it bad. The way they used the shapes, and the colors where almost perfect. The texture also is really like, seeing the rough canvas.

  22. i hate bananas but i like how it looks like the way you can see the shade and the shading is very good

  23. The picture of this and the shading with it all together is pretty good. Plus bananas are really good too

  24. I like how it looks simple at the first glance, but if you look at it carefully you can see all the different colors. The simplicity of the painting is really cool. I like how the artist used different brush strokes to make details in the banana.

  25. I like the simplicity of this and how it looks easy but it would actually be hard to draw. Just a great painting overall.

  26. I like this painting because it's a banana I like bananas they are heathy but it's awhile done painting

  27. I really love how simple it looks at first, but when you really look at it, you can see all the different colors that were used to create a simple bunch of bananas. Even the shadowing had many details.

  28. I think that even though it is such a simple subject it is still a complex painting. The shading and color changes in the painting would be hard to paint. I could easily see this hanging in someones house.

  29. This looks nice I like it how the bananas look rough And how it has a nice green to the yellow.

  30. Even if it is just a simple picture, it has great detail in color and texture. The banana had a nice mixture of yellow while still having the green tint. I personally like doing simple things that I can see and replicate.

  31. I personally like this. It has so many colors that are mixed. Even the way they shaded it, it looks really good.

  32. These bananas are cool. Mostly because i like how it is looks pickelsated look.

  33. I don't like bananas, so I would probably do grapes. I do love how you can see the brush strokes. The different colors in the shade are really cool. I love when you can tell what colors they used.

  34. I like the painting because it is very simple. It is simple but looks like it would be very difficult to get all of the detail the the artist did. It is very detailed and realistic.

  35. This piece of art is very simple, yet has so many details in it. If I were to change this or if I were to do this I wouldn't make it as dull. I would like to see more of the bright yellow of a banana.

  36. It's simple yet complicated at the same time,they took something that is super simple and put so much detail into it that it is now really complicated, I definitely could not do that because that would be way to realistic for me to be able to do well

  37. I like the simplicite look it has but at the same time you know its complicated. I don't like the picture its self but if something less boring would be painted i could find it a little more interesting.

  38. The Painting looks really simple but if you look deeper into design it looks hard.
