Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Lace and Metal?

Okay those are two things that I know you would have never put together, but then again you are not Canadian artist Cal Lane.  Cal is a world renowned sculpture artist that takes sold, cold, manly objects and cuts them into delicate and intricate lace patterns and designs.  She gives a feminine touch to some very masculine objects that I think is very beautiful, but I would love to hear your thoughts after you check out a few of her works.

So what are your thoughts?  Would you love to have one of her massive pieces in your house?  Obviously I don't think the shovel would do you much good as it is intended anymore, but would you hang it on your wall?  Can you think of an object that she should use for her next work of art?  If you could do this what would you use?


  1. the art was really cool i feel like i probably would never purchase a piece of art like that but they would be cool in a garden or a house just to admire the incatricy of the art.

  2. I am very curious how this masterpiece was made. There is so much detail and designs in these objects. I don't think I would put any of these in my house just because of how big some of them seem to be.

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  4. i am very suprised how this weelbarrow structure turned out i like it.

  5. I really like these pieces of art. That would be really hard to do, especially making it out of metal. It would be really hard to form those objects.

  6. i really like the car it looks really nice and cool i would like to skirt around in the that

  7. I really like how they made real stuff laced its really cool

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  9. I really like how they thought to do this. I would've never thought to make lace art out of metal. I would love to hang one of those shovels in my house as a decoration.

  10. I love this. It is so creative and unique. I wish I had the tools and time to try and do this myself. I think it wold be fun to try.

  11. this is so creative and cool this looks like it took a really long time. You have to be really dedicated to take the time to make this.

  12. This is really cool and really creative. I think it's cool that they can make that stuff out of that metal and it still have the original figure just with a design cut out. This is something I would have never thought of

  13. I think this is really awesome. I wish i could think of something like this. The different shapes in each artwork make each one unique. I like it alot. I wish i could do that.

  14. These pieces are so beautiful and creative. Love how they take everyday objects and create an amazing piece. Very unique and pretty.

  15. I think this art piece is very cool. It's interesting how she does these art pieces. It would be cool to have one of her art pieces.

  16. I think it is really cool. we should do it in art. how long did it take her to make it?

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  18. I think metal art is cool. It is unique because it is somewhat new. It takes time but in the end it is worth the effort.

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  20. I like that she used metal and welding in her work. I like the details she puts in her work. I don't really like it, but I think people have to appreciate that style to like it in the first place.

  21. I am very curious how they made that car out of metal that would be hard to do i dont think i could do it but i would give it a try.

  22. I love these! They are super cute. Looks like it would take a long time and a lot of talent to do this. I would like to try this.

  23. how would you even do something like this?

  24. Art can be many things and this is just a couple pieces that prove that. They are using most things that people just look at in everyday life and turning it into something that is beautiful.

  25. I think that these are super cute. I wouldn't want to try to make one though. I think the car one is my favorite.

  26. how in the world did they make that car. That must of took a lot of talent and patience.

  27. That would be very difficult, how would you do something like that. Those would be four very cool objects to have. They look very expensive but not very useful.

  28. the art was really cool i feel like i probably would never purchase a piece of art like that but they would be cool in a garden or a house just to admire the incatricy of the art.

  29. I really wonder what types of tools they use to do these. Either way they come out really cool and something like the car is a really big piece that you can show off somewhere for a lot of people to see. I'm sure these take tons of time and I really like these.

  30. I really love working on cars so Not only does it look awesome art wise I can appreciate like a mechanic.

  31. I like the car one on here the most ebcause i think that is loks amazng on the car and if it was actually on the car all the way around. it would look really amazing

  32. I can honestly say WOW! This had to have taken a long time to do. I feel like some of these pieces are antique looking which I absolutely love!

  33. I really wondered how she created these. I wondered how much metal and time these took.

  34. I am very curious how this masterpiece was made. There is so much detail and designs in these objects. I don't think I would put any of these in my house just because of how big some of them seem to be.

  35. You really have to commit to this. This look like it took forever to do. If I was the one who did it I would quit half way through

  36. I love metal art. It is awesome because it is way different than painting. Its cool because of all the stuff it takes to get it to the final product.

  37. I am no that much of a fan of art that is metal like this. The art is very good and well made but is just not my type of art. I really would like to see this artist do something other than with metal.

  38. The thought of even trying this is mid blowing because it prolly takes tons of talent and time to do.

  39. I think this is honestly amazing and would take a VERy long time to do, especially the car. The shovel and the wheelbarrow look like decorative pieces to put in a garden or to decorate a shed with. Doing this on an old monster truck would make absolutely no sense but it would look really really cool.

  40. These are really cool. It is amazing that they are able to make these without breaking pieces or ruining them. I think there are some people that would pay some big money for these.

  41. I have tried to make one of these in AG and I know they're very complicated. It takes a lot of time and patience. If you try and rush it you risk breaking pieces or cutting too much. Its really pretty though.

  42. these are really cool. i like how the design looks really cool.

  43. this is so creative and cool this looks like it took a really long time. You have to be really dedicated to take the time to make this.

  44. This art style would be great in a steam punk setting. It would take a lot of work and may be to expensive for most.

  45. So creative. How would you even be able to do that with metal? The styles are very cool.

  46. These look cool but very hard to do. It looks more like a ag project and would look cool as a yard ornament. We probably couldn't do this in class.

  47. I love the designs in these everyday items. I like how it's always a different pattern. My favorite one is the wheel barrel. It is a beautiful piece of work.

  48. These are really pretty and creative. I feel like it would be really hard to make delicate designs like these into metal. The designs are cool.

  49. I think someone that was a more traditional farmer would like these. They would probably fit well in a cabin style house or on the front step of a farmhouse

  50. I don't have enough patience to do something like this. I don't know how people can do so much. From designing to actually doing it, I don't think I could do it.

  51. These look really cool and like they take a lot of time and dedication. It would look really nice to have one around your house. It would be really cool if she did something big like a grain bin.

  52. I really like these pieces of art. That would be really hard to do, especially making it out of metal. It would be really hard to form those objects.

  53. I am impressed how much detail is in these everyday objects. I can only image how fragile they are. They really bring old theses a new purpose. They are all very pretty.

  54. I really like the VW Bug, they made it look really cool, especially since it is the classic model not the ugly new models. The amount of time that would take to do the whole car, what would be even cooler is if it still ran.

  55. If you did this good it would look great like the examples. This would take a lot of time but it would turn out good.

  56. I think these look very cool. I love old things.
