Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome back!

I hope you have had a fun and relaxing summer and are ready for some fun and learning!  I have had a very full summer with travel, food, family and friends.  We spent time learning to kneeboard on the lake and running to baseball games.

Hopefully you didn't forget who you are or why you are here!  Like any class, this will be as fun as you make it.  I love the projects that I have planned for you, but if you dread them then this will be a very long year for you.  

So all I ask is that you come in everyday with a positive attitude.  Even if that means you have to walk out the door and try again.

I am curious what you are looking forward to as you start a new year?  Are you looking forward to this class or one of your other ones?  What are you hoping to try?  What do you feel will be the highlight of your school year?


  1. This is so true. I have attitude and I know it doesn't get me anywhere when I have attitude towards someone. That's why I try to stay positive and try to stay calm towards someone.

  2. I like this saying because it is so true. having an attitude does not get you very far so you should change it. It really makes sense.

  3. this is so true. life is short so don't have attitude

  4. i hate flat tires

  5. i hate flat tires like i hate bad attitudes

  6. I really like this quote because it is all 100% true. You cannot go anywhere in life with a bad attitude. It is a good reminder to you that you need to make sure that your attitude is good so you can have a good and productive day.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I really like this quote because it is all 100% true. You cannot go anywhere in life with a bad attitude. It is a good reminder to you that you need to make sure that your attitude is good so you can have a good and productive day.

  9. I agree with this quote a lot. You can't accomplish anything new in life if you always have a negative mindset. If you are positive, things will come easier for you.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i like this art it is words describing things. The colors on the painting shows how the person feels when you make this kind of art. How the words are written shows it to

  12. I am looking forward to a new start and a new year. I am definitely looking forward to art and this subject. I am hoping to try drawing and little sketches I can show my mom at home. The highlight of my year will be seeing my friends during softball.

  13. I really like this quote because it true. If you have a bad attitude towards something you ain't going to be able to get in done. You need to change your attitude and you will go farther in life.

  14. this is a very good statement. This could be useful to change someone's attitude. This could also be useful to change people in our grade

  15. That's true, people with attitude drive me crazy. I don't see people with bad attitude going anywhere.You also wont have a good day with bad attitude, good attitude good day.

  16. I understand this, but at the same time attitude is affected by many things and in some places and scenarios it is appropriate to have a good or bad attitude.

  17. I can totally understand this. From my perspective I have alot of attitude when i want to have it.

  18. I think this is a great quote.

  19. Actually very inspirational. I really like how people make these and relate them to something way different and make it send a powerful message.

  20. I think the second quote is a matter of an opinion. A tire can be considered flat if it is below the number suggested. But normally, yes a flat won't get you far

  21. These quotes re very true because, eith a bad attitude. You won't really get anywhere will life that will go on later down the road basiclly

  22. I really like this quote because it is all 100% true. You cannot go anywhere in life with a bad attitude. It is a good reminder to you that you need to make sure that your attitude is good so you can have a good and productive day.

  23. At the start of the year, I was hoping to do a lot of drawing projects. I want to get better at drawing. I hate painting and hope we little to no painting projects. Sculpting, I am not sure about. I would rather not sculpt, but if I have to, I will do it with a positive mood.

  24. These are very true. They are a very good reminder for everyone. They are evry helpful.

  25. Haha, this is funny because my mom just said something similar to this to me last night. Although i may not agree with what she said it makes sense.

  26. These quotes are really funny and 99.99999% true.
