Friday, December 9, 2016

This is not a Photograph!

So have you ever been flipping through things on the internet and you come across an image that you just assume is a photograph and as you scroll down you see that it is actually a painting.  Well that just happened to me.  So I just had to share it with you.

I am always amazed by hyper-realistic art.  I think I have plenty of patience when it comes to creating art, but these people seem to have unreal amounts of patience and dedication to create these life like works that look like they could just walk off the page.   But I will let you decide what you think of this artist.  Unfortunately I can't find her name.

Any thoughts?  What do you think of it?  Who would you draw or paint if you had this talent?  Or do you think she could do better?


  1. This is so realistic I cant believe it. I wold not be able to do this. I wonder how long this took to make this. I'm guessing this took a long time to do this.

  2. These pictures are very realistic and very cool. I would not be able to draw this it looks really hard to draw. I hope we don't do this in class sometime.

  3. This is so realistic. I, personally, am not good at drawing people. I thought it was a photo.

  4. I think this looks so realistic. If this didn't show the steps of this artist making it I don't think I would believe it wasn't a picture. If I was able to do something like this I would paint portraits of important figures in society, I don't know who exactly though.

  5. I showed this to my mom when I first saw it, and she didn't believe the "this is not a photograph" caption! The way the hair is so thin looks incredibly hard to do. And it looks like she shaded each individual pore and wrinkle.

  6. This is so realistic. This reminds me of when I saw Morgan Freeman finger painted on an Ipad. That took them a very long to to finger paint Morgan Freeman, so I would imagine that it took a long time to make this piece of art.

  7. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that this isn't a photograph. It's so realistic. This must've taken forever to make this. This is incredible.

  8. This is so cool! I couldn't believe it wasn't a photo. I couldn't do that if i tried, which I have tried drawing realistically. It didn't look as good as this.

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  10. It takes some true talent to do that. You would have to have some true patience to be able to get a man to look like like a photograph. Plus you also need to be able to get the extra hints that each photograph carries.

  11. I think this is a truly amazing piece. The person who made this must have had a lot of patients, because I know I would never be patients enough to draw this.

  12. This kind of talent is completely insane. I admire and envy anyone with this level of ability. I can't imagine how much practice and time something like this would take.

  13. Doing this would have to take a lot of time, especially since it looks so real. The way the hair looks, it would be hard unless you layered the paint to make it look thin.

  14. This is extreme Mrs. DeWitt! Nothing I couldn't do but It' still pretty tight. This is almost as good as my portrait I did. All by my self.

  15. This is really cool. I would never be able to do anything like it. If I could, I would want to draw my family and friends. I would take a lot of patience, but I would like to try.

  16. This is stunning, this is such a great talent of a drawing of the actor who play Magneto in the X-Men. At first glance this looked like a picture and not a drawing.

  17. I cannot believe Gandalf shaved, and even got a haircut. Did he give up wizardry? Why would he do that? It's pretty cool that that isn't a photo though. OMG! I still can't believe he shaved.

  18. i cant imagine the time that was put into this painting. the detail is unbelievable and stunning. this person must have a lot of patience to sit and imagine the detail into one persons face.

  19. This is truly amazing how someone can make a picture so realistic. The end results literally looks like someone took a picture of him. This looks really time consuming and hard to do.

  20. WOW. this is so precise and amazing. i dont think i couuld do this even if i tried. it takes a really good artist to do this

  21. This is crazy realistic!! I can't imagine the time put into this peice of art. I would love to be able to make something so real that you cant tell that it's not real. This artist has a way with his work.

  22. I like how detailed the picture is! Whoever painted this had to put in lots of work and detail. I would take forever to make something like this.

  23. wow that really photo perfect. This could only be done by someone with incredible talent. I wonder if drawings like this will be even more realistic than reality in the future.

  24. i love this picture but not picture, when i first saw it i didnt know it was a painting and it really shocked me when it wasnt. i think the eyes really make the pictue

  25. This is crazy to think on how they created this. I don't think that I could even draw anything close to this, because there is so much detail that I would soon give up from waiting too long.

  26. I think this is really good but i could never do this. This is made out of paint?? this is so amazing

  27. This is crazy! It's amazing how someone could be this talented. I can't imagine how much time and practice it would take to be this good.

  28. This girl should not be riding a cow. They are very dangerous and tasty creatures. But other than that It's a pretty tight illastartion! Yeh, Dat Way

  29. Wow this is so amazing. I actually thought it was a photo at first. Like this person has true talents, and amazing skills!

  30. I looked at this photo and thought it was an actual person in a picture. This is absolutely amazing how life like this is... I wish I could present something so realistic. Amazing!

  31. i thought that it was cool and at first i thought it was actually a picture and the label was lying. but as you keep looking at the drawing you notice that its just a regular but fantastic drawing its amazing what some people can do...

  32. The techniques and ability to do this is surreal. I wake up every morning hoping to be this good someday!! it would be lovely!

  33. This is so nice like i would buy it. Its amazing artwork i guess . it looks very nice.

  34. I mean yeah this is pre nice. I'm not a huge art fan, but this is an exception. I wouldn't be able to sit down and have the time to make something this precise...

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  36. Really cool how this girl can do this. That she has the patience to do this. All the texture that she but in it. You would never think this is a drawing, if they didn't tell you.

  37. This is crazy how people can make these paintings of people look so real. It is basicly a picture taken of the actor more than a painting. It must have taken so much time to finish that -Vincent M

  38. I can't believe that is actually a painting. The amount of detail that the artist put into it is amazing. I have a lot of respect for anyone who has the patience and the ability to create something like this. -Logan C.

  39. It is incredible how people can do this. This takes a lot of time and work put into this art piece. This artist is very talented. -Gavin S

  40. I think that this is some very great art made by the artist. It was unbelievable to believe that this is a painting and not a picture. It was unbelievable to think of the time and patience used to make this artwork.

  41. WOW this is just Amazing how can an artist do this. I wish I could do that, it will be so much fun to do that. I wonder how much time it took the artist. It is amazing what we can do if we practice. -Mikhail S

  42. I can't believe that this picture she drew is so realistic! I know I would never be able to do that like she did. But if she does another one, hopefully it's someone I know

  43. She is very good at painting. it takes a lot of work to paint a person that looks so realistic. Great job.

  44. I think this is cool because it pops out like its right in front of you. This takes talent and a really good artist to do it and you have to have a lot of focus. That looks like it would take forever to do.

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  46. I think that she is a really good artist i wish i could paint like that but i just don't think i have the patience or the skills to do that.

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  49. I really like how she painted this. I like how it looks like an actual person. the only bad thing is that the eyebrows don't look alike.

  50. It looks so life like, WoW!

  51. I really like this painting it looks realistic and is very good i could never paint this.

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  53. This is honestly so amazing. It blew my mind when I first seen it because I thought it was a real life picture that someone had taken, but then I found out that it was a painting. I can't imagine how much time consuming this was.

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  55. This painting looks really cool. It looks very realistic until you see the painting in process. It is amazing that it looks so realistic.

  56. This art is so amazing and realistic i truly love this painting.

  57. This is really cool from first look it looked like it was just a picture not a painting

  58. I think this is really cool. It does not look like a painting at all. I wish I had painting skills like that.

  59. This painting is very amazing and mind-blowing. To know this is a painting is insane, it's a very detailed piece. You can see how much time and dedication this took, very nice.

  60. I think this is really cool to look at and be able to say its not a photo someone painted this which is amazing i could never do that.

  61. I think this piece is amazing and so realistic. I would draw/paint Alan Rickman IF I could draw like this. f she could do better than this I want to meet her!

  62. I think this piece is amazing and so realistic. I would draw/paint Alan Rickman IF I could draw like this. f she could do better than this I want to meet her!

  63. I love this one. It looks so real. It's crazy! Must've took forever to do.

  64. how do you make it look so realistic

  65. It is absolutely amazing that she is able to do this. There is now way I would ever be able to paint something like this with such detail. I think I would say she nailed it.

  66. This paintings is super good. Its realist, if it did not show that its a paintings I would have said it's a photo. It would be cool if she drew me like that.

  67. This painting is so cool. It's peaceful and weird at the same time. I like how they used so many colors for his face.

  68. I wish I could paint like that, I'm terrible at painting. This painting has so much detail and is crazy to think that she painted this and it's not just a picture. If this artist can do that why doesn't she paint/draw a famous person, someone that everyone knows.

  69. i think that these are very cool. i could never do this but if i could i would paint them because i like painting

  70. Even though you can faintly tell this is a painting, it really adds to the piece because it has a lot of brighter colors making the painting more appealing. I'm sure painting something like this takes years and years of practice, and I hope someday I'd be able to do something half as good as this. But I don't think just painting something realistically is cooler then a really cool stylized piece, but you can definitely tell it takes a lot of time and skill.

  71. this is very cool and must have taken for ever I could never do this but if i could i would paint cauy

  72. i can't believe this is actually a painting. It looks like a photograph of this guy. Wouldve taken forever to do that.

  73. Really cool how this girl can do this. That she has the patience to do this. All the texture that she but in it. You would never think this is a drawing, if they didn't tell you.

  74. This painting is so nice it actually doesn't even look like a painting the painter did a really great job

  75. I'm honestly better than this guy , he's wack , his painting is wack , his style wack , his swag wack.

  76. very cool how this person has so much time to do this i could never do this.

  77. I like this painting because it is so good and it looks so real.The mans face pops out of the painting.

  78. This painting has crazy detail, and looks extremely realistic. I almost thought it was just a printed picture. This artist is very talented.

  79. She is very good at painting. it takes a lot of work to paint a person that looks so realistic.

  80. This is absolutely amazing but i would become a high school dropout if Mrs. Dewitt made me try this. I am very happy for the people who are able to create hyper realistic art but I cannot so I will just sit here and be happy for those people

  81. The dude that had made this is very artistic and i could never do something like this. This is amazing

  82. This is very cool , I like that it looks very realistic.

  83. This is crazy! I don't like drawing realistic people. I like cartoons or like caricature more. She put so much detail into his wrinkles and every spot on his face. It's amazing.

  84. this is absolutely unreal! this woman has more patients than I have ever had and will ever. I have lots of respect for this art because she is dedicated


  85. Really cool how this girl can do this. That she has the patience to do this. All the texture that she but in it. You would never think this is a drawing, if they didn't tell you.

  86. I'm surprised she had the patience to ebem do this. I feel like it would take a long time to do this.

  87. insanely well done , really wish i can draw like that .. i would do the craziest drawings ever.

  88. I'm in disbelief how awesome this picture looks and then there telling me someone painted that.I was just like nah that is not real.The creator of this art is a detailed genius.

  89. I would never have guessed that this was a painting! It's so realistic and lifelike. I love it!

  90. I really like this artwork because it looks cool, i wouldn't like to do this artwork because it looks very difficult, and looks like it takes a lot of patience, and i do not have that much patience.

  91. This makes something that is just artwork, look real life.

  92. that's really good. It would take along time to paint this. She must have had a lot of patience.

  93. When I was scrolling down this page, I thought this was just a photograph. This is incredibly good, I wish I had the talent to do that. This is amazing.

  94. This one is really cool because it is a drawing and there is so much detail. I don't know how you can get this much detail without taking a 4k picture.

  95. She draw with a lot of detail, I have no idea who she drew though. If I could do this I would draw like a teacher. But if she does it, I think it would look really realistic. If you put it next to a teacher that she drew you wouldn't know the difference.

  96. I think this looks amazing. I wish I could draw like that. I think it would be a lot of fun to be able to do what she can do. I thought it was an actual photograph at first. I would probably draw someone in my family.

  97. I bet that this took a really long time to complete. the person who did this is really skilled. i thought that this was a picture.

  98. This looks amazing. It looks so life-like. I am surprised that it is a drawing because it looks like a picture

  99. This is some very crazy art. You would have to have a lot of talent to be able to do this. I would definitely paint all the time if I had this talent.

  100. This look so cool. I would not like doing this in class because it would take so long and be really hard.

  101. This is very in detail. I would never be able to paint something his detailed and good . It had to have taken hours.

  102. This look cool. I couldn't do something like this, unless i had a couple months and was trying hard.This is very detailed and very good, wish i had talent like this.

  103. This is so realistic. I would have never thought it wasn't a photograph. I wish I could draw people that well.

  104. i think this looks really cool. it looks like they took a picture of him. i think it would be hard to do something like this but it would be a fun challenge.

  105. I don't know how anyone could do something this detailed, you can see every single hair, it looks so real, even a photo can't get that much detail. it looks just like real life

  106. This is really cool. I can't believe how realistic it looks. It looks like it's a picture of someone. I would never be able to make something that good. It'd be fun to try though.

  107. At first sight i thought this was an actual picture of some dude.
