Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The simple things

Sometimes I try really hard to find you the most amazing feats of art ability that I forget to show you that the simplest of art forms can be really beautiful.  I found this image from the artist Robert Duncan and I wanted to share it with all of you.

First off it made me laugh since I have had several students who were in love with cows and I could totally picture them trying to ride one like the girl in this photo.  But then is also made me think of simpler times and lazy summer days.  But I want to know what you think?

What do you think of it?  Is it good art or bad art?  Does it bring back a memory for you or is it not worth your time to look at?


  1. I actually really like this piece of art! It makes me laugh because I'm sure that if you asked someone in our school if they've done this before, they'll say that they have.

  2. I love this picture. It looks so light-hearted and sweet. It looks so detailed and realistic. I like to paint this kind of stuff; nature and animals.

  3. this piece of art actually really reminds me of the painting you did of chase and the puppy when he was a baby! like it seems like the same style and scene

  4. I definitely like this piece, I can't paint that good, but it's not my favorite piece of art either. This reminds me of how my grandma told us stories of how when she was younger and was outside with her dad how he would sit her on a cow and work. It's not something I would spend a lot of time working on it though.

  5. This piece of art is really cool. It would be really hard to paint all the little details in. This would be fun to do something like this in class sometime.

  6. This is a really beautiful piece. It's simple, yet amazing. It shows that you don't need a lot of background to make it amazing.

  7. I like this one. It's pretty simple but it's still beautiful. It reminds me of when I lived on a farm and we had cows.

  8. I see how much fun that little girl is having. Because I know riding a cow is awesome and its so much fun. But that also is fake because no cow can be that clean unless it just got washed.

  9. This one feels so realistic, The girl looks really happy and the cows... Well I mean they look like cows. I also kinda feel like the cows faces are all turned forward because the artist didn't know how to do side profiles.

  10. I wish I could sit on a cow forever. That girl is soooo lucky Mrs. DeWitt! I can't even bro!

  11. I think that it does bring back memories of simple times this summer. People just sit around and hang out with people. It reminds me of all the times I hung out with friends this summer.

  12. Those cows look like they're about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2016. I wouldn't hang it up in my house but it is a really appealing piece of art. I have never rode a cow before; doesn't bring back any memories for me.

  13. The drawing of the man is the most realistic painting I have ever seen in my entire life. If you would see that just walking somewhere you would not believe that is a drawing.

  14. i like this piece of art because it brings me outside and it makes me calm. its not quite so clear but that is what makes it art i guess. you need to fill in the fine details by yourself.

  15. Those cows seem chill. They remind me of me and my friends cause we chill. Also those cows look like they aren't doing much. We don't do much either.

  16. This reminds me of my childhood. Cody and I had a cow that would let us ride her. The style is very simple but still elegant to make you feel something.

  17. these cows are cool af. it reminds me of max. he doesnt do anything. and is chill.

  18. I like it. My grandma used to have lots of cows and goats. I'm sure I did this at some point in my life. A lot of the times simpler things are better.

  19. This a very cool piece of art. It looks like something my grandmother would have in her house. I still like it, because we see cattle all the time here.

  20. This is a great painting. The cows look very realistic and it shows a simpler time and just kind of a relaxing piece of art.

  21. This picture is oozing with those lazy, end of the day, summer vibes. It's full of good times and relaxing feelings. It's too bad I wasn't raised on a farm.

  22. I like this picture because it's so relaxed. There is not a ton of things going on and it isn't so complex.

  23. I think this is super simple but still something i couldn't do. It fits our school because we go to school in the middle of a corn field.

  24. It is so cool . I Like How you Did.

  25. This is a really good piece of art. I love how everything blends together to make it look more realistic. To me this looks almost like a photo

  26. This little girl was probably based off of Kiana Kuchta. I aspire to be as happy as the little girl in this picture. This picture is really calming and relaxes me

  27. I like how simple this piece is. It has some details but not too much. It looks like a really relaxing piece.

  28. That"s so beautiful omg i wish i draw that it so nice and cool.

  29. This painting is really good, and kind of funny. It just looks so peaceful, and like the girl doesn't give a care in the world if she's sitting on a cow.

  30. pretty good the artist put alot of work into it. It shouws good expressions. Makes me think positive.

  31. This really is a simple thing. The cows and the little girl look very realistic. Can see myself painting this, but just not as nice.

  32. i really like how yuou did the sky. it is so cool how you did the paint .

  33. i really like how yuou did the sky. it is so cool how you did the paint .

  34. i dont understand why she is ridding on a cow is it in india or something or is she just doing it for fun? either way i think that the art piece is a good one.

  35. I love the simplicity of the work. It is a great representation of what life used to be like. The piece is very beautiful and I admire it for that

  36. I don't think there really is is art not worth the time to look at. This is really well done, and now I want to ride a cow.

  37. I like this painting because it gives such a natural pleasant and happy vibe

  38. The colors of the painting really put me in a good mood. the girl riding the cow has a smile and it really gives the memory of a good, nice, quality farm life.

  39. This is piece is really relaxing. I think it would look good in our hallways. I love how the color fade together. This painting reminds me of me because I like cows.

  40. I think that the art here shows relaxation and peace mind. The art here looks so calm and relaxed it really puts you in a good mood. This was some amazing artwork made by the artist and I wish I could make art like this

  41. It looks so good and the girl sitting on the cow looks like she is having a good time.

  42. This picture looks good and the girl on the cow looks like shes having fun. I want the artist that made this painting to make a painting of me. when you look at this its just relaxation and a good peace mind

  43. i like this picture because the background is so amazing and the girl looks happy.

  44. this piece of art is amazing and it does remind me about summer and how much i miss it now that were in school even if it was only a month or two ago.

  45. I like how simple it is and how creative it really is. Like its soo in depth it soo nice.

  46. It's a very nice and simple piece. At first look it's as if you'd see that everyday, but looking at it more you realize you don't often see a young child just sitting on a cow like it's normal.

  47. this is really cool. i think we should do it in class. there should have more things in the back ground

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. how would you start something like this. the background looks so realistic

  50. this is a very simple piece but it still brings back memories of my childhood

  51. this picture is very country. i like. i like the background and everything about this picture. it looks super hard though

  52. This reminds a lot of south dakota. all i see is corn and cows.

  53. i think this is good art. it reminds me of FFA memmories

  54. This painting is really nice painting I like it how there are 3 cows in it and it looks realistic and how the girl is on the cow . The colors are really nice

  55. I think that this is cool. It reminds me of home because we live in South Dakota and there are a lot of cows. It is something I would never think of painting.

  56. I think it is nice to just have a simple picture. It is a very peaceful drawing. It would be nice to have one of these in your house because it would give off a calm mood.

  57. I really like this painting. It is very detailed and very vibrant. I wish I could do this.

  58. This art piece is pretty good. The way this looks is actually good.

  59. It looks really good. I think we should do more of a project like this with more than just one animal. We should try a project like it this year.

  60. i like how lifelike this looks. It is very difficult to make something look real. So this must have taken a lot of time

  61. I can relate to this picture because when we used to show cattle in 4-H we were always taking care of them. They found us multiple times sleeping with our calves or on them.

  62. I am a fan of this peice. it has a back home country feel and can just make you feel good and happy. makes you want to go outside and play

  63. What a beautiful simple piece. I love how she is so happy just doing those everyday things. This looks like it could have been done in South Dakota as well.


  64. This piece of art is really cool. It would be really hard to paint all the little details in. This would be fun to do something like this in class sometime.

  65. This art is cool i think it would be fun to do in class sometimes. it really goes in depth

  66. This art is pretty cool. It brings up memories from living on a farm. I just love pictures like this.

  67. My first thought was what the heck. It is pretty cool though. But not very often do you see a little kid riding a cow.

  68. This one is really cool because of how the colors are displayed to make the make the cows and the girls on them stand out more.

  69. I like all of the colors in this picture. They girl doesn't even care that shes on a cow. I looks fun.

  70. i like this picture. the cows look cool. the sunset is pretty

  71. this is really cool, it looks like it could have definitely be painted to look like South Dakota, that's pretty much what I think of when I see this. It looks like home.

  72. This is really good. I wish I could make this. It looks like this is something a family could hang in there house.
