Wednesday, November 9, 2016

White is not always white

As hard as I try to explain it, when you are drawing or painting something that is supposed to be white, it is not always white in the image.  You still have to show the curves and the shadows with other colors than white.  I am hoping that this artist will help to show you what I am talking about.

I have happened to stumble across the Irish artist, Vincent Keeling.  Mr. Keeling has been trained in classic oil painting techniques which he has then applied to close ups of roses.  He is creating these big, beautiful, and realistic paintings of roses, cities and people.  I highly recommend you checking him out.

Self portrait

Haypenny Bridge
So what do you think of his style?  Would you like to send him an image and have him paint it?  What type of images would you paint if you had his talent?


  1. I really like his style, it looks really realistic. I think it would look nicer in person. I would like to see him paint a picture of my dogs. I think that would look really cool.

  2. style? What style. I believe that a painting can be too realistic. That whole thing about sending him a picture to draw is dumb. Why have something drawn when you already have the image. don't get me wrong tough this does take an immense amount of talent and skill it's just too realistic. Show me something creative not something that already exists.

  3. The paintings look so realistic. For the flower painting, it looks like it's part of a pop out book. His self portrait it looks almost like he just took a picture. His paintings look amazing.

  4. I believe that he should draw something other than just the roses, cities, and people. You see so much of those already and I just wish that he did something random. Of course, he is a very talented artist, but I think he should use it on something different.

  5. I like these kind of realistic and detailed pieces of art. The rose is impressive, because it looks so real. The self portrait is also really cool. He is a great artist.

  6. I like his style very much, they look so realistic. If I could do something like this I would specialize in closeups of nature, birds, flowers, trees, etc. They look so amazing and detailed, the rose looked like it was popping off the page.

  7. He has an incredible amount of talent. If I had his talent I wouldn't stop drawing or painting anything. I have always wanted to be able to draw a realistic person.

  8. I do understand what it means by white isn't always white. You have to add highlights and shadows which will either lighted or darken the picture.

  9. These pictures remind me of the dress that went all over social media. It was unclear whether it was white or blue. But yea if I had that talent I would draw many things like cats, rooms, animals or nature in general.

  10. I really like this style of painting. It allows it to be realistic looking but not too realistic. And if you make something just plain white it doesn't look very good.

  11. The flower looks trippy. If i were to stare into the center of it, I would probably get a headache. These are also pretty dope though.

  12. theyse are some cool looking flowers. my head is spinning after that. this is pretty dope

  13. I like the flower. It doesn't have much color to it, but just the details are very appealing. The painting of the guy is also very cool.

  14. The flower is white and then the closer to the middle you get the more yellow it gets. This artist makes the details look so realistic and the art so beautiful.

  15. This artist is really good. I tried the oil thing and it was kind of tricky so if he does it on all his art thats pretty cool.

  16. This is so good. I like the Texter

  17. The white rose was really good! It's so crazy what these artists are capable of. If I tried to paint that, it would end up looking like a white blob.

  18. I really like this artist's style. I would want him to paint More cities and bridges like the last one he did. I really like those scenes.

  19. The shading of this Is excellante. I think even the migos would be impressed and that's perddy good! I wih I had this much sauce to make one of these yeh dat way

  20. These paintings are all really cool. Especially the 2nd one it's so amazing how they can get so much detail into one piece of art.

  21. I would love to be able to paint the rest of my life for a living! It would be the life... making these kinds of art, would make me feel blessed.

  22. I would love to be able to paint the rest of my life for a living! It would be the life... making these kinds of art, would make me feel blessed.

  23. looks very alive like it. its amazing dope . its cool like it . makes me think alot its very real.

  24. From the looks of the paintings, they took a lot of time and commitment. They really showed the shadows and the highlights, and I'd like to try something like this.

  25. it is so amazing. i like the backe ground

  26. why is this guy bald when he looks like hes young i guess its what ever the artist wants but i still like this piece of artwork

  27. Some day you will see Cassie Hartman's work in a gallery. And i would want some of it to look like this! Its very great art!

  28. Its great with that beautiful texture. It has a lot of amazing things on it. I guess its really good tho .

  29. Its great with that beautiful texture. It has a lot of amazing things on it. I guess its really good tho .

  30. It would be so cool to have something like this hanging on your wall because it's so detailed yet has that that little sense of like an old painting that just creates a nice mood

  31. he is a really good artist. If I were to send in something for him to paint I would probably send in a picture of a large city with skyscrapers. He would really capture every bit of detail

  32. he must be a really good artist that puts time into his work

  33. He must be a really good artist that puts time into his work

  34. It looks like he put a lot of work in his art. It looks like it took him a while to find the right shades for the paintings. The flowers look really good with the color pink

  35. I really like the white flower it looks very good. This is one of the best flowers I think I have ever seen. I I wish someday to be able to paint flowers with such patience and skill as the artist.

  36. This person is very good especially because of the flower painting. Flowers are hard to draw, especially with that much detail.

  37. His self portrait is so good. The color is perfect. If i would try to do this with me face I would never do this good.

  38. that painting really pops out it looks really cool. i like how the color on the picture really stand out it makes the picture stand out even more. The picture with the guy in it looks like it was a picture that's taken not painted.

  39. I really like the painting of the flower it is so amazing i could never color that flower.

  40. I like all of these paintings. They all look very good. They all of a lot of detail. They look like they are not even painted, they look like they had to have been photographed.

  41. This is very cool. They make a white flower look cool but yet it's not completely white. Very interesting and I would like to have one of their art pieces.

  42. Love these pieces so much. The detail in this is very nice and cool. So pretty and beautiful.

  43. The painting is such a nice color he uses. I would like to see him create skyscrapers and what he could do with the skyscrapers it would be really cool.

  44. His style is incredible. I would deffinitly send him a picture and I would paint portraits and landscapes and my world view and my fantasy world.

  45. I like how realistic it looks, like you can just reach through the painting and touch the petals. I love his style and the details he use. He did so well it looks like the painting had to have been photographed.

  46. i really like how cool it looks

  47. I think it looks nice. I wouldn't have picture done by him. Not really into pictures all over the place.

  48. These paintings are very cool. It is a very cool concept and I have never thought about making white in paintings that way. The flower painting shows it the best.

  49. i like his self portrait. it looks just like him.

  50. The painting looks real , especially the flower it is very nice .

  51. That self portrait is very awesome! It's so cool how people can do something like this. This guy has a lot of natural talent. Its crazy.

  52. This guy is crazy good. I can't believe that he can make a painting look so realistic. If I were able to do this I would draw animals.

  53. The person who made this is actually very talented because These all look so amazing

  54. Theses are really nice paintings they look real and it has nice colors to the paintings.

  55. They look very realistic and also have nice contrast colors to make the white look more real with shadows or highlight colors. The flower looks more like a cream.

  56. wow think about how many hours went into this art before he even started the projects themselves. Shading and angles like this must have taken years and years to practice and perfect

  57. I think you should be able to just use white. I like white it's bright and boring. I don't want to use 8 different colors to make it look like 1 white

  58. this piece is kinda cool to tell ya the truth , very dark and shady plus the realisticness is very eye apealling.

  59. Those flowers are painted very nicely I am not good at drawing flowers. I do think flowers are very pretty, and they smell good. That self portrait is very good.

  60. I really like the city one because it show the bridge, then it knod of fades away.

  61. I really like this piece of art it looks cool, and looks very realistic:)

  62. This looks so realistic. It looks 3D, before i read what it was i thought that it was a sculpture.

  63. This is really cool and so realistic. I really like the flower one.

  64. this is so cool,it's just amazing tat people can do things like this

  65. This is really cool. I find it unbelieveable that there are people that can make works of art like this. They look so realistic and I love these. I would love to learn to do this, this good.

  66. These ones are really neat, because it is oil painting which looks really cool and has a really cool texture.

  67. These look so real. I don't think i could draw like they can.

  68. This looks so real like a picture. He is really talented. I wish I could draw like that.

  69. I think the flower s really cool because it looks so realistic and 3D.If I could draw like that i would draw plants and all kinds of animals.

  70. I think painting flowers really fits his talent, to be able to see every single detail and be able to put it down and make it look the same is amazing

  71. These paintings are all really cool. Especially the second flower. They're so good. I wish I was able to make some on those.

  72. I would totally send him a picture and have him paint it. I would be interested to see how it turns out because he is obviously very talented. I wouldn't be able to do that.
