Friday, November 4, 2016

What a beautiful dream

I happened to run across the computer generated paintings or Cyril Rolando from France.  It turns out he started playing with some simple computer programs before he started working with Photoshop.  He has since turned his hobby of playing into some incredibly beautiful works that look like paintings, but have all been made on a computer.

What do you think?  Do you believe that this is just a hobby for him?  Do you know what type of art that he is creating?  I'll give extra credit if you can tell me the genre that he is inspired by.


  1. This is some cool stuff. I wonder how he even generated this. My favorite one is the one with the whales floating around the glacier. It reminds me of those Lisa frank folders back in the day I'm going to guess that he is inspired by surrealism.

  2. This looks cool. It really does look like a dream with the colors that are used. I like the last one with the waves and the animals coming out of it.

  3. This looks cool, but it is something that I would just not pay much attention to. I mean for the most part it looks great for the first few minutes you look at it, but then it starts to look bland.

  4. This is really cool but I dont think I would want to do this as a project. It look really hard to make. It is really amazing how they did this though.

  5. Some of these are really interesting to look at. There is a bunch going on in multiple of his works, and it never leaves me bored. These types of works is what I find really cool and wonder how some people are so talented.

  6. These are really cool. They must take a lot of time and patience. The end product is worth the hard work.

  7. I think this looks very cool, my favorite is the eye. It would be even more impressive though if he did it by hand instead of using a computer to photo shop. I think these took a long time to make, so I definitely think this is more than a hobby, unless he has a lot of free time on his hands.

  8. If this is a hobby, it is the coolest hobby ever. i am going to make the whale one the background on my phone, so that one is definitely my favorite.
    As for the extra credit, no idea. Surrealism?

  9. I think these are amazing. I like the one of the boy looking through the window on the ground. I have no idea what he was inspired by.

  10. I think that these pieces are so creative, and I think that the eye one is the best one. I love how it shows how she feels inside of her eyes.

  11. These are so cool, they make you have to look twice. The one where the boy is laying down and looking through a window is cool, because it feels real even though its not very possible.

  12. These are sick. These people have too much time on their hands though. I wish we had enough time to do these in art class......

  13. These look cool. I have seen some people do this with chalk on a sidewalk or a street and sometimes they do holes and when people walk over them it makes them terrified when they looked down.

  14. These pictures are truly breath taking in many ways. The meanings behind these pictures and how they drew them are crazy. I still cant believe someone drew these.

  15. Software like photoshop allows you to do so much with art, makes it easier and such. You get to delete you're mistakes,which is what makes it easier. I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a hobby for him. Its awesome and fulfilling to create art.

  16. I love how they made this one a optical illusion by making him look into a window that is in the ground. Its like he is looking into a different world.

  17. this is really neat because you can paint just about anything that you can think of. the colors look really cool too im kinda curious as of what type of style it is too.

  18. All of these are really cool. I really like these pictures. They cool and I imagine it took a long time to make. I don't think I could do this.

  19. Surrealism. I love the types of art like this. I'm a big fan of Lisa Frank and surreal things like dragons, Trico(A giant cat with bird and dog features) and Phoenixes. I find these really cool nd I would do this as a hobby.

  20. by far the coolest thing ive seen in a while. that eye is amazing. what the guy pushing the waves is unreal.

  21. I love the creativity that is included in this! There is a lot of color and detail. The artist behind this has loads of creativity!

  22. i love these. they look bright and pretty, i love the blue in them it really makes them stand out and i think it would take a lot of time for this detail

  23. these are like looking into a whole different world through a picture. this is super cool

  24. I like how they made the colors it is so prity. This is so Amazing and cool.

  25. These works of art immediately put a smile on my face. They are so unique and different. It's refreshing to see art like this.

  26. These are amazing. They look really cool. I wish i knew how to make art using a computer haha.

  27. This is crazy good! I want to do something like this but I wouldn't have the time nor patience to complete this. But still it's tight yeh, dat way.

  28. I have commented on all these things so far so I will tell you again that the pictures are super extravagant!! Really got me feeling some kind of way!

  29. This truly a dream setting. I couldn't imagine painting something like this. Looks like it would take a lot of time, but it is very cool.

  30. i like all of these because of the look they throw at you, they are very unique and have a popping color

  31. This artwork reminds me of something I would see in a dream. It opens the imagination and gives you a different view. The artist did a wonderful job.

  32. I like its painting and drawing. its just really good i think its nice. The picture is dope and out standing.

  33. Its really dope i like it. The colors are nice and glowing.
    I think its dope and amazing its cool.

  34. These are amazing. I think the artist did a really great job on these.

  35. These pieces of art are so creative. All the paintings are not realistic yet they still look they could be. They must have taken the time on them to get them all perfect.

  36. I like how the kid is looking through a window on the ground. That's like saying that you are looking at a different site than your own. I love the whale one around the glaciers.

  37. If this is his hobby i wonder what they would look like if it wasn't. My favorite one is of the girl in the eye. She is in pain and sad and the boy is trying to get rid of that.

  38. The artist is very creative with the computer,and I think this is a hobby for them. He uses colorful colors that stand out. Some of his art are illusions like the one where there is a window in the ground.

  39. Unknown above is me at 6:54 Am

  40. This is a wonderful piece of art. It's whimsical, magical, and wonderful all at the same time. I believe this is not just a hobby; it's a life style for him. I truly believe that this is how he sees life and I truly admire that.

  41. This is amazing. The artwork is very beautiful and creative. He puts a lot of detail into his work and i love that.

  42. this looks so real i had to look at it twice.

  43. This is an amazing form of art, I really like all the bright colors. my favorite one is the picture of an eye because there is hundreds of ways to interpret it. If i had the chance, I would like to recreate the picture of the boy leaning over the window on the ground, but I would use an old window frame, a mirror, and a camera.

  44. I love the last one. All the art is super good I like this type of art.

  45. I love the last one it really makes the picture real and the water is realistic

  46. I really like the painting of the eye i could never paint that it is so good.

  47. i really like the painting with the gye i couldn't ever pain this good. THe last one is cool with the water in it.
    I like the color added to the pic it makes it stand out.

  48. This is an amazing work of art, I really love all the bright colors. My favorite one is the picture of an eye because there is hundreds of ways to interpret it. But I also like all of these, because of the look they throw at you, they are very unique and have the popping color.

  49. I like the way it pops out it is so easy to catch with the eye. I love the colors they use its soooo unique. Its cool to look at too

  50. This work of art is very cool. I bet it took a while to make it. I bet the time was well spent making these art pieces.

  51. These are very interesting and creative. Very much unique and a lot of time put into it. Really awesome and cool.

  52. I think these art peices are really amazing. I feel like it would’ve been cooler if it wasn’t photoshopped and actually hand drawn. It still looks sooo good!!! I really like the very first one.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I think these art pieces are really amazing. I feel like it would’ve been cooler if it wasn’t photoshopped and actually hand drawn. It still looks sooo good!!! I really like the very first one.

  55. Yes, these art pieces art truly a work of art. It's like if you could open up your imagination and see everything that goes on in it. Is this a mix of digital art and landscape painting, these are amazing.

  56. I really like these imaginative pieces. It's like Toy Story, how imaginative and creative do you have to be to make talking toys! I wish someday I make something as cool as Buzz Lightyear, soldier of Star Command. or make something as cool as the hard boiled western cowboy like Woody. And such a cool plot element as them being stuck with disgusting Cronenberg's in a demented violent kids house. And like the second movie where Woody thought he found his true purpose the gods (humans) made for him. I wonder what I'd do in a situation like that! Woody and his friends where strong though to face the gods (humans) machines in the end at the airport and with the plane. Though the third movie sucks, it's trying to grasp at the imaginative plots of the first and second movie with a weak reboot. A plot about finding purpose, uh, Toy Story 2 much? or them getting double crossed by some Camp Lazlo/Care Bear looking fella? No thanks, boring and cliche. And Andy's old? it ruins the innocence of the movies. I heard they're making a 4th movie and I bet it's really going to suck and is just going to be a crappy money grab like the last one. And did you hear about The Incredibles 2 coming out?! Oh my heck! leave those perfect classics alone you money hungry star-wars buying pieces of crap at disney! GOOD DAY!

  57. this is probably some of the coolest paintimg ive seen. i really ;ike these. i couldnt do it tho. im not very talented

  58. some of these are really weird but i like the concept and style. I like how the artists used the vibrant colors.

  59. the eye one is very creepy but very cool.

  60. I love this art. all the colors that are in the pictures make it stand out. its very cool.

  61. I know I already commented on this, but I really love this artwork. I really do think that this is a lifestyle for him, and he sees life like this. I again say I admire this with my whole heart.

  62. I don't think people really see the message here. It's clearly to look inside your dreams and to put more thought into them. Clearly the artist is trying to tell everyone that they had a dream, and they tried to look into it deeper, but when they did they forgot and starting focusing back into the mist of life.

  63. I really enjoy the concept of these. They are very cool. Tis artwork is very rad.

  64. How do they see the paintings before they paint them? They are really cool. I like the bright colors that they used.

  65. These are very interesting and creative. Very much unique and a lot of time put into it. Really awesome and cool.

  66. The one with the dolphins is actually the best one. I like it a lot because it´s actually really great

  67. this is a very unquie and cool picture and a lot of time went in this

  68. I like all the colors that are involved with the art. They make the pictures look calming and make you feel relaxed.

  69. It looks more like a painting. He got the pictures really close and they look like they all fit really nicely. Even the color fits together.

  70. These are cool, Where do these people come up with these ideas. I could never do it because I think too basic.

  71. this would take forever and I would probably give up before I finished and I like to draw real things like flags

  72. I really dig this form of art , it's really trippy more than anything, brings out a fantasy vibe to it. I like this.

  73. I feel like there a deep meaning in these images. They are really bright and unique. There are so many different ways a person could interpret these images.

  74. I don't know if these are pictures, paintings, or drawings. These look cool, because they are unique. I have not seen anything like that.

  75. These are so beautiful! I just don't understand how people come up with these ides. I've seen things like this before and I've always thought that they were all pretty unique.

  76. I like looking at these pieces. It gives you another perspective of what it "could" be, and it automatically opens your imagination. My favorite one is the girl inside of the eye and then the boy trying to help her,

  77. I love these photos!!! They really open your imagination. I have seen soo many pictures like these before, I just love looking at thing and getting sucked into them just looking at them. The are vibrant and remind me of fantasy books you'd read and picture in your mind or watch on tv or in movies. I wanna know how they do this.

  78. I like the last one. It looks intersting. All of them are very nice.

  79. I really like this style of artwork. I really like the one with the horse in the water, but that seems hard to make. I wish I could make art this cool.

  80. I really like these ones. I want to try doing something like this but i suck at drawing. I love the first one.

  81. I really like these pieces of art they look very pretty, and i also like the cool colors on them:P

  82. If this was just a hobby for him what would happen if he dedicated some serious time to this. This is so creative, I want to know how he thought of these.

  83. These are cool. They kind of remind me of Thomas Barbey. The colors blend together. The second picture has cool colors that mix really well.

  84. This one is super neat because of all the colors. And how they mix together. It makes a sort of galaxy sort of effect.

  85. There is so much meaning in all of these. All of the thought in these is so cool.

  86. These ones are really cool because they have a lot of really cool colors an expression in the pictures.

  87. These are very colorful. I do not think that it is just a hobby but it could be. He is very talented. Maybe surrealism.

  88. THis looks very hard to do. I think it looks cool, but I do not think I would want to do this project. You could put a lot of creativity into this project. My favorite one is the guy looking through the window

  89. These paintings have bright colors and obviously have a story to tell if you look deeper into the picture. I don't have a favorite i like all of them.

  90. These are very interesting, fun to look at pieces of art. I really like the first one, I would like to do something similar to that. All the colors really add to pieces.

  91. This is some crazy stuff to look at. I really like the eye on how you make it really big but made it seem normal size with the people in the eye like that.

  92. I think these are really ool. My guess would be that he is inspired by surrealism. i would like to try these because they make you think and it looks really cool.

  93. these are amazing, I could definitely make a hobby out of this, this is one of the few pieces of art where you can leave at anytime and pick up days later and have no consequences, for other kinds of art if you leave in the middle you might not be able to get the shading just right this he doesn't have to worry about that. I would guess he would be inspired by fanatasy

  94. These are really cool. They look like they took a long time to make. It would be really fun to try these I think.

  95. these look real. This is super cool. I wish we could do this.

  96. I like how colorful this is. I like the eye, it's really cool.
