Friday, September 30, 2016

Grandma's demon?

SO this is one of the odder things that I have ever come across, it is a crocheted demon mask.

Now don't get em wrong, I think anyone that has the ability and the patience to crochet are amazing people, but I am not sure what I think about using their skills to create a demon mask.  I followed the link and actually there are several different types of masks that this woman can crochet, but I couldn't get the images to save, they were protected for some reason.  But let's just say she lives in a very cold climate and knits them as face masks to protect from the weather.

Let me know what you think.

So is this something you would wear in winter?  Do you find it cute or scary?  Would you have left it in white or perhaps chosen another color for it?  Can you think of something else that you would like to see her knit?


  1. This is very cool. I think that crocheting would be nice to try someday. This mask is probably better than the one's you would get in a store. I would love to see some more of her work.

  2. Why would you want something to be crochet. Yes it is really cool but why. I mean seriously why. It would be to itchy to wear. The winged part on the mask is a little confusing.

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  4. This is definitely cool, imagine how long it took. I definitely would never wear this because it looks really scary. I would probably get rid of it because it scares me just a tad bit.

  5. This looks worse than the clown videos. they should just wear these instead of the clown masks. it looks like they took alot of time on these masks.

  6. This looks worse than the clown videos. they should just wear these instead of the clown masks. it looks like they took alot of time on these masks.

  7. This looks worse than the clown videos. they should just wear these instead of the clown masks. it looks like they took alot of time on these masks.

  8. This reminds me of the clown videos. The clowns are scary and creepy so this mask thing is scary and creepy. I would still wear this though. Its pretty cool even though its creepy.

  9. This reminds me of the clown videos. The clowns are scary and creepy so this mask thing is scary and creepy. I would still wear this though. Its pretty cool even though its creepy.

  10. It's cool, but kind of creepy. It does look warm when it's cold. I probably wouldn't wear it though.

  11. I'm honestly not sure what to think about this. Yes, it's really cool that someone thought of this.. But it's also kind of creepy. I definitely would not wear this out in public but rather have it on display in my house.

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  13. If a cat and a human had a baby, that is what it would look like. It just creeps me out a bit too much. I would not like to see any else of her work. She created a monster and I fear anything else she may have conjured.

  14. I think this looks really cool. It has a lot of detail in it and looks like it would take a long time to make. I don't think it looks creepy with all the stuff that is going around these days, but rather unique.

  15. This look cool, I wonder how long it took to do this. I would not wear this in public because it is not my style.

  16. This is creepy to think your grandma could whip something like this up to scare you! This looks like it would take forever. I don't know if I would ever want to wear this.

  17. I think that this is a cool piece of art, but personally I wouldn't do something like this. I don't think this is a type of art work that I would do.

  18. This is a creepy piece of art. It brings two different kinds of thoughts in one, you get a stuff looking part and a deep monster thought. I would not like to make anything like this.

  19. This mask is scary and i dont like it at all but i feel like there was a lot of detail and time put into it. I wouldnt make one though because i dont wear masks

  20. This mask is scary and i dont like it at all but i feel like there was a lot of detail and time put into it. I wouldnt make one though because i dont wear masks

  21. This is really weird, but i can see my grandma having one of these. I would freak out so much if i saw this in her house at night and wasn't expecting it.

  22. I like the idea of it. I don't know crochet so I don't how hard this was but I'm guessing it was pretty Difficult. It's crazy that someone would create something like this.

  23. If i had the choice to do this I wouldn't do it. I don't really like the look of it. To me, it looks like a cat with really weird eyes. I'm not a fan.

  24. I think this piece of art is just weird. I would definitely not wear this. I would keep it the same color.Any other color would make it look even scarier than it already is.

  25. Please let us not make these, thanks. I don't like these at all. It would be sooo boring if we had to do these. I would probably have Samara do it for me.

  26. These are creepy. And I don't think Crochet is the best medium for a warm mask, because it has so many holes. And if it were a different color, it would be super creepy.

  27. I would wear these. I would make them. I would make them in lots of different colors because these are the type of thing I love to do.

  28. This is so cool. It looks so Amizang.

  29. I'm not so sure about this one. I would not wear this in public or have this laying around in my house. I think it's very odd.

  30. Someone has some serious knitting skills. How they were able to knit a mask like that is pretty mind blowing. knitting can be pretty difficult for some people but being able to knit like that. Wow!

  31. this just looks like a mask that some one would wear to a costume party in the 30's. not sure what to think about it i'm not impressed nor and i dissatisfied with it.

  32. It looks so cool. I like how you did decarashons.

  33. someone has a lot more patients then what i would. i could not sit there do that. it looks pretty cool though and i give the artist credit for doing it.

  34. ^^^^ I agree with lake! it very interesting but defiantly not something i would want to do. I would take the patients to do this.

  35. I don't think its something you would wear as much as its just a peice of art, its very nice but would be kinda scary to see someone wearing this

  36. It is very interesting how people can do things like this. They were able to make the art stick out and be Dimensional. It takes a lot of skill

  37. This is very cute. IT takes a lot of time to crochet or knit something and this must have taken a long time.

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  39. It looks like it took a long time to do it. It doesn't look that scary to me. But I would not wear that in public.

  40. This looks so interesting to look at it kinda is scary the way it looks. THis is such a nice piece of art

  41. It looks very creepy. I don't understand the name of the figure. It is interesting, and looks like it would be fun to do.

  42. This looks like a cat , looks nothing like a demon .

  43. Once again, this shows the true emotions of a person. It shows the life they wish they had. The laced feeling shows opening of life. A chance to break free. The opportunity to be someone you aren't.

  44. This are evry cool and interesting. It looks kind've creepy. I think it's be evry fun to do but also very hard.

  45. This mask is very cool. It probably took a lot of time to do. I could never make something like that but I wish I could.

  46. This had to have been time consuming. If i were able to do this i would try to make a bigger object like an animal or something. Then I would sell them.

  47. It's cool, but kind of creepy. It does look warm when it's cold. I probably wouldn't wear it though.

  48. its something else. i don't know if i would want to do that tho it looks hard to do. it's kind of creepy to

  49. This is some weird stuff right there. But it is actually really good. It is all weird too

  50. I wouldn't wear them because they're kind of creepy but they would probably be hard to make. I have crocheted a blanket before and it took a long time. I like to use good color blends.

  51. I wouldn't wear this. It looks hard to make. There is so much detail in the mask.

  52. I wouldn't wear this because I like the cold. I don't think this is art cause if you really want a mask you could just go to walmart and buy one

  53. I don't even know what this is , it's really creepy and unique in it's own way, depending how you see it.

  54. definitely looks like a grandma decided to make a halloween mask but wanted to stay warm at the same time. actually now that i think of it I would definitely have used this as a kid if it maybe was different colors or maybe had more to it

  55. this sort of reminds me of Coco for some reason
    I like it but I would never put it in my house or anything

  56. I think this looks kind of cool. I would definitely wear it if I lived where she lived. I would have left it in white if I had the chance to make one. I also would of done a cat instead.

  57. It would definitely fit with a Day of the Dead theme in the hispanic world, but not really the halloween theme. I definitely wouldn't wear it to stay warm though.

  58. i think that this type of art is very nice. i really like how the mask looks. i feel like it would be hard to crochet this mask.

  59. I think this art looks mice. THe mask looks really cool but i would never wear it.

  60. This is super cool. I would love to try this, but I know that it would take me forever to do. It also looks really wierd
