Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This chair can Wave

Creating tile mosiac art is one of the oldest forms of art known to man.  Ever since man figured out how to cut rocks into smaller pieces they have been laying it out into interesting patterns and designs.  Sometimes those designs told stories through pictures and sometimes it was just decoration, but it has long been a highly skilled tradition.

That being said, tile art has now taken a contemporary view of how to create it.  I couldn't figure out which artist made this tiled chair, but I know that it was made for a world wide tile artist competition that was held a couple of years ago.  Each artist was given a chair that they had to transform using tile.

I would love to know what you think.

If you zoom in you can see all of the individual tiles that had to be painstakingly applied one at a time.  But I want to know what you think of it?  Do you have a favorite part or technique that this artist did?  Or do you think it is horrible and if so why?  If you were given a chair to decorate, what would you do with it?


  1. To me this is kind of stupid. The concept is good and the work looks good. I'm a person of simple things. To me a chair is made to be sat on. Not some one's art project. That's what I personally think of it.

  2. I think that this is super cool, i can't imagine how much effort went into creating this. It must of taken them a while to find the specific layout of these tiles. I wish all chairs were as nicley decorated as this one.

  3. I think this piece of art is just amazing. I love how they make it look like a wave is coming out of chairs. I would do something like this because it is a beautiful piece of art.

  4. These chairs are very beautiful, i love the detail that is put in to the tile and how it is placed. The colors are what really catch my eye and make me want the chair.

  5. This is really beautiful. I love the colors. I would want a chair like that; not to sit it, but to look at.

  6. This is really an amazing piece of art. The time and patience that this person has is incredible on it's own. I would never be able to do this.

  7. I like the way that they made this into a 3D type thing. This is one of them things that you don't see very often. It has to take a lot of time and patients to draw things like this.

  8. It looks pretty darn awesome. I really like the depth it shows with the tiles. But it doesn't look very comfortable, unfortunately. I would never get a chair that would just "sit" there. Haha

  9. I think this looks really cool. I think waves are beautiful to begin with, so just the thought of someone making a wave on a chair is awesome. I would like to get something like this is just sit in my room.

  10. This is really cool. The waves on the chair looks cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome.

  11. This is so cool! I love this so much! I would love to have a chair like this at my house or something.

  12. I wish I knew how they got all the tiles to stay on the chair. probably some sort of glue. What is that thing hanging off the chair? Is it some kind of net they stuck the tiles into?

  13. Wow that cool its gonna take a long time to do it art. But its worth it cause look at it its amazing art.

  14. Very creative peice of work. I love the skill put into this and how detailed this is. Would be very willing to try this for a project

  15. Is the chair made out of fabric or something. But why waste a perfectly good chair. Making something then using a chair is pointless.

  16. Is the chair made out of fabric or something. But why waste a perfectly good chair. Making something then using a chair is pointless.

  17. This so dope. I would get bored like ten minutes into it though.
    But for someone who has the time and patience to do this, it would be amazing.

  18. I do like the idea of where they're coming from. But if it were me, I wouldn't do it on a chair. Maybe something else, like as a tabletop, or a counter top, something that would get noticed more.

  19. I like the idea and I think we should bring this to art class. But something like this could take weeks to do but if I did it I would try to make it so someone could sit in the chair without ruining it. I also admire his patience and creativity

  20. I wouldn't want to sit on this chair, cause I would break it. I don't know if your supposed to sit on it but just letting everyone know I wouldn't sit on it.

  21. i would sit in this chair. who wouldnt other than max. it is pretty cool if they sell these.

  22. if i was given a chain i would probably sit in it then wait until the last minute to decorate it. It would probably just contain random scribbles.

  23. My brain can't even wrap around this. It's insane. I would definitely sit in this chair. I am always sitting, so why not sit in style.

  24. WOW it amazing, its so awesome to see art like this... Its so modern and unique. Don't see much of these chairs here and South Dakota!

  25. I like the thing on the chair . looks very good i would wanna do it . its pretty cool nice .

  26. this is really amazing! it would be cool if someone in art could do something like this in class. it is a wonderful work of art that could be displayed at the school.

  27. i like this chair a lot

  28. it is cool that he can make it look like there is actually something sitting on the chair.

  29. its cool that he made it look like theirs a wave in the chair

  30. This is extraordinary!! i would love to accomplish this. Defiantly would take this project under my hands

  31. I love this piece simply because i can only imagine the time someone had to put into doing this

  32. Doing this would take a lot of patience putting each and every tile on there. It looks really neat because it looks like a wave from the ocean. smart and creative peace of art.

  33. this one is messing with my head. It really looks nice with all of the colors. it's cool how he made the chair and then added the thing on it.

  34. really like this piece of art but it confuses me how he was able to make it look so real. This art looks nice with all the colors and how it is 3D. This is one of my favorite artworks I have seen.

  35. I really like how the tiles blend in so well together. I think I could make one given enough time. The artist must have a lot of patience.

  36. This chair looks like it took hours to do and figure out the placement for the tiles. I love this piece because even though you probably shouldn't sit on this chair it's really beautiful. Finding the tiles in all the right coors must have been hard for the artist.

  37. The water in this picture looks so real and colorful and it really makes the picture stand out a lot. I like it and i don't think i could ever do this and the chair looks cool to.

  38. The wave in the chair is so creative, i dont think nobody else would think about it it one of a kind

  39. This piece of art is so unique. To think of two normal things that don't really go together and creating a beautiful piece of art. Very creative and cool.

  40. I think this is a very interesting piece. It is cool how it is 3D too. Looks like it would take a long time to do.

  41. The amount of waves shows the up and downs of the artists life and shows that just sitting waiting around is not going to get you anywhere. Sometimes you just need a little push up to get moving.

  42. I don't know how they created this wave on the chair but it is very interesting. It must have taken a long time to do this and must have been really difficult.

  43. I hate it. It looks really ugly

  44. This was probably really difficult to do. But it is really amazing. It was probably really hard to do.

  45. This had to have been time consuming. You would have to have steady hands to put all the tiles in the correct spot. And a good eye to see where the peices should go.

  46. I like the way that they made this into a 3D type thing. This is one of them things that you don't see very often. It has to take a lot of time and patients to draw things like this.

  47. I don't understand the reasoning for this. I wonder how they just come up with this stuff. It looks cool and 3D.

  48. I don't see why the chair was apart of this? I think the waves look cool and would take a crazy long time to lay them individually.

  49. I can understand why they use the chair. I think they used a chair to get the effect of the water to look like a water fall. I like it though

  50. I don't like this because when I sit down I don't look at the chair. I just sit down. But the colors are pretty cool

  51. it is pretty cool if they sell these.It looks cool and 3D. It must have taken a long time to do this and must have been really difficult.

  52. i really do like the wave look and that it still shows the main picture.

  53. I like this ocean look on just a typical chair.

  54. I think it is cool but completely useless unless you can actually sit in it. It looks really cool and would take a lot of time but who would want it. why would you a chair that you cant sit in. I feel like that even if someone bought it eventually someone will sit in it thinking that it is a usable chair

  55. The actual art looks really pretty and cool. I wouldn't want that though because you can't even sit in it. It would just take up space.

  56. If I were to see this I would have thought that it was a really cool chair and sat on it. I can't believe tht this is actually art. I really love the colors and I guess art is really unexpected.

  57. this looks really cool. I think it would look cool as decoration but I wouldnt want it. The way they put it together looks really cool.

  58. these remind me like davids waves

  59. I really like the colors. I don't understand why the chair is there, but it's still cool.
