Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What is under a painting?

Have you ever wondered what was under a painting?  Have you ever thought that there might be something under it?  Most of us don't even stop to think about what even could be under a painting.

Well the artist Blake Neubert has taken the concept of what is under the painting to a whole new level.  I am going to warn you right now, he has a morbid and even creepy side to his artwork, but at the same time it is really kind of cool how he does this.


So this is the painting before he scrapes away the paint.

And this is the after.

Okay, my first question has to be, how do you think he does this?  Does he have something between the layers of paint so that it scrapes off easily?  What would make someone even think of doing art that looks like this?  Do you find this gross or fascinating?  What image would you do if you could do this style?  Would you also do a person or animal or would you do something like looking into the inside of a car?


  1. It's crazy that someone would create something like this. I wonder how long it took the person to create the face alone, and to carefully scrap of the paint to make it look like that. I would love to try this, but yet i wouldn't want to.

  2. This is pretty cool art. I would like to learn how to make something similar to this. This also seems hard to make. I feel like this would take a lot of time to make. So I don't know if I would actually try to make this.

  3. This is crazy how he made this. It is really cool how he took the paint off to make it look like he ripped off the skin off his face. It looks like it is really hard to do and I would not want to do it as a project.

  4. I think this is really cool. It is scary though. I like the idea of it. I've seen these before and I though they were crazy. It would be hard to do, but worth the effort.

  5. This is so cool. I have seen these paintings before and I have no idea how he does them. I wouldn't necessarily do it as a project though.

  6. I don't think this is as cool as some of the other things. Yes being able to wipe away and see something different is kinda cool but its at the same time not.

  7. What an odd piece of artwork. I'm guessing that he uses layers of some type of very thin paper in order to achieve this. I think he just wanted to do something original. And he did indeed.

  8. This is pretty cool. I'm guessing they used layers to do this. I would not want to do this project.

  9. I've never thought of what was under a painting. its unheard of. its never been done before. If I could do one of these I would paint a clock then I scrape of the the paint to reveal a bunch of gears.

  10. This is amazing, and i love the thought put into it. I would definitely do a side of an animal and see all the inside parts. It's very fascinating how he does this, most take a lot of time and effort.

  11. This looks seriously gross. Why would you do this its so disgusting. Like don't draw a good painting and then paint a nasty painting painting of it.

  12. THis looks nasty would not wanna do this. it looks pretty nasty.i would probably puke if i say that in real life.

  13. These paintings are scary so i would imagine the person who is scary and might have some past issues if im being totally honest.its kind of gross and i dont like this art

  14. I think Samara over reacted and it is pretty cool. You could come up with some pretty crazy and cool ideas with this.

  15. I've seen piece of art like this before and I think that they're really cool. It just gives us an idea of what's really underneath may not be the same and what's outside.

  16. This is SO COOL! Of the 5 or so Blog posts I've done tonight, this one may be my favorite. The biggest downside to this style I can see is you would have to repaint every time you wanted to present it.
    He probably figured out how to do it on accident.

  17. This is really cool. I like that it shows what is underneath and not just the stuff we see everyday on the outside. I think it would be a challenge to figure out how to make it layered.

  18. I saw this on Instagram, it was cool. I had to watch it over a couple times, i like how the artists spends so much time on the underneath layer and the top layer, then scrapes a little piece of and it makes a whole new painting.

  19. This would take some talent, painting the person from two different perspectives, this is some seriously awesome artwork.

  20. this is groos. this is disgusting. i dont feel like expressing too much about this.

  21. Cool idea but i'm not sure about doing humans. That is kinda disgusting seeing all the muscle and flesh underneath. I think this would be a cool thing for surrealism. Make a door and scrape it off revealing a different world is what I might've used it for

  22. Wow, okay that's a little creepy. I mean it's cool, but also gross at the same time. Plus this is kinda gross and I'd never do something like this.

  23. this is really weird and creepy. I don't like this one at all, from how creepy it is to the concept even. it is totally pointless to paint over a painting. why wouldn't you just keep it simple.

  24. i for some reason like this piece of work
    it weird but i like it

  25. I think the artist is a true genius. Painting layers then scraping them off to reveal another painting is brilliant. This would also be cool if done with animals as well

  26. I think this is creepy. I don't necessarily like this piece but i believe that it took a lot of patience

  27. I would to do this in class, ive seen this before and i really love the concept of being able to change your art or maybe even surprise an audience

  28. i think that this is one of my favorite posts that i have seen. it is super creepy but cool. i feel like he uses layers then scrapes it upp the first layer

  29. The opening of a face, shows more then blood and tissue. It shows that we are all the same on the inside. Which I think the artist truly wanted us to see. I think they wanted us to see that no matter what you look like on the outside. We all can relax on the fact that we look the same on the inside.

  30. This is very creepy. I would be scared of myself if i created this. Very suprise dot see this.

  31. This art is very cool! It would probably take a lot of time to do. Its cool how it made it look like his skin was ripped off.

  32. This would be really hard to do. It would even be hard to line up the material on top to the drawing underneath. I like the idea though.

  33. The last one is just weird and creepy. I would never wanna see something like that in real life

  34. The face is creepy but just the piece is pretty talented.

  35. these are dumb I don't like why they didn't just paint that in the first place. I wouldn't like these at all

  36. this is very weird. it would be very interesting to see how they did these paintings

  37. this is weird because to see the full potential of the painting you have to ruin it but it is pretty cool

  38. I do not like that. It looks gross and I would hate painting this. It would be just as bad as chalk.

  39. its veary groosam

  40. this is cool, there would have to be something in between the layers to make it scrape off easily because paint doesn't do that, the one issue i would have is once you scrape it off you lose the original pre scraped off image
