Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Carved for greatness

SO I am a very simple person.  I have no desire to have a fancy house with fancy things, that is until I saw these doors.  These are hand-carved doors that you have to specially order to fit not only your house buy your design choice.  I can't even imagine the hours that went into making each of these low relief masterpieces.

Take a look and tell me what you think?

SO what do you think?  Does it make you want to own a log home up with the mountains too?  Do you have a different design in mind?  I am not so much of a bear person, but I love the last one with the tree and deer.  Which one is your favorite and why?  If you could pick another design what would it be?


  1. I think this is really cool but I could never do this and so this is something I wouldn't want to do. I would like to see some do this in front of me, it would also take a lot of time and concentration.

  2. I think that the first picture was the best, the rest are a bit plain in my opinion. I don't think it is in my ability to do this, I don't even ant to attempt. It looks like whoever did this but a lot of time and effort into this. I can hardly imagine how expensive a door would be.

  3. It is a very unique type of art. It looks really cool. I wouldn't be able to do it even if I tried. I would love to have a door like these but put mountain goats or something on it.

  4. It is a very unique type of art. It looks really cool. I wouldn't be able to do it even if I tried. I would love to have a door like these but put mountain goats or something on it.

  5. i absolutely love this type of art work. Its crazy how much time and effort people put into these projects. I think that this art needs to be done by someone who has a lot of patience and dedication. My favorite is the first bear one because of the detail

  6. i absolutely love this type of art work. Its crazy how much time and effort people put into these projects. I think that this art needs to be done by someone who has a lot of patience and dedication. My favorite is the first bear one because of the detail

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  8. This type of art is so cool. I think it has great details. I would like to try to learn how to create this type of art work. This also looks really hard to make.

  9. i think this artwork is really cool. the detail in it is very realistic which i love. it looks very difficult to get the 3d effect on the flat door.

  10. I think this looks really cool. I love how they use wood to make amazing art. It's amazing how they have so much detail in wood.

  11. I think this looks really cool. I love how they use wood to make amazing art. It's amazing how they have so much detail in wood.

  12. I think this looks really cool. I love how they use wood to make amazing art. It's amazing how they have so much detail in wood.

  13. I think this type of art is really cool. It would be really fun to do this type of art work in class. There are lots of little details in these projects and that's what makes it look amazing.

  14. I think this type of art is really cool. It would be really fun to do this type of art work in class. There are lots of little details in these projects and that's what makes it look amazing.

  15. I think these are really pretty. I like the detail. It probably took a long time to make each of these. It is truly amazing.

  16. This is really cool and i think it would be awesome to do this. it is cool that people have the ability to do this. If i had a house I would definitely try to find one of these and put it in there.

  17. These doors look really awesome. I've always thought wood carvings were cool. But this steps it up a notch. The one at the bottom was rather impressive. I enjoy how the background was completely cut out.

  18. These doors look so cool. They have so much detail in them. If my door at hoe was like this, I would probably sit in front of it and look at it for most of the day.

  19. This would be something that would be awesome to wake up in the morning and walk to your door and just admire your outstanding looking doors. Wood carvings are some of the best looking art and are also some of the most dynamic art works.

  20. I think this form of art is very unique and creative. I would definitely like to have one of these on my doors in my house. I would definitely like to work on a piece of art like this.

  21. That one door with the bear going through it looking all angry could totally scare someone if you put the door in without the victim noticing.

  22. This is cool it would buy a lot of people and it would make you wanna work on another one. That's why its dope it has a lot of work to it.

  23. This is really cool. The waves on the chair looks cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome.

  24. This is really cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome. The animals look cool.

  25. This is really cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome. The animals look cool.

  26. I want one! i would pay big bucks for one of these. The deer one is my favorite one!

  27. I love wood carvings! i wouldn't be able to make this at all. i have no skills to make what they can.

  28. Wow. This is honestly the coolest wood stuff I've ever seen. This would be so dope chillin' as my front door.

  29. Wow. This is honestly the coolest wood stuff I've ever seen. This would be so dope chillin' as my front door.

  30. Wow. This is honestly the coolest wood stuff I've ever seen. This would be so dope chillin' as my front door.

  31. I don't think that I've seen much wood work like this. It's incredible. I feel like this would be a gift for my grandparents or something.

  32. I love wood work like this. It is extremely cool and I can't imagine the time and effort needed to make something this amazing. I'm sure artwork like this is very expensive.

  33. i want this door. it wouldnt look very well at my house but i want it. it seems very spendy,

  34. My front door is going to look like this when I drop my mixtape. It'll be straight fire, Mrs. DeWitt! I1ll even buy you one with the 12 billion dollars I'll make off rapping!

  35. I love this type of art. My favorite door is the one with the bear in the river. If I got to have my door look like one of these I would want a dragon on my door and lots of surreal stuff like that

  36. Wood working is a difficult task, not anyone can make these... You have to be very skilled with your hands to not be able to break little pieces! This is truely a talent

  37. i like theses
    i like them alot

  38. I have always wanted to complete the task of wood carving. I love how it captures nature aspects and animals. These carvings are truly magnificent

  39. it would be awesome to be able to carve things into doors and make it look this good. you could make your house go from boring to awesome with these

  40. I love these works. The artist must have plenty of patience to carve a whole door.

  41. These peices are so cool because you can only think the precise cutting and patience to do something like this

  42. These pieces must of took forever. I would never have the enough patience to do that.

  43. I believe this had to have taken a lot of time. I can't imagine how much it costs to own one. My personal favorite is the last one with the deer underneath the giant tree.

  44. I really love the idea of these doors, but if I had to pick some, I DEFINITELY would not get one with a bear on it. I would do one that looks like a portal to narnia. or Hogwarts.

  45. I love these doors my favorite one is the first one with the bear coming out of the door. I want one in my house it will be so cool. It's probably hard to do this and if you were to mess up a little that would suck.

  46. These doors are just beautiful. The days it must have taken to make these doors. He must have had years of practice in order to do them with such detail. i wonder how many doors hes messed up on and had to start over on.

  47. the doors look like someone took a picture of the bear and put it on the wall but it looks really cool. i like it and i want my house door to have something like that it would look sweet

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  49. The doors look really good. My favorite is the one of the bear bursting into the door. It reminds me of "The Great Outdoors"

  50. I wish i was as talented as this artist. I feel like i could add his style into my artwork. It is so amazing what they can do.

  51. These doors look really cool this guy can do some good wood work. I would love to see this on my neighbors door. I think it would be a great thing on my door.

  52. I love this and how he does this is incredible. I would definitely live up in the mountains if I could have this on my wall. I like all of his designs and thoughts. My favorite is the elephant and if I could pick one it would be to have the hogwarts castle.

  53. I really like these. They're so creative and beautiful. Would absolutely love to have these in my house.

  54. I really like all of these. I would want to have the bear breaking through the door. It's really nice looking

  55. this is a very cool piece of art! I like the outdoor style of this art if i could i would make it but id rather buy it

  56. i love how complex these carvings were. I love the outdoor theme of these sculptures. This must have been a very time consuming project.

  57. I can't imagine how long it takes them to get this done. It is great craftsmanship. I personally like the one were the bear looks like it is breaking through the door. I think that door would really look good in a log cabin.

  58. I really like the last one it looks 3d a lot. It must have taken a long time to do this pieces. My step-dad would love the deer one.

  59. all of these doors are probably very expensive.

  60. i absolutely love this type of art work. Its crazy how much time and effort people put into these projects. I think that this art needs to be done by someone who has a lot of patience and dedication. My favorite is the first bear one because of the detail

  61. I would love to have one of these doors instead of my door. I love how they are kind of brought to life and make the door so much more interesting.

  62. That is some outstanding woodworking skills. I wonder how much that would cost to have someone specialty make something like that for you. I can't imagine how much time, skill, and thought went into making these doors.

  63. These hand carved items are very doperson. I wish I could do something like this. It is very awesome. That person is very talented.

  64. I cant believe that these are are made out of wood carvings because these are really good.

  65. These look like they are a very hard skill to master. It would be cool if hy house had this. Although it looks cool im betting it cost a lot.

  66. It would be very cool in a log cabin. However I don't think I would want one in my house. Although the elephant one is pretty cool.


  67. I have always wanted to complete the task of wood carving. I love how it captures nature aspects and animals. These are cool

  68. I would pay to get one. My grandpa out in the hills has a little bear but its not as cool as these.

  69. I like wood and bears. these are sweet I like woodworking so these would be pretty cool. I'd probably do this

  70. I really like how they make art out of everything , just insane how they make the bear on the door,

  71. This looks like it could have been done by the witch from the brave movie. They're so cool. My mom would definitely like to have one in our house.

  72. I really like all the designs, and the wood carving on doors it looks very beautiful:)

  73. I think that if you own a log cabin it is kind of mandatory that you get one of these doors. I think they are amazing. I bet they would sell for a lot of money. Who ever makes these probably doesn't have to worry about money. I wood burn some little things my self just for a little hobby but this takes it to a whole new level, and then 5 more after that. You would have to carve the door probably with a knife of some kind, then wood burn the whole thing, and you can't mess up because you make a wrong cut and the nose could get cut off, or if you make a wrong line you can't erase it like you can a pensil.

  74. These doors are something I think every single log cabin is required to have. These doors are simply amazing. I would want a big Lion carved

  75. These projects are almost amazing. I would love to HAVE one not MAKE one this is way too difficult for me.

  76. the bear ones remind me of the movie Brave and I think that they would be cool pieces for a cabin

  77. These doors are really cool. I would love doors like these. The only downside being is spending soo much time on them and it cracking or splitting. Or kids scratch it.

  78. These door look amazing. It looks like they would be really expensive and i dont really like all the big designs. It reminds me of what would be in a church somewhere

  79. My dad would love something like this on our front door. I bet to have someone do this for you is beyond expensive. I like tis a lot though.

  80. The first one is honestly the best. Mostly cause it makes it seem like bear is real or something.

  81. I'm really into all this wild life stuff so this is really cool to look at. I like on some of them that it pops out of the wood to make it look 3D.
