Friday, September 16, 2016


It's not very often that I get to talk about South Dakota artists.  Dale Lamphere is  However, today I am really excited to show you the newest South Dakota sculpture that will be along I-90 by Chamberlain called "Dignity".

Dignity is a 50 foot sculpture of a Native American dancer that is being created out of steel.  She will dance high above the Missouri River and will be an amazing site to see.  Her unveiling ceremony will be this weekend in Chamberlain, September 17.

This is Dale in front of the stuatue.

Scale models in his workshop

Another scale model

Work in progress


  1. I do not like this because it is a was of material. That material could have gone to build a home for the people that are unfortunate, that they don't have a place to live. To me it is just a waste of material.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think that it is cool that someone from SD decided to put their time and effort into doing something like this. This is very creative, but I am not exactly a huge fan of this for the simple fact that I really like colors. I think if it was more colorful it would definitely stand out even more than it already does.

  4. I think that it is cool that someone from SD decided to put their time and effort into doing something like this. This is very creative, but I am not exactly a huge fan of this for the simple fact that I really like colors. I think if it was more colorful it would definitely stand out even more than it already does.

  5. This is really cool looking. This type of art reminds me of the statue of liberty. I think this would be a fun and creative art project to do. I think we should do something similar to this in class. Overall I think I would enjoy creating art like this.

  6. This really cool. It would be quite difficult, but fun and rewarding to make. It reminds me of the statue of liberty. I like how it towers. It would be interesting to see in person.

  7. I think that this is cool that they did this. It is good to see that they are doing this like this. It is a very nice sculpture and I think it will be cool to see it someday.

  8. It's a cool idea, but it looks rather bland and colorless. I'd like to see more color and detail implemented into the piece. Even though, someday I would like to stop and see it on my way out to the black hills.

  9. This is so cool. I love the detail on it, and it's even more cool that he is from South Dakota.

  10. This is some cool stuff. I wonder how far from the interstate it will be. Its always cool to see new art from South Dakota.

  11. This is really cool. The waves on the chair looks cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome.

  12. This is really cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome.

  13. This is really cool. It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome.

  14. Are those statues made out of metal? They look really cool though. The work in progress one looks good just how it is.

  15. Holy moley. this is amazing. I would love to see this in person and be able to comprehend how tall these are. It's very interesting and i would definitely love to hear how he came up with the idea of this big.

  16. Holy wakamoles this is amazing. i love the huge one. It seems like a dangerous job but id do it.

  17. I dont really understand this but it is really cool anyways. It would take some hella effort to get the metal right.

  18. I think this form of art is very creative. It looks like it would be very costly, and would take a lot of time. I don't know if I would ever be up to make something this big!

  19. I think that this is actually really cool, to be honest. Although I do believe that it would of been more cool if they used a different material other than metal.

  20. I love the piece where the bear is breaking threw what looks like a door. i love how they went realistic and actually used real wood. i like how it was 3D it wasn't just a drawing.

  21. more tourism for our state i guess. this will put some really corny things to shame in our state. i would really like to see this someday soon.

  22. this is pretty cool i woul like this for tourists. we have stuff in this at sioux city. it all looks pretty good.

  23. I think this is cool. I love the idea but I think me or my dad might have used that metal for smithing. But I think its pretty cool.

  24. i have actually seen this structure recently. it is an amazing piece of art and it does represent some important symbols in life.

  25. this is cool that they actually did this. this had to take a lot of time to make but people have a lot of patients to do it

  26. I've driven past this twice. It's really pretty when the sun shines through her blanket, and the details are so well done it still looks good from a distance.

  27. This work with the metal is truly amazing. They are able to turn nothing into something. I would love to try this.

  28. working with metal is not easy! trust me i tried welding, not good! and it's amazing to see how someone can accomplish this! It neatoooo

  29. I like statues like this because its something you can see while just driving and something take pictures on front of or by

  30. It cool what he is doing. It's probably really hard and expensive to make it, but i think it's worth it. I would want to see it.

  31. These sculptures are really cool and in depth and it looks really good. i would love to see someone making this

  32. This is really cool looking. This type of art reminds me of the statue of liberty. I think this would be a fun and creative art project to do. I think we should do something similar to this in class. Overall I think I would enjoy creating art like this.

  33. This is really cool. I would be surprised if i knew anyone who could actually do this. It looks amazing.

  34. Its something else. It would be interesting to see in real life. Its cool

  35. This is cool especially since it is in South Dakota. He had to have spent a lot of time just forming the right shape of metal to fit in the correct spot. I wonder how long it took to put it all together.

  36. This is really cool! Especially because it is in South Dakota. I've never seen it but I will make sure to look out for it.

  37. These are actually really cool these are pretty good. This is just something I will never be able to do anything like this in my life.

  38. I bet this took forever to do. He must have a lot of spare time to be able to something like this.

  39. There is a statue similar in Rapid City. People take pictures with it all the time. I have a few pictures myself with it. I like the light blues on the statue

  40. This guy is a real south dakota rancher. I like him. and I guess that makes his statue a real rancher too. she looks cold though with the blanket so it might be a south dakota winter

  41. These would be very cool to see in person. Id love to see these on the side of the road

  42. This is kinda wack , I don't like this. Wonder how how high he was to even come up with some non-sense art.

  43. It's not my favorite, but I think it represents the South Dakota heritage well.

  44. I like this piece of art it looks cool, and is nice that they are making a bigger replica of it:)

  45. I've actually seen this and I didn't know that it was put up so recently

  46. i think that steel sculptures are very cool.ti would take a lot of time to complete something that big.some of those metal sculptures are very big.

  47. its cool that it is in south dakota. But i don't really like this art. It just doesn't look very cool to me.

  48. I've seen this in person before. I am sure it would take a lot of time to complete something like this. The details on the sculpture are pretty cool

  49. I have seen this before, I never really thought of the fact that someone had to have made it, it sounds stupid but I just haven't ever thought about it that way, I thought it would be a lot older than that though, and not made of metal
