Friday, August 26, 2016

Art or just distasteful?

So the old saying is "Art and beauty are in the eye of the beholder."  Basically it means that you can either like some types of art or you don't have to.  That is the reason for this blog, it is a way for you to tell me what you like and what you don't.  Everyone is entitled to your opinion.

So that being said, some people are not fond of artwork on the sides of buildings.  They think it is distasteful and sometimes often rude.  I want you to check out these buildings that have created controversy in their respected communities and tell me what you think.

What do you think of these buildings?  Do you think they are art or have they created eye sores in the community.  If you could paint something on the side of a building, what would you paint?


  1. These buildings are art. They take something so over looked and turn it into something that people want to look at. Those people that say it is not art, are wrong. They probably say that because they can't do that.

  2. I really like these because it makes you think a little bit more about what the artist was thinking when he drew these. These piece of art are actually really cool and I like them a lot!

  3. If I could pull this off I would make a wall look like an alien space ship crashed into it. This is some cool art.

  4. I think these buildings are amazing. They are really cool because they shows what the artist thinks when he/she looks at every day objects. The people that say they don't like it and thinks it's not art, do not know what true art are.

  5. I like this art work. What i like about it is when the buildings are falling.

  6. I think these buildings are super cool. They show what the artist thinks about and how his past makes him, him. If I had the ability to paint something like this it would be military soldiers because my dad is my biggest role model.

  7. I think these buildings are super cool. They show what the artist thinks about and how his past makes him, him. If I had the ability to paint something like this it would be military soldiers because my dad is my biggest role model.

  8. These building look really cool. If I had someone do this to a building that I either live in or see everyday, I would love it. Art always makes people think and everyone has their own opinion.

  9. This is extremely cool and would be so dope to try sometime. If i saw this in public i would be so tripped out and i would probs freak.

  10. I am a huge fan of these buildings, they look so realistic. I wish buildings in SD were more interesting like these buildings are. If I had a building and had the ability to paint this well I would paint a portrait of Matt Smith and David Tennant because they are my favorite actors.

  11. I think these paintings are amazing, they show so much character and life and they just bring a whole new level of excitement to the building. I definitely wish i had the skill to paint something like this.

  12. I really like this style of art. It is really astonishing. I probably couldn't do something like this. I love how real they look.

  13. I really like this style of art. It is really astonishing. I probably couldn't do something like this. I love how real they look.

  14. This art is really cool. This makes me want to paint on a side of a building. So much details that are put in of making that art look amazing. I would like to learn how to make this type of art.

  15. These look really cool and i would like to see it in person. They put a lot of time into this. These people have a lot of talent

  16. I definitely wouldn't call this "distasteful" or "rude", but it just straight up does not look good. Painting is not for buildings.

  17. This is really cool.It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome. I would paint something football related

  18. This is really cool.It had to take time and patients to do something this awesome. I would paint something football related

  19. beautiful and intriguing. Love how its like looking into a buliding or pulling a curtain. Wish we could do this to our school it would be awesome.

  20. i would probably walk right int that building. Tbh i dont like this because it hurts my head. Its also very creative

  21. This is amazing. I love these kind of optical illusions they're so creative. I really like the one here it looks like it's a book or turning a page or something.

  22. This art has excellent quallity to it. I wouldn't do it but for whoever has the patience too, props to you dude!

  23. This is really cool. It would a lot of talent and time to put something like this together. My favorite on is the one where they painted a floor plan to the side of the building.

  24. I actually really like these!! I think that whoever created these has a great eye and deserves to be shown more!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. These buildings are really cool. I hope that whoever did this is being recognized for their amazing work. I wish i could see this in person. It would be a sight to see.

  27. These are amazing, they really have an amazing painting skill. I like the one that looks like its opening-curtains. It brings two thins mixed together into reality.

  28. This is awesome it would fool so many people. People would actually try to do through them and run right into a wall or something.

  29. This is so cool and the people who made these are truly talented. I think it's cool how it looks like the buildings are opening up.

  30. this is alright. i would pefer a different picture but this is good too. overall it ok.

  31. This looks really realistic! I can't imagine all of the work that was put behind these. I don't think I would ever want to try something like that at that scale.

  32. this looks so weird and it is really trppy, i like it but would never try it because i dont like this type of art. other people proably enjoy them though

  33. It depends on the art. I like these buildings because they look cool but I don't support graffiti or vandalism. As long as they got permission first I think these are cool.

  34. I actually have been to a building like this. When i was in florida i w saw one of these and it was super cool.

  35. Very nice and out going shows a lot of feelings. Gives alot of thoughts when u look at it. Showz that not every good art has to show something perfect.

  36. Buildings like this give me inspiration to go and try to make this! Knowing my luck i'll get caught by cops for vandalism! But hey, you got to live alittle! :)

  37. i really like this. it is cool to see that the concrete jungle is being broken up from its blatant concrete view. that last one i really like becuse it looks like i can walk right into the side of the building.

  38. if i could do this to a side of a building i would. it makes the buildings look a lot better and it is awesome that this can be done

  39. For my summer bucket list, is to do this on a bridge! This might be illegal, but it will be gorgeous! ha

  40. I think these are super cool. I never really see any of this type of artwork displayed on buildings, only on trains. Ha!

  41. I think that this art is very cool to see. I think that the art looks very realistic and I love how it was done on the side of a building. I wish I could see some of this art in real life.

  42. I love this type of art it takes something boring and makes it exciting.It a cool place to take pictures by. I would like to do this type of art or help someone doing it.

  43. I definitely like the buildings and it would be cool to see them in real life. Yes I mean I would be a little freaked out if I saw a hole in my building. I would paint a hole in my bedrrom wall.

  44. I love how realistic it looks, I enjoy the way it was done on the side of a building. It looks like I can just walk right into that painted bedroom. It would be great if I got to see some of these painting in real life, and I wonder how I would react.

  45. It is like an optical illusion. It's so cool. I love how realistic it is.

  46. This is super cool. If I was walking by it, it would probably take me a sec to realize that it is just a wall. Whoever did this is very good.

  47. Wow, just wow, that may be graffiti or art, what-ever it is it's amazing. I would imagine that this is really cool to new people or tourists, but I'm sure the people that work or live in this building are sick of it. If I was a good enough artist I would have these all over my walls, it's just fun to look at.

  48. i think that these buildings are very cool. i would try to do this but on a road and make it look like there is a big ol sink hole

  49. This is very cool and very realistic. It almost looks like these are really there and not just paintings. I wonder how many birds flew into the walls of these buildings.

  50. This is really amazing. It looks so real. People who can do this are truly talented.

  51. This is really cool , if i was talented i would paint some .

  52. I really like these because it makes you think a little bit more about what the artist was thinking when he drew these. These piece of art are actually really cool and I like them a lot!

  53. I like these they are very unique. It really looks amazing. It would be interesting to create something like this.

  54. This shows the true inside of art. You need to be able to look inside the true eyes of art and that is what they do in these works of art.

  55. These are extremely confusing. I feel like these buildings would endanger the surround wildlife. It is dumb

  56. That building painting that looks like it actually have a hole broking it in there.

  57. This reminds me of that looney tunes show coyote and roadrunner. They look as real as the tunnels coyote used to paint and then later run in to.

  58. These are very cool. If I was able to get one I would get one of a firefighter in a fire with the symbol of firefighters. My dad would love it

  59. Theses painting are really creative and the artist did I really great job doing it I would probably wanna try this some time in life.

  60. if they made an eagle on it flying with a flag would be cool but overtime it would fade and be gone and not look as cool

  61. I really like this because it looks really cool. I wish we had more stuff like this stuff in sufu.

  62. This is graffiti on steroids , really like how they make buildings look more appealing than just having nothing, every building should have something sketched out like that on them.

  63. I really like these they are supper creative and give the plain ordinary buildings more of a curb appeal. I don't understand why someone would think this is an eye sore. I like the ones where it gives the effect that part of the wall is missing.

  64. I think these buildings are super cool. It looks so real. People who can do this are talented.

  65. i think that these buildings are very cool and creative. i like how it makes the buildings unique.i like how it really brings out the buildings.

  66. I think artwork like this is really cool. Whenever I see these are the ground or buildings, I like looking at them. They are very interesting.

  67. This is great artwork, it really is quite beautiful. I feel like a company could use this art to emphasize what they are trying to sell you.

  68. The first and last ones are cool. They are mesmerizing in a way. But if i seen them in person it would probably scare me at first.

  69. I think these types of things are cool. I am not sure that I would be able to do one of these. Whenever I come across them I enjoy them. THe last one is my favorite one.

  70. This would take a lot of time and effort. Just to get these done probably took forever. would love to do something like this to my room.

  71. This is really cool to look at. I would really like to do this and also see this in real life. It looks like it would take a lot of detail to do all of this. I would like to looks at one of these up close.

  72. I really like the first one, it's dope.
