Thursday, August 25, 2016

Right to the point

Artist Salavat Fidai has taken carving sculptures to an all new level, a miniature level at that.  He carves the graphite from a pencil into incredible works of art.  So stop for a moment and look at your pencil, if your holding a wooden pencil, and think about how small of a surface that is.

 Now think about sharpening that pencil.  How often does that break?  How hard do you struggle to just get a pencil tip so that you can use it.


Okay, after looking at all of these images, what do you think of Salavat's style?
Is this something that you would like to try, or do you think you would get too frustrated?  What image would you like to see carved into the tip of a pencil?  Do you think there is a subject matter that he couldn't do?


  1. I would not like to try this nor would I have the time or patience to do such a thing. Imagine being almost done carving the pencil, but then accidentally break it. Salavat's style is amazing, but I would not take up the challenge.

  2. I would love to try this. I probably wouldn't have the art talent to pull this off, but I think it would be fun to at least try. Just think of all the relieve when you finish it and it looks amazing.

  3. It is very cool but, I would never try this i don't of the steady hand nor the patience to do this. Just one of those pencils probably took her a few months to do. So i would not do this.

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  5. It is very cool! I just don't think I have the patients or time to do this. If I messed up I would want to just throw the pencil or something.

  6. Wow this is stupendous! I could do this with my eyes closed and my hands behind my back though. Just give me a pencil and call me Piccasso.

  7. Wow this is stupendous! I could do this with my eyes closed and my hands behind my back though. Just give me a pencil and call me Piccasso.

  8. This is very cool it's amazing i just wont have time to do it. Like i would do this for days without getting paid if i had time. Who ever did that work they have real patient.

  9. This amazes me. I don't think I could ever be able to do this however, I would like to try it. After the first few attempts of me not being able to do it, I would probably throw the pencil away.

  10. This is amazing. It looks so unreal. I can barely sharpen my pencil the normal way, so this probably wouldn't be something for me to try.

  11. These look so cool, I would love to TRY and do this. If I tried this I think I might mess up and get mad at the pencils. I think it would be cool to try and do the statue of liberty.

  12. These look so cool, I would love to TRY and do this. If I tried this I think I might mess up and get mad at the pencils. I think it would be cool to try and do the statue of liberty.

  13. I absolutely love this kind of art. It is so amazing how they can make something like this and put so much detail into it. I don't know how they could have the time and patients to do this, but whoever does is absolutely amazing.

  14. I like these a lot. They wouldn't be good to use for writing, but they're still cool. It would be difficult to get all the details.

  15. These are crazy. I would really like to know how to make this type of art. It looks really cool and I would like to be taught this.

  16. This is really cool. It has to be very hard to do something like this and has to take a lot of time.

  17. I bet the tools he is using are even tinier than the pencil. The Wall-E one was probably harder than the skull. that'd be funny if he writes with them after he took a picture of them.

  18. I have trouble sharpening a pencil to write with, much less carving Wall-E into the lead. I would never want to attempt this method, because I would never be able to do it. I would snap it, and I have quite shaky hands.

  19. I am convinced that the artist in question, Salavat Fidai, is a robot. How could a human possess have the skill to make such fine, intricate details. The Wall-E one is pretty cool though.

  20. This is really cool I think it took time and effort to make the Wall-E. I would want to try this and make a Eiffel Tower.

  21. This is really cool I think it took time and effort to make the Wall-E. I would want to try this and make a Eiffel Tower.

  22. The talent that you would have to have to do this is above and beyond. This would be something that would be awesome to do, but almost like an impossible task.

  23. I would never have the patients to do this. It looks very difficult and time comsuming. If you make one wrong move you could break the whole thing. If you want to do this go ahead but i wouldn't put my time into it.

  24. I have no idea what these are. It looks kind of difficult to understand what these are. but i like them i guess.

  25. I really like the Wall-E one. these are so creative too! i don't think I would've ever thought to design my pencil like this. I'd probably get really frustrated trying to carve these.

  26. this art is unique and kind of nice. I think there was A LOT of work put in but it seems worth it in the end. the artist probably has a great imagination and steady hand

  27. I've seen art like this before. You would have to have a lot of patience and time to do this type of art. I can't imagine the times that I would mess up doing this. If I were more talented with art, I would definitely give this a try.

  28. It is so cool how you did the black.I would mess up if i try doing this.

  29. I would hate to try this. I honestly think that I would start out and it just gets worse and worse causing me to stop. It would be a time-consuming project.

  30. Dang that takes some true talent to be able to get even a little bit of detail out of something you are making. I think it would take tons of time just to do one.

  31. these are dumb. i dint really like them that muc. i woulnt do this for a project.

  32. I tried to carve my pencil before actually but I could never do it because it always breaks. I admire his patience.

  33. I would be way too impatient to do this. I don't know how he made detail this small. He must have a very steady hand. I am envious.

  34. I really like how much detail he put into these. I would like to try it. It wouldn't turn out very good, but i'd still like to try it.

  35. I can't even comprehend how this is possible. they must be using giant pencils because this just doesnt even seem possible to me with a number 2 pecil.

  36. if you can make your art work look like this on that small of a thing you can make art on just about anything and make it look good

  37. These are amazing. I could never carve an image into the tip of a pencil and have it look right.

  38. I would get so frustrated with this. I'm sure the lead breaks sometimes and then you'd have to start all over.

  39. I don't think I would be able to make anything close to as good as him. I would probably break it too much to even finish it.

  40. This crazy that the artist is able to do this. I would not have a steady enough hand to do this. I would just end up getting frustrated and accidentally breaking it. He should be a doctor.

  41. I don't know how someone is supposed to make a sculpture on a pencil. This is insane how someone can have a steady enough hand to carve pencil lead into something like this.

  42. I wonder what they use to sculpt this. It is pretty amazing. I wish i could do something like this. I could try this and it would look like nothing. I am interested in how this was made.

  43. This look amazing. I think this would be fun to do in class. It would be a challenge, but it would be a lot of fun.

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  45. I would get super frustrated and my hands would shake and break the hole time. I would carve a wolves head. Or maybe something along the lines of a feather. they are super cool though.

  46. These look incredible. They look like they take a lot of hard time and patience. I would never have the time to make these.

  47. The details shows more then art. It shows the artist as a whole. You can tell that the artist takes a lot of time with his art and wants to do the best that he can. The way that he does that is through the fine pointed end of these small statues.

  48. The pencil carvings are cool. However these pencils could be used for something much better. It is lame

  49. this is crazy because it is made on something we all just think of as nothing but this person has made it into something very noticeable and cool.

  50. This is very cool because they made it out of something that you wouldn't want think they would make it into to

  51. This is really nice. I would really like to know how to make this type of art. It looks really cool and I would like to be taught this

  52. I break my pencils enough I don't need a really fancy one when I would probably lose it and steal someone elses

  53. These are very cool! The designs are on point. The depths of it are amazing. I would like to watch a video on this.

  54. I like this artwork because it looks very cool, i wouldn't like to try this piece of art because it looks like it takes a lot of patients, and i don't have much patience. Although it's unique and cool looks very stressing and wouldn't do that artwork.

  55. I like the walle one. i find it amazing how they get all the details. It looks like it would take forever, and you need to be a pro to do it. I think it would be hard because it could break and that would be stressful and fusturating.

  56. I don't really like it. And I don't think i would like trying this in class. It would take so long and i don't think i would like how it turned out. But all the details are pretty cool.

  57. These look extremely difficult, but the end result is cool. You must need a really steady hand to do something like this. I would have to restart a lot
