Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Finding art in your closet

I know sometimes it is hard to think of all of the different ways we make art, but have you ever thought of clothing?  It is an art major, but did you think of that this morning when you got dressed? 

I think we can all agree that a dancers dress like this is a work of art in its own right, but do you think of the clothes that you wear as art?

I am just curious if you have ever thought of your wardrobe as as work of art?  And that being said, does that make it your own work of art, since you have picked the items that are in it?  Do you have any pieces that you agree could be works of art?  Now that I have brought this up will you look at your own clothes selection more carefully, or not?


  1. I don't really like what they drew. I like how they painted this dress. If they drew something else it would of been way better

  2. I don't really consider my clothes as works of art. I can see dresses or designer clothes as works of art, but not a plain t-shirt and jeans. I think that the maker of the clothes would be the creator of said art.

  3. i don't feel clothing is a masterpiece.

  4. Clothes aren't really art. But I mean it looks pretty and reminds me of a old disney princess dress.

  5. I surely don't see my wardrobe as a work of art. Even if this dress was designer is don't think it's art compared to some other dresses. If this was a painting or a drawing I'd say that's amazing but its not so it's not really art.

  6. this dress is very pretty. especially if we get to pick the objects on it

  7. I don't really think dresses are a form of art because it is just a piece of clohing that everyone wears. I also don't really care about it either

  8. even though i have some pretty cool close i really would not consider any of them works of art. the dress is really cool tho and i bet it was worth alot.

  9. I am personally not a big fan of this art piece. I also don't consider this art. Everyone wears clothes so what's the point of drawing a dress.

  10. I think clothes can be a form of art. A lot of runway fashions are designed to be a form of self expression, not for practical reasons. Many high end, rich people only, type of clothing stores design clothes to be more art than actual clothes, but some types of everyday clothing can be art, especially for girls. If you put a lot of thought into your outfit and how it expresses you, it can be art.

  11. it is not that grate all it is a dress anyone can just buy a dress. it is a nice dress.

  12. The dress is beautiful and is full of wonderful colors

  13. to be honest , i don't even know how this is "art" . Anything is art nowadays , that dress that they call art is just dumb.
    Call me stupid or what ever , but this isn't art, who knows , i don't know anything about art.

  14. i really despise this "art" piece or whatever you wan't to call it .
    imagine someone wearing that dress, you'd have to be really lame to put that on.

  15. I think about anything can be used as a work of art as art isnt about what it is but its about how you draw it and i feel we need to emphasis that is the art world

  16. This dress is really different like it is from a Disney movie. I like the colors and how it looks.

  17. My clothes are definitely not a work of art. I probably will look more closely at my clothes now that you brought it up.

  18. This dress is adorable. I didn't even know that art involved cloths. They put in a lot of effort into making this and it turned out wonderfully.

  19. Oh yes! Clothes are a way of art in so many ways. They have the ability to express who you are in a way that is unimaginable. I love the having the choice to wake up and make art out of the clothes that I have in my closet. Being able to express myself in ways that only I could understand.

  20. I am personally not a big fan of this art piece. I also don't consider this art. Everyone wears clothes so what's the point of drawing a dress.

  21. I like the two different colors. It isn't something I would wear or would recommend someone else to wear.

  22. Clothing can be pieces of art. The time comsumed by making and desgning beautiful pieces of clothing is an art. The color schmems of certain clothes make them art.

  23. This piece of clothing looks really cool. This is very interesting and I bet it took someone a lot of time to make.

  24. I dont like this kind of art. I dont see clothing as a art.

  25. I feel like the artist is thinking clothes are a master peices

  26. jesus christ man , art could really be out of anything.

  27. I don't really like these because I don't consider dresses as art and don't think they're cool

  28. I think that clothes can be art. This dress is super cute.
    It looks very interesting.

  29. I don't think casual dressing is an art. However some movie's outfits or famous artists outfits are crazy artistic. Like Lady Gaga, her meat dress and exotic dresses definitely took time.

  30. yeah casual dressing isnt really art but i can think of some lavish outfits that could be considered art. the detailed beading on a prom dress could be an example

  31. I don't know what looks good when it comes to these so i don't really know weather it looks good or not. i'm sure it looks good though.

  32. it don't like how it looks most because I don't care mostly.

  33. This dress is really Nice I like the colors on it the light blue makes it really nice.

  34. Clothes are works of art, but only when they aren't made to be worn. If you are going to wear something, it's clothing, not art. This would have to be on display for it to be considered "art".

  35. I've never thought about clothing like that before. I only thought my clothes were art when I would get dressed for a dance rehearsal. When I'm picking out my clothes for the day, I usually only think about if they match and the last time I had worn it. Nothing in my closet reminds me of art.

  36. I love the colors on this dress, I reminds me of "The Swan Princess". But I still don't get how this is art, it's displayed right, because if not I could put something cool together and do the same thing. But other than that I love this.

  37. I love the colors, but I wouldn't wear it. It looks like a princess dress of something.

  38. I would never wear this. Cool colors and fringes I guess. I don't like it.

  39. This is a very interesting piece of art. I am impressed by all the details on it. I like the colors, but defindily not something I would wear.

  40. Clothes aren't really art. But I mean it looks pretty and reminds me of a old disney princess dress.

  41. i don't think normal clothes are art, maybe the really weird cloths that rich, famous people wear because those aren't your everyday clothes.

  42. I think this dress is very pretty. I like how it looks very old.
