Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Have you ever wondered why they put sculptures called "Figureheads" on the fronts of ships?  And why they don't do it anymore?

So maybe you have never wondered, but I ran across this first picture and it made me wonder.  So I did what any curious person does, and I Googled it. 

It actually started with the Vikings painting eyes on the fronts of their ships so that they looked menacing.  Eventually it became beautiful ornaments to decorate the ship and tell you the name at the same time.  And then eventually as ships became battering rams they didn't want the sculptures destroyed so they stopped using them.  But the practice was around for almost 400 years.

So do you think this is a fad that should come back or stay in the past?  If they brought it back for our military ships what do you think they should put on the fronts?  What would you carve into a sculpture and put at the front of your ship, if you had one?


  1. This art is such a great form of art and it brings history into art it must have taken forever to make these

  2. I think it's all subjective anyways. We all have different experiences, different lives, different bodies. We were all born at different times. Our preferences have been shaped by our consciousness, what is consciousness anyways? What's our purpose? What doth life? Is there a god in heaven looking down on us? or are we stuck here in a blip in the endless black space stuck with these existential thoughts, with our flaws brought to us by evolution? I think my answer to that question had been answered by the critically acclaimed movie Toy Story 2. Woody had found his "purpose", and this "purpose" is that the gods (humans) made him, his story, his friends, his world. He finally felt like he belonged with Sally and Bullseye and the rest of the gang (evil prospector). He found his divine purpose. But by the end of the movie he realized he carves his own path, he finds meaning in his own life. No one is the boss of him and he will be the undefeatable trailblazer of his glorious and diving path. I think that is the meaning of life.

  3. i think this is cool art but i dont think i could do it. its very beautiful piece of art

  4. These art pictures are pretty good. I think they would be very good if they made more of them!

  5. I really like this. It kind of reminds me of pirates of the caribbean. Looks like they really like what theyŕe doing.

  6. I really like this. It kind of reminds me of pirates of the caribbean. Looks like they really like what theyŕe doing.

  7. I think they look not bad. I don't know what what they are supposed to be though. Maybe we should try to do this.

  8. This doesn't really catch my eye. I would never pay money for this at all. Overall the art pieces are nice.

  9. I think that ships should use these because they are beautiful. However, they are not very practical. Also, putting these on military ships would be useless because they would be destroyed. Because most (I think all, IDK) ships are made of metal, a large wooden figurehead would look really tacky, not beautiful or even fear-inducing.

    1. but a giant metal metal lion would look awesome...

  10. is that a painting or is it a statue it is vary good. i wish i could do that because it is so good.

  11. is that a painting or is it a statue it is vary good. i wish i could do that because it is so good.

  12. wow , this art piece is surely cool!

  13. Ships need to use these again. I think it looks so cool and the fact that it would take so much time is so incredible.

  14. This painting of a boat is really nice I like how the picture stands out. The paint has different textures into it and the colors are nice as while.

  15. Carving thes out of wood must have taken a long time. Carving isn't easy but they carved a person on a ship. Doing something that big would have been very difficult.

  16. I think it is kinda cool how they did this back then. I wouldn't want these on our ships now though. I think it kinda removes some of the intimidation factor that you're supposed to have when fighting.

  17. I think it's kinda cool how they pop out in the paintings. I reminds me of the Little Mermaid movie. The princess ship had a mermaid on the front of the ship. It has a lot of detail to the ship and the detail in the mermaid at the front of the ship.

  18. I think that putting sculptures on military ships would be a waste of time and resources. I think it wouldn't be worth it to put these on ships because the money used to build these could be used to actually enhance our military. If I were to do it though, I would do a menacing looking man.

  19. I'm with Isaiah. Toy Story makes this great. Toy Story has a great concept with figureheads and it makes sense. Without Toy Story would we even have figureheads? Probably not...

  20. Carving thes out of wood must have taken a long time. Carving isn't easy but they carved a person on a ship. Doing something that big would have been very difficult.

  21. I never knew that about the carvings on old ships. I feel as if it'd be really interesting to try and figure out what the name of the ship was just by looking at it. They look like the took very long and careful time to do.

  22. I think they look great. These are really cool and interesting.

  23. These are really cool. It is a older style of art but it is still really cool and some of them would really stand out. It would be cool to know the meanings of them.

  24. I think this is really awesome. Although this is very neat it should stay in the past. I would put on a really big butterfly.

  25. I really like this. It kind of reminds me of pirates of the caribbean. Looks like they really like what theyŕe doing.

  26. These had a new look to the ships. They are very beautiful. I'm sure they would take a long time to carve these especially if they big enough to cover the front of the ship.

  27. Adding these to the front of the ships was a great addition. It adds a classic and unique look to the ship and makes them both one of a kind.

  28. I think these are cool pieces of art that added more beautifulness to the old ships back then. I don't think they'd belong on the current ships today. Yet they do look very challenging and time taking.

  29. I think it is kinda cool how they did this back then. I wouldn't want these on our ships now though. I think it kinda removes some of the intimidation factor that you're supposed to have when fighting.

  30. I think its pretty sweet. If I had a ship I would call it the USS Freedom and put a bald eagle at the front. Why? because murica.

  31. Ships never really interest me. I wouldn't really want to draw this. They also look kind of real.

  32. its weird cuz you wouldnt think they would be that cool but theyre so awesome and they should put them on cruise ships or something

  33. How did they make that shade of brown. I know for sure that i wouldn't be able to do it. The second looks better but i think its also esier.

  34. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  35. These are very cool I think all ships should have one of these unique sculptures because it really gives variety and character to the ship

  36. These art pieces look very cool. I honestly don't like to carve so i wouldn't carve anything. These carvings are pre coo tho.

  37. I always loved the statues at the front of ships. They always showed what the ship was. It described the ship by just taking a look at the statue. The pirate ship ones are cool too.

  38. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  39. If I had a ship and had to have a carving on the front, I would put a shark. I don't think they should be on the front of military ships since it should be more professional. However on fishing boats I think it would be funny.

  40. I mean I am not about to go into the whole meaning of life. BAck then I feel like owning a boat was a lavish thing and like you had to be rich. Nowadays you dont really need to be rich or anything so its like less of an honor. so we like dont decorate as much

  41. I see these a lot in movies but i'm not too sure how they make it though. it looks very hard to make though and isn't something i could do.

  42. very cool its on a lot of movies and lot of time went into it.

  43. this is very cool on how they did this out of wood and the way it is painting

  44. these are really cool because it definitely took a lot of time to carve out. The white on is the better looking one of the two because it looks like it made out of stone.

  45. doesn't really catch my eye. I would never pay money for this at all. Overall the art pieces are nice.

  46. tis is really cool and crazy how they can do this with wood

  47. It looks really cool, I just don't think people would put the effort in like they used to. It's like the US Capitol Building, there's a bunch of great looking sculptures and paintings in there, especially in the rotunda, but nobody would be willing to put the same amount of effort in today.

  48. Looking at this reminds me of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" when the mermaid on the front of the ship became alive. I always thought that was pretty cool and these are just beautiful.

  49. This is beautiful. Especially with the ocean in the background

  50. These are super cool. It reminds me of pirates

  51. Im very into anything relating to history and literally my total favorite part is old ships the brigs and frigates all of that. This is honestly the coolest art type thing i've seen. It would be fun but a unrealistic class project.

  52. It looks really cool like it could be from a movie and looks really good like it could have been in a pirates of the caribbean movie

  53. Both of these are amazing. I like the attentions to detail in both of them. I also wonder if the bottom one is real or not.

  54. These look really cool. They remind me of the pirates of the caribbean. And the chronicles of narnia, these are really creative.

  55. These are beautiful. They are very clearly made by someone who loves sculpting. I would love to see these come back for decorative purposes.

  56. I've always liked the sculptures and all the cool things they put on the front of the ship. In movies I would always look for what they had.

  57. These are cool and look like they put a lot of work into making these. If I had a ship I would definitely want to one of these on there. I love it.

  58. This is a very neat thing to look at. I can't say if I owned a ship I would do this, but definitely a interesting piece of art.It also seems very difficult to create.

  59. these are really cool because it definitely took a lot of time to carve out. The white on is the better looking one of the two because it looks like it made out of stone.

  60. I think they are really cool, but i think they should stay in the past. Since they arent around anymore it kind of gives the ship a antique feel that if they were added to new ships would just look weird

  61. I think these are awesome. All the old ships used to known for there figureheads. Like the queen anne's revenge, the revenge, the ranger and many others. I think us battleships should have these still.

  62. i think these look very cool and very creative.

  63. I dont really like these. They dont really catch my eye.

  64. I think that these are pretty cool and I would like to see these come back to our ships. It reminds me of the old pirate ships.
