Wednesday, October 25, 2017

From trash to treasure

I came across these smashed cans where someone has added a face to them.  I don't know who the artist is, but I love how he or she has reflected the angle of the can into the face.  In a way I feel like they could just come to life and walk away.  But I am interested in what you think about them.

So do you think they are cool, interesting, boring or maybe even a little creepy?  Do you prefer their eyes open or the sleeping ones in the last image?  Do you have a favorite one?  Does the one can remind you of Mr. Snethen?  What would you paint on a smashed can if you found one?


  1. I think that the cans are really cool and a bit creepy. but the last one had to be the weirdest to me because they look so realistic.

  2. I like how this person is taking cans that would be trash and making them into art. They are painted so realistically that you look at some and wonder if there eyes will open or they will blink.

  3. I don't understand what would make this very hard. It just looks like someone mashed a pop can, and drew a face on it. I think we should do this because even I would be able to do this.

  4. They are interesting and also creepy, because of how the eyes look. I prefer the eyes like the one with the glasses since it is the least creepy. The closed eyes remind me of aliens and open is just, unsettling.

  5. The pop cans are nice and creative the person did a great job and making the faces and putting diffract types of texture into the cans.

  6. the last one is creepy looking. it is so creative i would never of thought of doing something like this on pop cans.

  7. These are pretty cool. I think I prefered if they´re eyes were open because the sleeping ones kinda freak me out. My favorite one is probs the guy with the mustache. Yeah I can see the resemblance between with the guy with the mustache and Mr. Snethen. I would paint me.

  8. they are really cool. thats cool how they take old soup cans and turn them into faces. we should for this in class because it would be fun

  9. I think this is a really cool. I like how they make the faces look on the cans. I think this would be kinda fun to do

  10. I think this is a really cool idea. I like how they thought to use pop cans and turn it into art. I would've never thought to do something like that.

  11. I think it is cool that they can make something that would be considered trash into a beautiful work of art. I like the ones that have their eyes open. I like the one with the eyeglass and the mustache the best.

  12. It makes sense. I have seen the comments above, and they say it's just trash, but if you look at it, it's hard work. It's dedication and time. People that took the time to create something that they believe is beautiful is something that can't be taken away from them.

  13. The pop cans are nice and creative the person did a great job and making the faces and putting diffract types of texture into the cans.

  14. I really like some of these, but some are really creepy. My favorite one was the one with the mustache and the monocle. He kinda looks like the monopoly man.

  15. These pieces are very funny. They are really unique and different. I would never have thought of the idea to do these.

  16. I like them. The sleeping ones are peaceful looking and seem content with life and where they are. Using trash as art is a good idea.

  17. These still look like TRASH. If I saw an artist putting this in their gallery, I would be ashamed, even though it's better than what I can do.

  18. This one is really creepy. I really don't like it. To me it looks really dumb

  19. This is cool but creepy. It is unique but I wouldnt really want to do this kind of art.

  20. I think that the cans are really cool and a bit creepy. but the last one had to be the weirdest to me because they look so realistic.

  21. I really like how they take old cans and turn them into something really cool. The faces look so real.

  22. These are really cool. They seem to be a bit easier but you would still have to be careful on how you fold them. It would be a little creepy if they were just sitting on side streets.

  23. I really like the heads on the cans they look so good on the cans.

  24. I like that some took something that no-one would appreciate (except maybe recycling) and try to make it more. It shows that anything on the street, from your lunch, or maybe from the trash can become into art. It can show you a different point of view.

  25. I don't know exactly how I feel about this art. I can not really say that I like the faces because they remind me of Thomas the Train and he is kind of whack!

  26. I think that's cool and something I would do for fun. I'm always seeing faces in things and drawing them in my mind. They're pretty cool but also very creepy.

  27. Those cans look amazing and I really have no idea how they made them look so good

  28. I think the one with the moustache does remind me of Mr.Snethen. and the other ones are creepy and weird. and I think the person who made these are probably insane and should be tied up on a straight jacket and put in one of those nice fluffy prison cells with cushions everywhere.

  29. wow, anyone can be an artist, honestly. im gonna be the first one come up with art out ramen noodles.

  30. These are like really cool. THey are so creative. They are kinda creepy but cool.

  31. I think that the cans are really cool and a bit creepy. but the last one had to be the weirdest to me because they look so realistic

  32. These are really cool. They seem to be a bit easier but you would still have to be careful on how you fold them. It would be a little creepy if they were just sitting on side streets.

  33. These look pretty cool. Its not art you think of seeing. Its different and that's why I think its neat.

  34. it is a very weird painting but also verycool on how tey did this and the faces

  35. To be honest these are super weird. I would never be interested in trying this. Creative artist though.

  36. I think its cool how they put cans in their painting.

  37. These things are pretty cool. But they are also very weird. But overall. great job

  38. those are cool cans, the one looks like mr. sneethen kinda but theyre all super cool and someone could probably make money off of them

  39. These are very creepy and dumb in my opinion but other could like them. Personally I think they were kind of a bad piece of art. If I saw these I wouldn't really think much about them;.

  40. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  41. I like this concept because it's turning a garbage into art and that's something people will always overlook,the fact that we have piling up garbage, I love these peices tho

  42. I like this. Its cool but a little creapy at the same time

  43. I really like this. Turning garbage into art is actually a really cool idea. It doesn't look like it would be too time consuming so either so it's cool to see something easy but still really interesting.

  44. People say that garbage isn't art but this painting proves that it can be turned into wonderful art. I like how they made faces in the cas to make it look realistic. I love these , it's a really smart and excellent idea.

  45. I like these tin can projects. But at the same time they are kind of creepy at the same time but cool. I would try to do these projects

  46. I really like this. Turning garbage into art is actually a really cool idea. It doesn't look like it would be too time consuming so either so it's cool to see something easy but still really interesting.

  47. I at first thought it was a sloth. I personally think they're kinda creepy. Imagine walking down the street and seeing a pop can staring at you. I think the faces are really cool though.

  48. These look very interesting and unique. I dont think they would be difficult at all. But they kind of look a little weird.

  49. This isnt really cool. How creepy would the art room look if we did this as a project??there is seriously an artist that just does this? not my style

  50. I don't like this one. They look creepy and i wanted want to do this project.Did they use cans?

  51. THis is my most favorite thing that I have seen on this site. THey are very creative. I love them

  52. this would be cool to do with all the cans at my grandparents house because they have tons of cans to do use, which would be good because i will probably screw up a couple of times.

  53. tis is really cool on how they did this on cans and all the detail in the faces

  54. really like how they take old cans and turn them into something really cool. The faces look so real.

  55. this is really cool and it is also really funy

  56. I like how they can incorporate faces on cans and it makes it even better with the background and it makes the art 100 times better

  57. I think they are a little creepy, especially with their eyes closed. It does provide a good use of trash though. Yes, the one with the mustache looks a lot like Mr. Snethen.

  58. I think they are very interesting, but I also find them a little creepy. The artist who made this found a cool way to reuse trash, which I think is very cool. I prefer the ones with their eyes open.

  59. These are so cute! I would definitely have one of them in my house.

  60. I love this art style. It combines to things I'm a major advocate for, being creative and reusing/repurposing old or damaged items. This is definitely something I'll try at a point in my life.

  61. These are very cool. You could easily make this project. It looks like all you would need is a can and some paint.

  62. They're cool but definitely not something I would hang on my wall

  63. The heinz can is a funny looking project. It really a odd project it is just a bend can.And a face on the bottom of a can.

  64. this is probably the weirdest project ever. Just because of what they used to make the project. Why would any one pick a face out of everything to make out of a can.

  65. This is really interesting and unique. Taking something that somebody would just throw away and making it into art is really cool.

  66. These are pretty creepy but I would enjoy making these. They could be cute depending on how you do it.

  67. This is by far one of the most created art ideas i've seen. I lime how they use literal garbage and make it into art. I think it would be cool to do something like this.

  68. They are extremely beautiful, but also really creepy at the same time. I love it.

  69. I like these because its taking something everyone sees as being worthless cause it has no value. Making projects out of trash is recycling and I like that. Taking worthless things and making it worth something.

  70. These are really creepy. I don't like them. Maybe if they had more of a cartoon face, but they look like they're planning something bad.

  71. These ones are really cool because your making some old garbage into some art.

  72. The cans with faces looks cool. It looks easy but I could be wrong. Looks like a fun project to do.

  73. This is weird but seems like a good idea to recycle I guess. I wouldn't buy it if they were to sell it. They have lots of detail and I respect that.

  74. This is almost a creepy project. There is a lot of detail in the faces. I think it would be a difficult project to try. Just from making the can so perfectly to making the faces.

  75. i like how creative the faces are. I like how the second one from the bottom looks like thomas the train kind of. I like the creativity in the project.

  76. this would be cool to do with all the cans at my grandparents house because they have tons of cans to do use, which would be good because i will probably screw up a couple of times.

  77. just drawing a face that realistic would be hard, painting it on a bint, crushed can would be really hard

  78. Thos pop cans looks funny. . Making projects out of trash is recycling and I like that.I would like to try this one day.

  79. I think they look creepy but they did good art work.It looks like a fun project to do

  80. I think they look kinda creepy, especially the one with the eyes closed. i do think its cool that they recycled things to make art though.

  81. These could maybe be cool if the designs were different. To be totally honast though the way they look is kinda creepy.

  82. I like the way they folded the cans, it's very creative.

  83. I think these are very cretive. I personally dont like them because they are sort of creepy.

  84. These cans are actually really creative and pretty cool. I think it would be a good project to make for mother's day because my mom likes this kinda stuff.
