Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A steamy shower

So what would make me think that images of a steamy shower are art?  I know you are thinking that Mrs. DeWitt has offically lost her mind. 

But just humor me for a moment and take a look at these photos.

So what makes them art?  Can you spot the reason I posted them?

What if I told you that they are all oil paintings?  The artist is Alyssa Monks from New York and each painting is a separate canvas that has been painted in oil paints.

Now what do you think of these pieces?  Does their art appeal increase now that you know what they are?  What do you think of them?  Would you be able to paint like this?


  1. they look so realistic. i could never do that it would be way to hard for me and im not very good at painting. i wish i had the skill to paint that.

  2. This painting is really nice and creative the painter did a really nice job painting. I also like it how there's smoke and the ain't it look realistic I like it.

  3. I need a permission slip to see this. But other than that i think it is very cool piece of artwork

  4. These painting look so realistic. I thought they were real photographs at first and was shocked. I wish I could paint that well.

  5. I really like how it isn't really clear but it is a fuzzy like after you take a shower and you have a mirror in the bathroom.

  6. This artwork is so amazing. All the textures in the art make it so nice and all the details also make it stand out. The way they made the fog on the windows and the rain effect on the people is awesome.

  7. I feel like this is not school appropriate lol. I think it is pretty cool how they make it look so real. I wish i could do something like this.

  8. I think the water paintings are really cool. I think it would be awesome but difficult to do.

  9. I think it is incredible that these are actually paintings. They look like photographs. I think it would be really hard for me to do something like that.

  10. I feel like this is not school appropriate lol. I think it is pretty cool how they make it look so real. I wish i could do something like this.

  11. These paintings are really amazing. All the detail and shadowing makes it look very realistic. I thought they were photos at first.

  12. These pieces are absolutely beautiful. To know that they are oil paintings amazes me. They are very unique and one of a kind.

  13. There beautiful. A bathroom is where were most vunerable and its perfectly captured in these paintings. I wonder how long they took to dry and how she made them look wet?

  14. These paintings are really realistic. They look so real and look like they took a long time.

  15. The time it would take to put all the details into putting steam on the glass. This must have taken a long time to make.

  16. It would take me forever to make the hair. I wonder what colors they used for this. I bet they had to mix a lot of paint. the one with the water looks good and hard to do.

  17. I don't know what I am looking at.Is it a picture or a painting? Did this person one day decides to take picture of her hair in the shower.

  18. This really does appeal to me more now that I know they are paintings not pictures. Not in my dreams would I ever be able to paint this.

  19. These painting look so realistic. At first I thought they were real photographs. They look really hard to make, wish I could do that.

  20. This is really good. At first I thought it was real, I've never seen paintings that are that realistic before.

  21. they look so realistic. i could never do that it would be way to hard for me and im not very good at painting. i wish i had the skill to paint that.

  22. This art is really cool. It is very realistic and cool.

  23. This one is super cool. I would never be able to make something looks this realistic. It looks like a picutre that someone took.

  24. I like this painting because its only oils. It looks soo real. i wish i could do something like that but i cant.

  25. i wish i could paint something like this it makes it look so realistic.

  26. That's, crazy. That looks super time consuming and soo realistic. The sweat running down the shower door and the hair look realistic enough to be a picture.

  27. Why is it a girl, is it because we are all alpha and wanting to become a "chad" that we can't even use a man, or heck even a non binary. The use of women is showing that we can't our hands to yourself, just like fake news.

  28. This is so realistic I think it's empirical proof that we in the matrix. Robots have taken over society and woo us with there art to gain our trust. Be careful and don't trust anything, or anyone.

  29. I wish that I took art that serious but That painting would take days

  30. this is art? when i get home im gonna do this , hopefully my mom won't think that im gonna shoot some porn or something.

  31. I thought it was real for a little bit. Very realistic, i cant even draw a straight line and people can do this. That's just amazing.

  32. i really thought these were real and very cool i'd love to try this

  33. I think that these pictures are cool and i would love to be the photographer

  34. I don't know what I am looking at.Is it a picture or a painting? Did this person one day decides to take picture of her hair in the shower.

  35. i think its pretty cool how they made this look like there i the shower and it is cool how they did it

  36. This looks so realistic. This is honestly, so amazing and creative. Would be super cool to try.

  37. i need a permission slip to see this but other than that i think it is really cool. but is it a painting of a photo

  38. this is pretty dope it looks real asf

  39. These water coloring paintings are pretty dope. But i feel like people do like girls in a shower to get more attention for it.

  40. its wierd cuz like you would think its just a normal thing you see everyday but its kinda cool cuz it makes you stop and think

  41. Ib really like this art at first I thought they were just picture. When I realized that they were oil painting I was so surprised. There is no way that this is made with oil paintings.

  42. I like this painting because its only oils. It looks soo real. i wish i could do something like that but i cant.

  43. I don't have a clue how they are able to makes this thing so real no get the true effects that make it feel so real

  44. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  45. This painting looks really realistic. At first i thought the last one was just a picture, but no it wasnt!

  46. Oil painting is very difficult so I give props to the artist.
    I tried to paint with these and failed miserably.

  47. Ib really like this art at first I thought they were just picture. When I realized that they were oil painting I was so surprised. There is no way that this is made with oil paintings.

  48. These are really cool. these look so real its unbelievably good. These are crazy. i could never do somethingthis good

  49. These look amazing! I love the steamy shower affect. I could definatly see myself doing something like this. I just think it is super unique.


  50. Ib really like this art at first I thought they were just picture. When I realized that they were oil painting I was so surprised. There is no way that this is made with oil paintings.

  51. From the second picture i felt like they were not photographs. my first thought was that they had to not be photos because there is no way you could post them on here if they were. I am sure this is a difficult thing to do.
    I dont know for sure becuase i have never oil painted

  52. I think these would be very hard to paint. It looks like there is layers because there is steam on the glass which would also be very hard to paint because there is a lot of details. I would not buy these. Why would I hang a picture like this in my house. It wouldn't fit.

  53. This is just a picture. Not art. Very lame

  54. very true Owen S. But this art took a very ;loong time to do and is unquie. very cool

  55. i think this is crazy how they did this with all the condensation on the glass and still manged to make it look real

  56. This is really good I don't think I can do this, it looks pretty real but I Ike it how there is steam in it.

  57. these are really cool these look so real its unbelievably good. These are crazy i could never do somethingthis good

  58. I don't really like this artist because truly anyone can take a picture of a woman in a shower and call it art

  59. I still don't think this is art, literally i can throw a turd on the floor, draw it, get some turd on it a bit , let it dry, and sell it for like 20K for, say turd from a sabre cat

  60. I think the water paintings are really cool. I think it would be awesome but difficult to do.

  61. These water coloring paintings are pretty dope. But i feel like people do like girls in a shower to get more attention for it.

  62. It isn't bad but kind of weird. I wouldn't buy it. But good for them.

  63. These photos are a bit weird but they are soo realistic. I would want to paint pictures that realistic. But I wouldn't buy these, they're just too weird.

  64. Kind've creepy but I dig it

  65. These are really realistic, but very unusual

  66. This is a very creative piece. The water is very cool

  67. I do not like this at all and would not want to try. I honestly can't see this as art. And it honestly kind grosses me with everything being and wet and moist.

  68. These are kind've cool but kinda weird too. I wouldn't want a picture of some random chick in the shower.

  69. I think that this is interesting. I personally don't really enjoy this type of art that much compared to others who might (because I think it's a little weird). One thing I can say is that it looks like whoever made this put a lot of time and effort into it.

  70. This is so amazing i literally could not belive it was real for like a whole 5 mins. Then i realized that it was real when my teacher told me so i didn't believe her fore 30 seconds.Finally i believe her because she explained that she wouldn't of posted it other wise so basically still in disbelief.

  71. this is really cool and it looks really real. i didn't think they were very cool until i saw that they're paintings. these are very unique and this artist is very talented.

  72. I think having a painting of a woman in a shower is a little weird for a home, but I would be fine seeing this in a gallery. I would have a hard time making something like this.

  73. These images look so real i wouldn't of guessed they were paintings. I really like how it isn't really clear but it is a fuzzy like after you take a shower and you have a mirror in the bathroom.I honestly can't see this as art.


  74. I thought it was real for a little bit. Very realistic, i cant even draw a straight line and people can do this. That's just amazing.

  75. I thought they were just pictures, or at least photoshopped or something, making this would be really hard

  76. These look super cool. I'm shocked that these are paintings and not photographs. They look so real.

  77. i feel bad for the girl who had to get naked and get in the shower and take photos like these what would her papa do if he saw this

  78. I am shocked how realistic these look. At first I thought they were photos not a painting. I think it would be really challenging to make it look like steam.

  79. At first I thought these were photos. The look very realistic and hard to do.

  80. This is very very good art and I like it a lot. I think this would be very hard to make, so it takes a talented person.
