Wednesday, November 8, 2017

But why real eyes?

So I came across this art print called "tilted crowned cat."  At first I was drawn to the bright colors and the silly crown on this cat.  But after I looked at it for awhile I noticed that while the majority of it was a very posterized image of a cat, the eyes are almost realistic.  Now that I have noticed that I can't seem to look away from the eyes.

What do you think?  Do you agree or disagree with me?  Once you see the eyes do you see the letters in the lower corner?  Do you find the random shapes that cut throughout the picture?  If you could make this would you do a cat or would you have picked another subject?


  1. I don't see the clown on the cat. It looks really neat though. It would be fun for next years students to try.

  2. I think all the different colors are really neat. The eyes really catch the attention of someone looking at it and it's really cool.

  3. i think that this is really cool work of art, the eyes are really hard to stop looking at once you really look in the realistic detail of then and the letter at the botton are hard to unsee.

  4. I think all the different colors are really neat. The eyes really catch the attention of someone looking at it and it's really cool.

  5. I didn't even notice the letters until you said something. I think that all of the designs in the cat are really cool. If I were to do this, I would do a dog.

  6. I love how the letters and designs are hidden in it. You dont notice them until someone tells you their in there. I love how realistic the eyes of the cat are.

  7. I love all the colors. I didn't notice the letters until i saw the comments and looked back. This would be every interesting to try and make.

  8. I think this would be a very fun project. This piece is amazing and very bright. Everytime i look at it i notice something different.

  9. I think it was created as a point that we we look at something with such beauty as eyes we cant look away. we dont notice the crazy things about the cat unless someone points them out. The cat was an intresting subject ot do however and i wonder why they chose that.

  10. I think this would be a cool project to do. The eyes look so real and the colors are all over the place.

  11. It looks like a picture for a album cover. I don't really like it. It doesn't look so special.

  12. I agree with you and I didn't even notice it until you said something. The eyes are very cool and realistic I would have picked another subject maybe a human with bright green eyes.

  13. This would be fun to do. It is really colorful and it is cool how they included different shapes and colors and still made it look like a cat.

  14. I like all of the colors in this. It makes it look vibrant

  15. I don't see the clown on the cat. It looks really neat though. It would be fun for next years students to try.

  16. I thinks its cool. its very eye attraction. It would be cool to see it like a lion besides the cat. If i could do this i would.

  17. I think that its cool and I noticed the eyes and letters at roughly the same time. I don't see the shapes that clearly. I might do a dragons face if I did this.

  18. It is not my type of art. However it still looks cool with all the bright variety of colors. If I did something like this I would do a dog instead of a cat.

  19. I love how colorful the painting is. I also like that the whole thing looks fake except the eyes.The eyes seems to draw you in.

  20. I really like all the colors it make it look very nice.

  21. The rest of the cat being almost cartoon like, almost distracts me from the eyes but the eyes are very realistic looking.

  22. I believe it'd look better without the crown floating magically above its head. The realisticness of the eyes takes you away from the vibrant colors of the cat. Looks pretty cool yet time consuming.

  23. The picture looks cool and the color really blends in to the painting

  24. This art piece here is pretty tight, it's a kitty cat, i like kitty cats.

  25. This art piece here is pretty tight , it's a kitty cat , i like kitty cats.

  26. I like this painting because it reminds me of Phils FAT cat. That cat is so fat it is crazy. Also the real eyes are cool.

  27. i think that this is pretty cool but i do believe you that it is hard to take your eye off of the eyes after you menchi them

  28. The picture looks cool and the color really blends in to the painting

  29. I think this would be a cool project to do. The eyes look so real and the colors are all over the place.

  30. Its a pretty crazy piece. Everything on it is crazy except the eyes. I think it would be interesting to try.

  31. i think this is pretty cool how they made this out of colors and how bright and cool the coors are in the cat and how they formed thos

  32. I find this very cool. The eyes look so real, how amazing! It would be very cool to try something similar to this.

  33. This is pretty good. But it was done wit a cat and cats arent really that cool to me. Id prefer a dog

  34. whoa, its like a real cat but someone dropped it in a paint can. thats kinda cruel and unusual but then again it is a cat. its nice to know that im not the only one who hates cats and would be mean like that

  35. I like that it is a cat. I would've chosen a cat too. I would like to try this sometime.

  36. The color really jumps off the page. Very vibrant. I am not sure I like the cat though. Cats are pests.

  37. I really like this cat it is just an amazing piece of artwork. The way they got the eyes to look very realistic is just amazing Props to the artist for making such a great piece of art.

  38. I think all the different colors are really neat. The eyes really catch the attention of someone looking at it and it's really cool.

  39. I've always loved the neon kind of graffiti paintings because it gives such a real feel to these peices

  40. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  41. i think that this is really cool work of art, the eyes are really hard to stop looking at once you really look in the realistic detail of then and the letter at the botton are hard to unsee.

  42. There are a lot of different vivid colors in this piece. The eyes are very catching and bright.

  43. I like how this is trippy and the eyes draw you in and capture you. It is very real and distinct.

  44. this picture is trippy with all the colors so it so weid and i dont like it.

  45. I really like this picture because it has a lot of details, so you have to look at it for a while to notice many of them. I think that the artist made the eyes realistic to draw even more attention and to make you look a little longer. At first, you are drawn in by the bright colors, then you stay a little longer to notice all the little details, then you are captivated by the eyes.

  46. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  47. I too noticed the colors right away but the eyes definitely stand out. If they wanted to emphasis the eyes they did a very nice job. I think if they had a woman with ice blue eyes and made it more negative colors, I think it would be beautiful.

  48. I like all the shapes and colors in this piece. But It doesnt interest me. I dont think I could ever find myself doing something like this.

  49. The cat would not be my first subject of choice. The whole cat seems so imaginary and unrealistic but then when you look at its eyes, they seem so real. Then it makes you wonder what message the artist is trying to convey

  50. I don't like the colors, they make the cat look horrendous.I dont like cat either they smell like fish and i hate fish. I like the cats eyes but I get this disturbing feeling.

  51. I like the colors of the cat it's really nice it goes with the picture.

  52. this is really cool but looks hard

  53. love how colorful the painting is. I also like that the whole thing looks fake except the eyes.The eyes seems to draw you in.

  54. it is crazy how many colors are on the cat. it would be something to try in class. its really cool

  55. i thin is is pretty crazy how they made that alot of colors and is really cool

  56. I like how they tied all the colors together and it makes the cat really pop

  57. This is cute , i like it. I feel like i seen this kind of art around the internet before.

  58. I think this would be a cool project to do. The eyes look so real and the colors are all over the place.


  59. The picture looks cool and the color really blends in to the painting


  60. I don't like the colors, they make the cat look horrendous.I dont like cat either they smell like fish and i hate fish. I like the cats eyes but I get this disturbing feeling.

  61. This summer I went to Chicago to my uncle with my family. I was to fishing every Sunday with my dad.I was swimming at the lake wall.

  62. I went to a wrestling camp at Iowa State and was really fun. I went to Nebraska to see my grandma and grandpa on their anniversary. I went camping a couple of times with my parents and other family and friends.

  63. The eyes were what caught my eyes right away. I think the crown takes away from the cat. It has so many colors it's hard to focus on just one.

  64. I don't like this one at all. it has got to many colors in weird places. i would still do it if I had to but I wouldn't want to.

  65. I do not like this. Why would someone draw a cat with a crown. Its very ugly.

  66. This picture seems really disturbing. I find the mix of soo many colors at once makes it seem like a distraction. The crown makes it look even weirder. So I don't really like this one.

  67. I love all the different shapes that make up this piece

  68. This is kind've not cute

  69. That cat is a really fun project. All of the colors make it look really cool. And the shapes and color go good together.

  70. This is very fun and cool to look at. They did such a goof job with the colors and the cat. Great work!

  71. I honestly kinda like this the color sticks out alot. Which is why i think i like it. Very different .

  72. I am not a fan of this picture but I like how colorful it is.

  73. This is by far my favorite art piece. I love the style and details. I would also love to make something similar to this one day.

  74. I love the use of the colors on the cat. I like the look of the crown on the cat. I like how the cat whiskers are yellow.

  75. I like this project because you use basic colors and need to keep the pattern going throughout the whole painting or it wont look good. This takes skill.

  76. The cat looks like a fun project. Its funny how the cat is every color. Looks really hard tho.

  77. This cat looks like a very fun and interesting project to try. If we did this project in class I would do a different animal. I like all the colors incorporated in the project.

  78. i like the creativity in this project. This actually looks like something we could do in class. I like the contrast of the light colors.


  79. i think that this is really cool work of art, the eyes are really hard to stop looking at once you really look in the realistic detail of then and the letter at the botton are hard to unsee.

  80. I like how the eyes stick out not because there special but because they are normal which makes it seem odd surrounded by the rest

  81. I really like this one. This cat looks really cool, and i think that is really hard to do it.

  82. i feel like i see sum animals in the cats pretty cats is colorfull to

  83. I feel like these would be fun to do. I like the different patterns and colors in the cat.
