Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"Shopped" without the computer

So in the art world, "shopped" refers to photoshopped.  Often art critics don't really like photoshopped art because they don't think the artist really had to do any work.  Don't get me wrong, there is a true talent to using Photoshop, trust me, if you know how to use the program I think you are a master artist in your own right.  But some critics think that all these people do is take images off of the internet and put them together.  And in some ways they are right, but I found an artist that is actually manipulating photos from actual film.

Thomas Barbey is using actual film to cut and put pieces of art together.  So this means he has to take the photos first and then has to develop the negatives and then has to put those images together by cutting them up, and then he retakes pictures of them.  So think of it as a really, really early version of Photoshop.  However, it is going to take you hours longer than a simple click and drag.

Let's take a look at a few.

So what do you think?  Do you love them or hate them?  Do you have a favorite?  What two or three photos would you put together?  Do you think his way is easier or would you prefer to use the computer?


  1. I think this would be a really hard and interesting project. I like the zebra keyboard the best. I think it would be easier to use a computer rather than take actual photos.

  2. It seems like they have a lot of time to do that. The ski on is really cool. It would be fun to do that in art1.

  3. I love the third one with the tower. I think it would take way to long to do that. i would pick to use the computer rather than that method.

  4. I love these photos. They look like they take a lot of time and effort. My favorite is the one with the hand drawing the city. I think this would be a lot harder to do than using the computer.

  5. I think it would definitely be considered art because of the amount of time and effort it would have taken to create these. It would definitely take a lot of creativity to manipulate these images to create what they have created. I really liked them and wish i could use photoshop like this.

  6. These pieces are absolutely amazing. To be able to create these would take talent. They are very unique and extraordinary.

  7. I love all of them. My favorite one is the piano and the zebras. It looks really cool.

  8. This is amaizng. The time and patience that must have been put in this. The hours spent in a dark room i would go crazy.

  9. These pieces of art are really cool. I think they would be hard to do and I would give up. They are really awesome.

  10. With all the details in the drawings would make this really difficult. I love how they put nature into objects and places to add creativity.

  11. I love the first one soo much. It messes with my brain. They all look really good.

  12. This one is probably my favorite one. It looks good black and white as well. They should of added color to one of the pictures though. It would of looked cool

  13. These illusions make the picture interesting so you have to really look at it and figure it out. I like how it blends from one thing to another and it fits and looks smooth.

  14. I kind of like them but i kind of hate them. I would use the computer it just seems way easier

  15. I think that it is a very interesting and rewarding after all the hours put into it. I like them, but I don't see myself doing it without a computer. My favorite is the one with a waterway running through the church.

  16. This style is cool. When i look at one of the pictures I see one thing and then after I look at it for a minute I see another thing. Like the snowboarders going down a hill and then I saw it was a table cloth.

  17. This messes with my eyes. The zebra one looks so cool and where it looks like a piano makes it even better because the zebra's are black and white like the piano

  18. I think this would be a really hard and interesting project. I like the zebra keyboard the best. I think it would be easier to use a computer rather than take actual photos.

  19. I really like the first photo. It looks like they are skiing down a table cloth. It is really cool.

  20. I like the second photo i like how the zebras blend in with the piano.

  21. I like the optical illusion in this photo. The way it looks but isnt. Its fun looking at these

  22. These have to be time consuming but they look amazing. I can't imagine the work that he had to have put into these. It's crazy that he is able to make multiple pictures blend into one.

  23. Im sure this has a real deep meaning but to be honest ill never find out what it is. So ill just stick with i think it looks cool.

  24. I really like this one. The optical illusion is really cool. This one must take a really long time.

  25. I like the last picture with the water running through the church it looks really good.

  26. I like the first one with them snowboarding down the cloth it looks really nice.

  27. I really like the one with towers it looks very good

  28. The first picture is wild and is a great use of perspective and the one with the tower is cool because the hand is coming out of the clouds.

  29. I feel like those were good pictures that needed something else. The hand and the zebras were that something the pictures needed. That is a lot of imagination. I personally like the 1st one the most.

  30. The snowboard one is really cool. It makes you look twice seeing the sheet coming off the table. Its cool how he cut all of the pieces out and put them together.

  31. The thing with this is that the computers are taking over the world. The world as we know it is already going down the drain, but things like photoshop taking away the true pure picture...fakes news.

    1. the cia is watching you, best watch yourself

  32. The picture of the two Zebras as a piano really looks fantastic

  33. I really wonder if these artist ever do drugs when they make this.
    This is some type of art that you don't see everyday . These artists take a lot of psychedelics . Hands down , no questions asked. SINNERS

  34. Are you saying photoshop was not involved at all? I think it is absolutely insane that someone would fill an entire church with water for a picture. And I think it's horrible and cruel what they did to those zebras if they're attached to the piano.

  35. i think it is very cool to put pictures together and would love to learn it

  36. I love the third one with the tower. I think it would take way to long to do that. i would pick to use the computer rather than that method.

  37. Love the third piece such a cool idea. That is something I would be very interested in drawing. Also the time it probably took was very time consuming.

  38. this is pretty cool and crazy how they made this and it is pretty confusing to me how they did this

  39. they are amazing and really cool i think that the first one is my favorite because i just thought it was a tablecloth at first and not an acual work of art

  40. i like the one with the zebras.

  41. Wow I don't know how they drew the first one. I really like the first one because of how it looks. It really looks cool.

  42. this is probably my fav one because all of the details and the colors etc

  43. this one was my favorite because how it changes from
    a one thing to another

  44. These are all kinds of trippy. They look great but they are really trippy

  45. I think that it is a very interesting and rewarding after all the hours put into it. I like them, but I don't see how doing it without a computer. My favorite is the one with a waterway running through the church.

  46. i really like that piano zebra thing, i wish i had thought of something that cool. its so trippy and weird but so easy and simple. idk its dope tho

  47. I don't really understand any of these photos at all. I don't really get the point of the hand looking like it broke into the picture. I think the artist is still good, just not my style.

  48. I really like the piano one because I like music. I think this is really cool. I don't really know what else would look good together.

  49. This is really interesting I think the colors fit just right with the art work.

  50. I really like this artwork it is just amazing to look at. I could never imagine doing this myself. This would be some crazy artwork to do in class but I wouldn't mine to try it.

  51. These pieces are absolutely amazing. To be able to create these would take talent. They are very unique and extraordinary.

  52. I love these kind of projects and I wish we could do one because optical illusions are my favorite because they are just so almost mind shifting

  53. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  54. These pieces are absolutely amazing. To be able to create these would take talent. They are very unique and extraordinary.

  55. This is really cool. I like how they can make it look different than it. This is something i don't think i could ever do.

  56. This is trippy. The zebra one is pretty gnarley. I could never draw anything like this. But if i could i would.

  57. These illusions trip me out. I just don't like things that don't make sense.

  58. I don't like these pictures because they are trippy. they don't look realistic at all so i would never do it.

  59. This is really cool. I like how they can make it look different than it. This is something i don't think i could ever do.

  60. I think that it is an art. Not only do you have to get all the pictures, but you have to find ones that mash well together and find ways for them to please the eye. I really like the zebra one and think its crazy how perfectly they line up. I think if I were creating one I would get frustrated because I hate computers.

  61. The first one really brought my attention. I like how they made the cloth look like a snow hill. Very creative idea!

  62. I really enjoy the third one. The hand that goes through the paper is definatly very cool. Super cool!

  63. I think that these picture are very cool and creative. I would want to try out one of these if i had the chance

  64. Are you saying photoshop was not involved at all? I think it is absolutely insane that someone would fill an entire church with water for a picture. And I think it's horrible and cruel what they did to those zebras if they're attached to the piano

  65. Well I beleive this is art. At this day in age, what we consider art has become so broad and creative. Somebody could blow their nose into a peice of canvas and it could be worth thousands of dollars.

  66. The one with the city is cool I like how they shaded the city's it looks great

  67. these are very cool because they bring two things together and make a mesmerizing picture. I'm not too sure where they got the idea but its cool.

  68. i think this is cool cause of how they put two picture together

  69. Wow I don't know how they drew the first one. I really like the first one because of how it looks. It really looks cool.

  70. I really like how this artist uses the black and white colors, because he makes the paintings look realistic and puts so much detailed work into his work

  71. thsi is really carzy and cool but werid

  72. I wonder how people make this up , i'll never be an artist that's for sure. It's cool

  73. These pieces of art are really cool. I think they would be hard to do and I would give up. They are really awesome.

  74. These pieces of art are really cool. I think they would be hard to do and I would give up. They are really awesome.

  75. i really like that piano zebra thing, i wish i had thought of something that cool. its so trippy and weird but so easy and simple. idk its dope tho

  76. These pieces are absolutely amazing. To be able to create these would take talent. They are very unique and extraordinary.

  77. These are super cool and are very unique. The person who made these must be really good at photoshop. My favorite one is the zebra piano.

  78. These are amazing! What I find most interesting is that fact that Thomas Barbey did these without a computer. He did it the old fashion way which sounds hard. Piano Peace is my favorite one. It is sad to hear that Thomas Barbey has retired.

  79. These pictures are really good. I think it would be hard to photoshop just using the computer, but the fact that he had to cut out and organize pictures by hand is very impressive. My favorite would probably be the church and the water because of how well it flows together

  80. I think it would be a difficult project, but I think it would also be a lot of fun. My favorite would have to be the one where there is a hand drawing the Eiffel Tower. I just wonder how he even came up with these ideas. I would rather use the computer since it wouldn't take as long.

  81. My favorite would be the zebra one, or the eiffel tower. this would be one of the more challenging ones to me. I would rather use the computer but it would still be hard.

  82. I personally really enjoy these drawings. It's so interesting how they change something into something totally different. For example turned the zebra stripes into piano keys.

  83. This is a very cool art style. I like how it very naturally blends the pictures together into one image, which I learned is actually surprisingly difficult on a lot of generic photo editing apps. If I ever get into photo editing, I'll have to try this method out, but I'll probably stick to photo editors simply because they are much quicker.

  84. These pieces of art are amazing. I would definitely do one of these. The Eiffel Tower with the hand is definitely my favorite. I don't know if I would be able to make these though. Getting the texture just right would be difficult, but if I was able to make these I would make them a lot.

  85. Looking at these pictures makes me feel sad. They all look depressing. Whoever made this must have been depressed.

  86. I really like the last one. I love how they all look like it's all just naturally blended. Super cool!

  87. I like how they take ordinary things and make them into an adventure

  88. The last one is super cool

  89. I like these a lot, they are really cool. The zebra one is really cool. It would be really fun to do these.

  90. I kind of like them but then at the same time i don't. I would never be able to do something like this.

  91. I love the black and white theme. It really makes you want to look at the photo more and question what it is about. Great work!

  92. These are very cool i especially like the last one with the chapel and river down the isle. I do think it would be fun to try and do. I do think this should be a class project.

  93. I really like this piece of art but i would say you should add some color to it to make it looks bright, it looks a little boring when it's just black and white:( :)

  94. these are so interesting and a little confusing

  95. this is really cool and looks really moderned out and looks like it could be by mount everest in a way and it looks like its from a long time ago too

  96. This is something we could probably do in class, but we would all have to learn how to do it. It would be fun to find all the things we could do with this.

  97. The last one is really cool. I wish I could make something like that.

  98. I believe this is showing the beauty of the outside world through inamidit objects. For example the skiing mountains now is being shown through the cloth.There also showing this through the zebras stripes being a piano keys.

  99. These are to me somewhat inspirational. They all have have lots of meaning.

  100. these are cool and interesting. they look really cool and i would like to try doing this, but it would be hard.

  101. I like this one because instead of focusing on color you focus more on what its captioning in the picture. I like these pictures

  102. it depends on who you are on what is easier, if you are good with computers then maybe photoshop would be easier but if you aren't good with computers or have lots of time to work on it this would be easier.

  103. That zebra looks really cool with the piano. Its cool of the stripes line up. These projects kind of mess with your mind.

  104. I like how they added things that you see everyday, or you know what it is. I like how they mixed two totally different things into one. I enjoy the zebra one espicially.

  105. this sounds very time consuming and hard. Id still like to see how he did it though. my favorite one is the one with the hands coming out of the sky the most.

  106. These are very cool. They look like they took a lot of time and effort. I would like to do this as a project.

  107. love these photos. They look like they take a lot of time and effort. My favorite is the one with the hand drawing the city. I think this would be a lot harder to do than using the computer.

  108. I am not sure if I would enjoy doing this project. I would be willing to try it out. I think the first one the best, I think it looks pretty cool and creative.


  109. I love the third one with the tower.
    I really like the last one. I love how they all look like it's all just naturally blended. Super cool!

  110. These look so cool and almost optical illusion type stuff. I would try it if I could. I would put two completely different pictures together just to be unique.

  111. I really like all three of these. They all combine so smoothly and become a really cool illusion. I think the fact that they are black and white really make a difference when it comes to an optical illusion.

  112. I think this would be a really hard and interesting project. I like the zebra keyboard the best. I think it would be easier to use a computer rather than take actual photos.

  113. I don't really like the last two photos, but I do think the first one is pretty cool. I like the looks of things when people ad real life things into unrealistic scenarios

  114. I love the photo with the eiffel tower. I feel like these would be very confusing to make though.

  115. These pictures are actually really cool to look at. It would be fun but kinda hard to draw something like that because these do look very trippy.
