Wednesday, November 22, 2017

They don't make them like that anymore

While I was browsing Pinterest looking for new things to blog about for this site, I stumbled across a beautiful perfume bottle.

These glass birds on the side of the bottle are what caught my attention.  It had to click on it to see if there were any other bottles that were just a beautiful and luckily I was not disappointed.

Maybe it is just me, but I instantly wonder what the perfume smelled like?  Was the scent as delicate as the bottles that held them?  And what kind of woman had one of these bottles?  What type of bottle would you have bought if you could have afforded expensive perfume in the 1920s?  Do you think these are art, or do you think this is something that any glass artist could do?  Is this a lost art?


  1. These perfume bottles look amazing. They are very beautiful and unique. They look like theyb took a lot of time and effort.

  2. These perfume bottles are amazing. I bet they smell really good. I thought the second one was the coolest.

  3. These bottles are beautiful. I wonder how long it took to make them and if the style matched the scent they held. I wonder how angry someone would be if they broke it.

  4. I would love to own one of theses. They are so cool how much detail is has. I wonder what the perfume smells like.

  5. These bottles look like a million dollars. They must cost a lot from the look of them and they must smell amazing from the look of the bottle.

  6. Those are so creative. they look so beautiful.

  7. This is amazing. Working with glass is hard to do. There are a lot of different styles and techniques you have to do to make objects while holding molten glass. This must have taken a long time to make.

  8. I feel like they could of been more creative with this. I do like the blue one though. I don't like the first one because it just looks like an angel.

  9. I don't like it. It looks like it will break the first day I will buy it. I like when it's simple.

  10. I like how the bottles are made from glass and the design is so cool. I like the blue one because its design is so unique and the cap to the bottle really catches the eye.

  11. I think the bottles would've been owned by wealthy women. I think that these are really cool pieces of art with a pratical purpose besides just to display them. I love the way the first one looks with the two birds on the opposite sides of the bottle.

  12. I would love to own one of theses. They are so cool how much detail is has. I wonder what the perfume smells like.

  13. These bottles are gorgeous and I wonder how long it took to make them and if the style had matched the scent they held or if it is just for decoration.

  14. It had to have been hard to make these out of glass. I bet these are very expensive and wealthier people are able to afford them. You wouldn't want to put cheap perfume in these bottles.

  15. I really like these perfume bottles they are very creative and look nice.

  16. These had to be very hard to make. They would've taken a very skilled person who knew what they were doing. They are probably very expensive.

  17. How would you even create something like that, that's a lost art. I couldn't even draw something that good. What costs moe the perfume in the bottle or the bottle itself?

  18. These are so cool. It amazes me how they created these. It looks like it would cost a lot of money to buy this. The detail on it is so good. I am baffled how good they made it look.

  19. These pieces really look like the person who made this are insane. How much time and effort goes into these when they can be destroyed in an instant. I think everyone who does art is probably insane and should be put on a watchlist.

  20. So much detail these artists have no life

  21. I wonder if these artist make tobacco pipes , to smoke tobacco of course , they honestly make so much money making art and tobacco pipes.

  22. These look like they took a lot of time. to be honest i´m not too sure how they even make glass bottles and stuff I do know it has to take a long time

  23. These had to be very hard to make. They would've taken a very skilled person who knew what they were doing. They are probably very expensive.

  24. These bottles are gorgeous and I wonder how long it took to make them and if the style had matched the scent they held or if it is just for decoration.

    1. you cheated off savanna about as hard as your dad cheated on your mom

  25. The bottles are pretty. Just something i'm not really interested in doing. Very creative!

  26. i think it is pretty cool how they can do that with glass and how they get the colors and shape of it

  27. These bottles of perfume are beautiful and i really feel that only a select group of people could really do something as amazing as the bottles there is a lot of detail in all of them

  28. i find the design really fascinating

  29. These bottles are pretty cool. I wonder how long it took them to make these. And if they messed up at least once

  30. those are super cool, they look like something youd find on a shipwreck or something else dope like that.

  31. I like the bird one it's really creative and looks really good.

  32. I wish that they still made bottles like that. I think it was just look really cool. It just makes everything look more expensive and fancy.

  33. I'm not that good of a fan of this art because it's just not what I like. This is still good artwork but it's just not what I like. I would not want to see this intown or in a store.

  34. those are super cool, they look like something youd find on a shipwreck or something else dope like that.

  35. I always thought glass sculptures were so cool because I imagine it would be very hard it's not like you can just stick in a mold and color it

  36. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  37. These bottles look like a million dollars. They must cost a lot from the look of them and they must smell amazing from the look of the bottle.

  38. I want one of theses bottles.They are very beautiful and unique.

  39. These are dope asfrick. I want one of these bottles cause they look really cool. Plus the cologne prolly smells pretty decent bod!

  40. I think these are very pretty and I would like to do that. I like savaging "garbage" and turning it into art.

  41. I would take one of these bottles because the definatly took a lot of time to make and they probably smell decent.

  42. I think that these are really cool. You must have to have a lost of patients to do something like that. This is something i could never do.

  43. I think that these are art, and I think that glass working is an art because glassworkers make beautiful, delicate objects for many purposes, such as jewelry boxes, cups/glasses, sun catchers, paper weights, and decoration, and I would break EVERYTHING around me if I tried to do that. If I could afford perfume like this in the 1920's, I would definitely buy it.

  44. These remind me of my grandmas old perfume bottles. I like the feeling of the glass, but i hate the smell of the perfume.

  45. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  46. It is a very delicate art. The glass work would be difficult for me since I am very clumsy. When I see these I think of like an old-lady smell of roses or flowers. I think it was for the wealthy women back in the days and that they were a pretty penny.

  47. This is really cool and intricate design. I think this is something really cool to look at but i dont think i could ever do anything as good or cool as this.

  48. This looks like very difficult work, and I dont think I could ever do it. This reminds me somewhat of my grandmas perfume bottles. It looks very delicate too.

  49. I am not the kind to splurge lots of money on an expensive perfume. In my opinion, this is all just a waste of time and money and talent. but i do appreciate the time and talent that went into these creations

  50. How do they have the time to do that. How do they have the money to do that. it would be fun to do tho

  51. Its amazing how they can shape these bottles like this with all those curves. My attention span is very short so i don't think i could do actual art like this.

  52. i think this is really cool how they can do this with glass i think it would be really really hard to do tho

  53. I don't like it. It looks like it will break the first day I will buy it. I like when it's simple.


  54. I feel like they could of been more creative with this. I do like the blue one though. I don't like the first one because it just looks like an angel.

  55. this is very very cool how they make this out of glass

  56. I like how they sculpted glass out of all this because it is very detailed and you have to be careful on not to cut or break the glass

  57. to be very honest when i first saw this , i thought the second "piece" of art was a bong.. i don't know , i guess it's pretty cool. #vlogposts

  58. These bottles look like a million dollars. They must cost a lot from the look of them and they must smell amazing from the look of the bottle.


  59. This looks like very difficult work, and I dont think I could ever do it. This reminds me somewhat of my grandmas perfume bottles. It looks very delicate too.

  60. This seems like something that you would have to spend to much money on purchasing it, but it looks like the person(s) who made it is very talented. I have both sides of the opinion about it.

  61. This artwork I feel people would like. I don't think I could do it though. You would have to be very talented in order to do it. Maybe your senior class would enjoy it.

  62. This is a beautiful art form. I can understand why many companies don't do this. It's just a bit too difficult and time-consuming to be worth it, but I definitely do wish more bottles like this could exist.

  63. Has to just be extremely hard because your gonna have to do it while the glass is still hot.The possibility breaking is high but somehow these people are out here getting it.The red color put in the glass along with the striation are awesome.

  64. These look very nice. My only problem is they look very hard to do. I don't think I would be able to do these.

  65. I like the last one, it looks interesting. All of them are very nice. I don;t think I could create any of these though.

  66. I really want to learn how to do these. It's so intricate and seems time consuming. I don't think I could focus for that long without getting sidetracked or breaking something.

  67. I really like these pieces of art they look cool, and interesting, and look very difficult to do, but it would be really cool to try it out.

  68. I really like the glass the had color, it really catches my eye!

  69. I like how it's glass and they're super simple

  70. These picture are super cool. I like the one that is kinda glowing. It is fun to look at all of these cool photos.

  71. These are really neat. The way the light hits it makes it look like it is glowing. I would probably break it though.

  72. i love this it is so vibrent

  73. I like these pictures of these bottles. They look really cool. I think that they are fun to look at.

  74. The bottle look cool i wish we could do something like this for class but it way to hard to do. and dont have the tools to do it.

  75. I dont really like these. They are kind've boring.

  76. This cool because it's probably pretty hard to shape glass like that. I would try this. It's cool what people can do with glass.

  77. These are very cool. The structure of the project is amazing and the detail in everything is so cool.

  78. These look pretty cool. I really like the one with the birds on it. These look tough and time consuming, but still look worth it.

  79. I wouldn't buy these if they are expensive. If I'm buying something to use, I want to pay for the content, not the bottle.

  80. I really like the sparkle it gives but still shows the image

  81. today these would be viewed as a waste of material, companies wouldn't do this because it would cost to much to mass produce. back when these were made they were probably made on a smaller scale, maybe even hand made and unique. before those were probably viewed just as a beautiful product but now it is viewed as art

  82. This is a really cool piece of art. I wouldn't like to necessarily try it just because it is so fragile. I really like all of the designs in them.

  83. The glass work is really good looking. It looks like they were designed carefully. it looks like it would be a real challenge to do.

  84. These look like perfume bottle ads. This looks very fun. I wouldn't want to make them though.

  85. These are very cool the way these are designed is the kind of thing that is just kinda satisfying to use and look at.

  86. They look very cool. I like the design of them. And all the detail incorporated in them.

  87. this looks cool. idk what the purpose of these are. but i dont think it would be good to break them

  88. these look like a really cool design but i dont thin i would want to do them because i feel like i would break them. But they look fun.

  89. These look kind of cool but i wouldnt want to drop them

  90. I think this is art, because I feel like glass making is an art at a point. I feel like it would be really fun to do glass making but it would be really hard.
