Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Painting with light

One of my favorite photography lessons that I teach is called "Light Painting."  This is where you take really bright lights and use them to create an image in front of a camera.  You have to set the camera to leave its lens open for an extended period of time, but the fun you can have with the images is only stopped by your imagination.

So what do you think of these images?  Most of the time you can use cell phone light or a flashlight, but what other lights can create really interesting images?  What would you do if you could?  Would you light up an object or draw a picture?  What would you draw?  What object would you light up?


  1. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images.

  2. I think that these images are really amazing. I really like the third one of the angel, I like that the wings are lit up. If I did this project I would also do the angel.

  3. These images must have taken some time. getting these images wrong would be frustrating but somewhat easy to fix. Drawing things in light seems like it would be a fun project to try.

  4. This looks amazing. I would love to try and do this. How long does it take for some of those pics?

  5. This is so cool. It would be interesting to try and do. i like how it's care free and some are really aren't perfect.

  6. This looks amazing. It looks hard to do judging by the fact I can't draw. If I could this would be amazing to do.

  7. This looks amazing. I don't think this would be a quick project. It would kinda fun for next year.

  8. This is really cool. I think it's cool wow they can make something like that. I think it would be fun to try.

  9. I love this. The colors and the details that are in the photos make the lasers look real. The colored lasers in the photos make unique and stand out.

  10. I think it is amazing. It Looks like a cool thing to take pictures by. It looks like magic.

  11. I like how they made the lighting on goku look so realistic.
    The guitar looked cool. I like all the colors that are mixed in with the guitar. The one where the boy is sitting on the bench isn't that cool

  12. It is cool looking at how the "lightning" makes the pictures come to life. It gives the picture more color and depth and makes them better.

  13. This is very cool and I would try to write my name if I could do this. I would totally do this if I had this kind of skill!

  14. It looks nice. I think it looks better with the light on it.

  15. It looks nice. I think it looks better with the light on it.

  16. I think that they look really cool. I would take a photo of a person. Then, I would draw a cape and tights on them so they would look like superman.

  17. This is pretty cool. You can turn any ordinary picture into a bright, vibrant picture.

  18. This is honestly the coolest thing to look at. I like the wings one.

  19. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images.

  20. I really like these "light paintings". They are really dope.

  21. I like is how the lightning makes the pictures come to life. It gives the picture more color and depth and makes them stand out. I like how they made the lighting on goku look so realistic.

  22. These pieces really is getting me going about what the future is going to be like for energy. The west's sick addiction for fossil fuels. It is going to make the world inhabitable for future generations if we don't do something soon. I believe we are going to do a number of things in the future to improve this, including harness pure light energy to power our cars. As well as ocean floor farming. We are not using 75% of the earth's surface for agriculture, did you know that? I think (probably by 2070) we are going to have sea floor farming beds. Have you ever had sea beets, sea yams, sea cabbage? Have you ever had a sea cheesy baked potato that BLEW YOUR SOCKS OFF? Cause your gonna be, 2070 coming up.

  23. I like the creativity in this art. the way they did must've took forever but it is really cool. This is such a great design.

  24. This is really cool. My personal favorite is the fourth one. Although the the lights with the guitar help makes it look like it pops out which is cool.

  25. This is super cool. I would like to try something like this sometime. It would probably be pretty time consuming.

  26. i really like these light paintings they are very nice i like the guitar painting one the best.

  27. the light painting with the guy on the bench is very good

  28. When me and Landon went to Colorado this summer we saw some of these for sale and I almost bought one,but I didn't. These are really unique and super cool to look at.

  29. Thats crazy that technology can edit and completely recreate an image to look like that. That looks like a huge time consumer. Id buy one of those and hang it in my room.

  30. I think it looks pretty sweet. It would be a neat project to do because it is different. It would be cool to see how it is done

  31. The amount of effort that went into these reallys talks about the level of insanity in this world. When you look at these pictures you don't just see light. You see everything that is wrong with the world. You see the amount of turning around and going in the "wrong direction"

  32. I really like the picture of the guitar and it really shows the detail of the painting

  33. That "artist" who did that Goku one should step on a lego , that's not even how Goku's Ki blast looks like.

  34. the graphic and color is really nice

  35. very cool artisric ability i wish i could do that. people spemnd a lot of time and money on there paintings.

  36. These are very cool. I really like the lightning one by the rocks. Kinda reminds me of a TV show i watch called the flash.

  37. i think that these pictures are cool and i would definitely do them. the sun or moon could maybe look and work as the light they use.

  38. using light to make art has to be the coolest thing ever

  39. This is super cool. I would like to try something like this sometime. It would probably be pretty time consuming.

  40. The second piece I find really cool. The guitar looks super unique with the bright colors. This is something I might want to do.

  41. i think this is really cool and it is really cool how the color on the neon thing to pop

  42. i feel like the grand canyon could be pretty cool with the right artist. like a really bright light and drawling at the bottom of the canon

  43. it looks nice and professional asf

  44. these are really cool. i think they would be really hard to do. but at the same time they would be fun

  45. These are all really amazing. But the one with the guy with the wings is probably the best. Thats to me anyways

  46. the first one looks like a crappy super hero movie scene or something, but all the rest of them are super dope like its so trippy

  47. This looks really cool. I have tried to do this before, but still haven't figured out how to do it yet. I would like to try this sometime once I figure out how to do it.

  48. This art is crazy I really like all of the effort that was put into them. I personally think that these would be really nice to see while walking through a store. I would love to see more from this artist.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images.

  51. These are actually so cool the way they were to put these neon like this is just eye catching and I think we need more art like this

  52. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  53. This looks amazing. It looks hard to do judging by the fact I can't draw. If I could this would be amazing to do.

  54. These are very unique and interesting. I think it's be very fun to try this. They look very amazing.

  55. Since DBZ is my life I love this artwork. Id really like to learn how to use this. It looks like a lot of fun to do.

  56. This artwork is very cool. but it would be hard to do. i would give it a fair shot at it.

  57. I really love these type of pictures and have been trying to do it on my phone, but I don't know how to control the shutter speed on my phone camera. I have seen people use glowsticks or just lay the camera next to a jar of fireflies (it really is beautiful). If I could ever figure this out, I would probably draw a picture of a ufo. Or i could tie glowsticks to a hulahoop and have somebody twirl it so the image would look like a ball gown

  58. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images.

  59. I think that these are very cool. I would do something like this and try to paint a cool picture on one of my racing pictures

  60. I like how you can experiment with lots of different kinds of lights and colors. I think it would be really cool drawing things like how you do with sparklers on the 4th of July.

  61. This is awesome! I think this would be something really cool to do if you just have a bunch of lights around. There are so many cool things you can create with this style.

  62. these are very cool things that you can do. very cool lighting you can do with a bunch of diffrent stuff.

  63. I kinda want to figure out how they did this because it looks really cool. I think I could do some dope stuff with this.

  64. Wow! These look very cool and complicated. I kind of want to know how this was done, but then it also looks like a lot of work.

  65. The amount of effort that went into these reallys talks about the level of insanity in this world. When you look at these pictures you don't just see light. You see everything that is wrong with the world. You see the amount of turning around and going in the "wrong direction"

  66. i know one of the art classes just did this. I remember when I was little during the fourth of july me and friends would take pictures while twiring fast with sparklers. it kindof made a ring around us. kinda the same thig but kinda not

  67. I really like the one with the guy with the wings the colors are really detailed and tell a lot about the picture.

  68. i think is really cool wth the neon colors and how its shows up n the dark

  69. I like the creativity in this art. the way they did must've took forever but it is really cool. This is such a great design.

  70. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images.

  71. I really like these images. They are very unique and one of a kind. I can tell a lot of creativity was put into the images and how they did the thing with the neon

  72. Theses are all good they all have dark and light colors with the images it's really creative.

  73. It is cool looking at how the "lightning" makes the pictures come to life. It gives the picture more color and depth and makes them better.

  74. think this is really cool and it is really cool how the color on the neo to pop.

  75. All the pictures look amazing and I really like how they added neon colors to all of them because the color really makes the image pop

  76. It is cool looking at how the "lightning" makes the pictures come to life. It gives the picture more color and depth and makes them better.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This looks amazing. It looks hard to do judging by the fact I can't draw. If I could this would be amazing to do.

  79. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  80. It is cool looking at how the "lightning" makes the pictures come to life. It gives the picture more color and depth and makes them better.

  81. These pictures are actually cool. I like all of the colors in the pictures. I also like how the pictures glow.

  82. These are really good my favorite is the guitar one because of the lights. Spider On The Track lights up so much which makes it pretty. That angel one is kinda cool.

  83. These picture are very cool and vibrant. I like how the background is more of a dark color which makes the light stand out even more. I think it would be fun to do something like this because it's something new.

  84. I really liked really all of the colorful pictures with the lights. That are really cool, I wanna know how these were took. I love how the colors look like they pop out and look like they are glowing.

  85. This kind of artwork I really like, because it stands out. I think we should do something like this. I like how they make a darker background so the light really sticks out.

  86. This artist is really talented. It would be such a fun project to experiment with. It's really interesting what they added on to the objects. It's something that catches people's eye.

  87. These are really cool. I don't know how people could make those.The lights look so realistic. If I knew how to make those I definitely would.

  88. These are really cool. I wanna know how these were took. I liked all of the neon colors.

  89. I really liked the Arches one. I think that it would be really hard to get depth like they did. it looked like it actually went around the rock. Like it actually belongs there.

  90. I really like this style. My favorite is the one with the guy with wings. I would enjoy doing this style, and learn how to do it.

  91. I really like this style of art because it makes the image pop out with adding the neon designs to it. It looks dark but then adds the neon effect and makes it pop out more, This design looks pretty, and beautiful.

  92. I really like this piece. My favorite one is guitar. I would want to try something like this.

  93. I like how the lights are the main part of the pitures

  94. These art pieces are so good i like the bright lights

  95. Wow this looks pretty awesome. I would love to try how to do this. It seems pretty easy how to do that.

  96. I like the one that the guy looks like a angel. It is a really unique project. It looks like a lot of fun to have as a project.

  97. I like the one with lighting and the one woth the angel. I think it would be fun to do it in class.

  98. I think this is cool. I think it looks like lightning. I really like storms.

  99. I love this theme its so cool and I would love to do this. It looks challenging to do but in the end it look amazing. They did an amazing job!

  100. I have seen many pictures taken like this its really cool looking. It seems hard to do but i don't think it would be too hard if you have the right lights and things to do it. The pictures look great.

  101. This is super cool. This looks like a project in photography that I would really like to do when I take the class next school year. It looks hard but very fun.

  102. All these things very cool and creative especially since there incorporated into nature. I don't think I could do a project like this due to my short temper. This would also be to expensive for a class project. Maybe you could do it with glow sticks.

  103. I like how these have a firework look to them and add affect.

  104. This looks really cool like I would really want this in my home and it looks kinda like a firework in a few ways.

  105. I like these. They look really cool and fun to make. I like seeing these in the hallways from other students making them. I think that you could use a laser to make this instead of a flashlight too.

  106. These are really cool. I like how the light sticks out so much from the picture.

  107. These are really cool. The 3D look on make them that much better.

  108. these are really cool and interesting. they are fun to look at because the light pops. this is definitely something i would like to try.

  109. This is very interesting to look at. I have never seen anything like this. I like how the light pops.

  110. The guitar is my favorite one. And It looks really challenging but do able. It would enjoy this project in the future.

  111. i like how the lights bring contrast to the pictures. I like the bottom one the most. i like the differences in the lights and the dark in the background.

  112. These look difficult. I like them. I wouldn't want to do this though.


  113. These images must have taken some time. getting these images wrong would be frustrating but somewhat easy to fix. Drawing things in light seems like it would be a fun project to try.


  114. All images very cool and creative especially since there incorporated into nature. These images are awesome.
    I really like these light paintings they are very nice.

  115. The thought of using light to make art is pretty cool in itself. You could do so much with this and make it unique. I would definitely try this.

  116. i really the lights because it makes my head feel like imma pass out but the last one

  117. This artist is really talented. It would be such a fun project to experiment with. It's really interesting what they added on to the objects. It's something that catches people's eye.

  118. I like the way which the lights are formed.

  119. these are really cool and interesting this is real talent to be able to create these

  120. These are really cool and trippy. I think it would be kinda hard to make one of these but I think it would be fun.
