Wednesday, December 6, 2017

American Parody

I bet I could ask you if you have ever heard of the painting "American Gothic" and you would probably say you have never heard of it.  But if I showed it to you I bet you would not only instantly know it, but you could tell me some other way that you have seen it.  You have probably seen a parody of this famous Grant Wood painting in magazines or on a commercial.  Heck you might have even seen it in an episode of Spongebob.  It is probably one of the most recreated works of art on the planet.  And why not?  It is a fun piece that is easy to use in a joke.

American Gothic by Grant Wood

The top image is the original and the rest are parodies of it.  Can you name me another parody that you have seen using "American Gothic?"  What would you do if you could create a parody of this famous piece?  Would you stick with the original characters or would you swap them out for two completely different people/characters?


  1. I have seen a Simpson's parody of this painting. I would do Luke and Leia from Star Wars if I was to do a parody. I think it would be interesting because I could use a lightsaber instead of a pitchfork.

  2. I think there was a parody of this shown in one of the looney tunes movies. Two characters were chasing each other through a series of famous paintings. One of them stopped and "became" one of the characters and because cartoon logic defies any meaning, the other character continued to look for him. If I did a version of this, I would use two of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. That would be fun to do because you could do lots of different things for the background, and one of the TMNT's uses a weapon that looks similar to a pitchfork.

  3. I honestly like the one when they are wearing ugly sweaters. I like how they made it a christmas theme. I love christmas theme

  4. I like how they use one picture and turn it into multiple. I really like these pictures.

  5. It seems like such a simple concept to come up with but it is really cool. I think we should do something like this in class.

  6. This pieces really inspire me to share a parable with you, I was at a college, a second tier, not an ivy league school, a second choice school, and I was in a class. And there was a student in that class, okay? And the teacher, he was spouting some horrible non-sense about something how women’s rights are not legitimate, something that everybody knew was false, but if anybody had spoken up, he would’ve taken extreme joy in failing them. Okay? Nobody spoke up. One person raised his voice. Once person started talking. The teacher couldn’t believe it, the classroom couldn’t believe it either. But in the end, he had logic on his side. And at the end of the day, he proved his point. That student was Albert Einstein

    And that same sense of childlike play and innocence that we know from Albert Einstein, I can sense it in these art pieces.

  7. I don't seem to like it and how the same character and completely change the meaning the the original painting.

  8. I like the way they change the way the picture goes into something different every time. the way they design is cool. the concept of them changing the picture every time is great.

  9. These are kind of funny. Whoever created these is clever. My favorite is the one where they are wearing ugly christmas sweaters.

  10. haha the lady in it is always glaring at the guy. she must really hate him or something. This is really famous and kinda makes you wonder. why is she mad.

  11. I really like these paintings they are very nice i could never do this.

  12. This is a very cool spin on this classic painting. I think that this is a very cool parody of these paintings. I still think that this painting is pretty creepy.

  13. I enjoy the recreation with the skeletons it has a lot of detail and it makes the original look better.

  14. This is a very famous painting that I see parodies of all the time. The recreations thats are up there are quite comical. I like the 2nd (Forbes) one the best.

  15. The last painting really speaks to me on a very very very deep level. I mean when you look at the girl you can see in her eyes that she is upset about women's rights. You can see that all she wants is to take that sweater of 2 reindeer fornicating on her. As far as the guy he is debating how much he wants to leave and start building barns...

  16. Those paintings are unique and very cool and I could never paint something like that in my life

  17. I really dig the Mario one and the dark skeleton.
    Really shows how art can be the same in many different ways.
    The christmas one is pretty wack , guess it's cool as well since christmas is just right on the corner.

  18. i love how you can change it and make it look like so many different stuff. there is so much potential to what you can do with this pitcure

  19. These are pretty cool. Its so creative. I really like the fourth one. Its so amazing.

  20. this looks really easy to make a joke of and it is very funny and creative

  21. i think this is kinda easy to get the hang of becasue once you do one then the rest would be kinda easy

  22. I don't seem to like it and how the same character and completely change the meaning the the original painting.

  23. I don't really like these pieces, and it's not something I would want to do. Very creative though!

  24. i think its pretty stupid and y would someone do this i just think its really stupid

  25. i dont know what any of the names of the pictures are but they are pretty cool. i would probably make an outline of every thing it could look pretty cool

  26. i like how they made many different versions of one photo.

  27. i think they are cool. thats cool how they have many different versions of it. we should do that in art 1

  28. its very creative and has nice details

  29. These are all creative. They all have different versions that are all pretty cool. But personally I like the Mario

  30. i like the original one the best but it is fun to see how creative people can be. but at the same time its like cmon dude come up with your own idea

  31. all of them look good. I don't really like the Mario one though. They artist made it look like he doesn't like to eat food

  32. I would like to try one of these. I think I would do totally new characters. I don't know which characters I would do though.

  33. Theses are some really amazing art work, and shows a lot old death and deatiles.

  34. i think they would be a great art project. its cool how there are different characters for each picture

  35. I like how this artist made these different variations of the original to kind of make them interesting. It would be fun to see more of this by that artist.

  36. I really like how much effort this artist put into the art. It looks very nice and I would like to se3e more from the artist. This was just an amazing piece of art.

  37. I like the way they change the way the picture goes into something different every time. the way they design is cool. the concept of them changing the picture every time is great.

  38. The way they change it is funny, I like art parodies like this, all though some people think its ruling the historic painting

  39. This is funny. I wonder why they decided to use that painting to make parodies. I think it would be fun to this and try and come up with any many diffferent ones and make a story.

  40. I think that the painting looks beautiful and that the painting must have been very time consuming because its excellent

  41. This is a very cool spin on this classic painting. I think that this is a very cool parody of these paintings. I still think that this painting is pretty creepy.

  42. These look very neat. The one is very creepy. Looks like a lot of time and effort was put in to this.

  43. This is very cool. It looks kind of weird but it's interesting. I think this looks like a lot of fun.

  44. I don't like these cause they dont look like art. It is pretty good painting.

  45. I think it is a very elgant painting. The painting strokes are divine and it looks like they took plenty of time

  46. I would switch these characters out for something else they creep me out. I don't like this artwork because like I said it's creepy.

  47. I think it is a very elegant painting. The painting strokes are divine and it looks like they took plenty of time

  48. I think this is very wierd. It isnt my favoret art idea on here.

  49. these pictures are creepy as heck. i don't like these picture cause they are sort of

  50. This is a very cool spin on this classic painting. I think that this is a very cool parody of these paintings. I still think that this painting is pretty creepy.

  51. If i would redo this i would pick two completly differnt people just to change it up. You cant keep the same people all the time. But the picture is kinda wierd.

  52. I think these are really cool. I like how they took an original and made it different. This is something that would be kinda fun to do.

  53. What even is this? All the versions look weird and just creepy. The only one I kind of like is the skeleton one.

  54. American Parody, shows the true insides of American life. It shows the hard times, but it shows the good times as well. The value of life can not be taken away. It can only be boosted and that is why American Parody shows the true value of people. The end.

  55. I really dig the Mario one and the dark skeleton.
    Really shows how art can be the same in many different ways.
    The christmas one is pretty wack , guess it's cool as well since christmas is just right on the corner

  56. The original painting is super weird. It shows two old people that look like they are just sitting around and waiting to die. I do not see happiness in the picture. maybe it is supposed to be like that

  57. I really like the Skelton one it has really nice detail in the picture.

  58. i wanna know how their heads got so round. plus how in the world is that pitchfork so thin. That thing could cut skin. wowza

  59. I think theses are soooo cool. If i were to do a paraty i would make them in space.

  60. it seems like such a simple concept to come up with but it is really cool. I think we should do something like this in class.

  61. i like thsi and how they did it and how they do the differnet things with it

  62. This is a very cool spin on this classic painting. I think that this is a very cool parody of these paintings. I still think that this painting is pretty creepy.

  63. These are kind of funny. Whoever created these is clever. My favorite is the one where they are wearing ugly christmas sweaters.

  64. this is very cool but very creepy lso

  65. I really like how this artist made his artwork look modern and how he made the skeletons of the same people dealing with the same artwork

  66. These are funny. I like the mario one. but they should make their own things

  67. this is a common art piece i'd say , nothing too exciting .... 5/10


  68. I don't like these cause they dont look like art. It is pretty good painting.


  69. I like the way they change the way the picture goes into something different every time. the way they design is cool. the concept of them changing the picture every time is great.

  70. I like these pictures a lot, they look cool. It makes it more like funny and modern day in a way when they change them. I like how they change the paintings.

  71. This recreations from the original and cool because they took something old and put a new twist on it. I think we should do something like this in class. It looks like it would be alot of fun.

  72. This artwork would be a fun project to do in class. It is really fun artwork to. I still think this would be challenging but fun.

  73. I remember doing something like this in elementary art with the famous "scream" painting and I really enjoyed it much like I enjoyed the works of art.

  74. I enjoy these pictures. By changing them to look like they are in our world today. I don't see the art in them except for just changing a few details about them.

  75. This is a very cool art style in my opinion. It is very personalizable, which means you can change it to fit your style. One thing I must mention though, is that, like songs or movies, the original is definitely the best.

  76. I like how you can make one picture into many other pictures. It's very creative.

  77. I really enjoy how creative these person is the funniest one to me in the forck one.I thought his neck fat was hilarious and the the sweaters on the other one was really cool .One of the dumbest looking ones was the mario one it was also pretty funnie and its cool how creative it really was looks like its just a little different but it took work im betting.

  78. I don't really like these. They look nice and all, but I just don't like drawing people. I like working on different kinds of art. These are very nice, but just not for me.

  79. This is hilarious I am laughing.......ha. My favorite one is the Forbes one. It's very creative.

  80. I really like parodies of other things. I think they are really funny. There are alot of circumstances where the parody is better than the original.

  81. I like the idea of remaking the same painting over into something new, but I don't really like these. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the skeletons one. I may not like these pieces, but it's very creative.

  82. I like this painting because its interesting, and has different themes for each one and on some has color which makes it pop out, and it's very creative. It's unique, pretty, and original.

  83. These are really funny, I love the christmas sweaters

  84. Kinda creepy but I like it

  85. This looks like a fun project to do. They are all the same picture but different designs. I would like to have that project.


  86. This looks like a fun project to do. They are all the same picture. I would like to do this someday.

  87. This looks like it would be hard to draw. I think it would be fun to redesign as a parody. Overall it is funny.

  88. It is cool to see the same picture with many different designs forms. I personally would like to try a project like this an put my own ideas into it. I also think it would be a very good class project.

  89. I have not seen any of these in other ways. I could not name another parody that I have seen. I would not like making this because I would not know what to do.

  90. These are pretty creepy. Not something I would buy or hang up in my house,

  91. I think these are pretty good. I think it's pretty funny. They look really good though.

  92. I have never seen any other variations of this. They're funny, but I definitely wouldn't display one of these.

  93. I like the different effects you can change about just one picture

  94. I like the skelton one the best. And they use the same picture for every project. I would enjoy this project.

  95. This iece isn't my favorite. I enjoy the creativity, but I don't think it would be something "fun" to do. I would enjo it if you could do it with different paintings.

  96. I like how people can take the same image and change it. The dark one is my favorite version. I also like the forbes one too.

  97. I don't like this. It is very weird. I hope we never do something like this in class.

  98. This work is very creepy looking. I probably would never be interested in trying something like this. It looks really good and a lot of time was put into it but not very cool.

  99. i like the verity in difference i probably like the fat one the best the mario is probably the second best

  100. This is a very cool art style in my opinion. It is very personalizable, which means you can change it to fit your style. One thing I must mention though, is that, like songs or movies, the original is definitely the best.

  101. I like all the different versions of the original piece. Some of them crack me up

  102. i like the different versions of this art. if i would recreate this i would use the same people so people understand the joke
