Monday, October 22, 2018

Weightless Nature?

The German artist Cornelia Konrads is a sculptor that works in the field of land-art.  She often creates works that make you feel like nature has a weightless feeling to it.  Let me know what you think of her work.

So what do you think?  Are they cool, interesting or not your style?  If you could make something in nature appear like it is floating what would you do?  Do these make you think of anything else?


  1. The one with the snow is pretty neat. I wouldn't even know how to start. The one with the sticks I don't really like though.

  2. I really like theese because they are sooooo creative. i really want to know how they did this

  3. This is pretty cool and creative. It looks crazy hard to do and probably wouldn't last long. It also wouldn't be possible for a class project.

  4. This looks like it could be in a scary witch movie. I would not watch this movie due to it being too scary. But its still cool and creative.

  5. I don't really like the snow one. IT looks too much like it doesn't belong, but the stick one at the bottom looks really cool. It looks like something you would find in an enchanted forest.

  6. I like these due to the action affect that is taking places. It makes it look interesting.

  7. this looks really cool. outdoor projects are more fun to do. these are very interesting.

  8. she definitely has the force. she found a way to make a portal to some starwars universe and brought back pictures from people practicing using the force.

  9. When I first saw this before reading anything a thought it as mirrored. How would you sculpt these? How does she make it float in the air?

  10. I like the bottom one with the floating sticks and the one with the rocks floating. I don't really like the snow one. This looks really cool, but I don't know how you would do it.

  11. These are really pretty. I am so confused on how she made these so they look like they are floating. I would like to have one of these by my house.

  12. I think they are very interesting. I just wonder on how she made them look like that. I would love to learn how she did it. If I could try this, I would want to try something with water.

  13. This is very creative . I like how they use nature in art. This is very cool.

  14. I love to be outdoor and this looks amazing. Projects outside would be awesome to do. How does she make it look like that? She has some amazing talent that I do not have.

  15. I'm very confused how they made it look like this. But it is very cool. I like to see some outdoor work. I haven't seen anything like this before. I am very interested how they did this tough.

  16. I think outdoor work is much better than indoor. You stumble upon outdoor work, but you have to have a reason to go see indoor works since they're usually on display, so you're much more likely to see outdoor work.

  17. I think this one is interesting because the trees and stuff look like they are fading away into thin air. It reminds me of the end of Avenges Infinity War.

  18. this is really cool we should do something like this. I dont know how they would do this but it looks cool.

  19. How does she do it? Are strings being used, or what's going on? I think they're super cool and interesting, but I want to know how it's done.

  20. i think these are really interesting.they are really creative and unique. i really want to know how they did this though.

  21. The one with the snow is pretty neat. I wouldn't even know how to start. I wouldn't even know where to start with these.

  22. This is cool and weird at the same time. I really wonder how they managed to do that. I think it would be cool to do.

  23. Well im very confused on how they are doing this. It is very creative. And i don't this there are enough directions in the world to explane how to do this.

  24. this is sooooo confusing. i would never be able to do this.

  25. This is really cool. It reminds me of an optical illusion. I don't understand how it's done, but I really like them.

  26. This is really cool ,it' interesting.It should to be fun to do this . I haven't seen anything like this before.

  27. I am confused how you would even do this . But if you can you must be very talented! I like this alot it is very crazy.

  28. This is very different from everything else I've seen. It would take forever to figure out how to make it look good though. It is very cooling looking.

  29. They look great, I like them a lot, the designs look very real

  30. These are really unique. This is something that I would buy because I think it's really pretty.

  31. I like the gate looking design. The floating objects are very creative.

  32. I think this would be a very fun thing to make. It would be fun to use nature to make art. This would be a fun thing to try sometime.

  33. I like this alot. This would be one of the many art projects that i can not do but i would want to try. I would try this with some trees if i had the chance

  34. I think these are very creative and pretty. I would love to see these as im walking to go somewhere.

  35. These are crazy. It looks like magic. It must take a lot of time to create these.

  36. These are really cool. I like how they used sticks.

  37. These are very cool and I like how they use nature. I really like the snow one.

  38. I love the way these look. These are really cool. I've seen this kind of thing in videos.

  39. I love the way these pictures are archways in different seasons. They look really cool. I like the angle the picture was taken in.

  40. I like how they look like there floating or there falling into place. my favorite one is the snowballs flying from one pile to the next. The wall one with bricks is also pretty cool

  41. It is pretty cool. It is kind of trippy. It's a illusion i think.

  42. those are so cool they look like they could be at a wedding but the last one is kind of scary I don't know what I think about that

  43. This is really cool. I have to wonder how they have made those things float or appear to be floating because I don't think even the fastest cameras can catch those moments perfectly.

  44. How did the artist get the stuff to hang or something like that? This should have have taken a long time to do. I give props to this artist.

  45. Well im very confused on how they are doing this. It is very creative. And i don't this there are enough directions in the world to explain how to do this.

  46. These pictures looks really good and during the summer thing that would be good for a scrapbook or something

  47. I like how they used nature in this kind of art. It cool how you can use sticks off a tree to make art. Cool thing they did their.

  48. These are super pretty. It is a mix of nature and the public setting of a wedding.

  49. those are cool they remind me of a wall i use to know. is a very nice nature seine

  50. don't really like the snow one. IT looks too much like it doesn't belong, but the stick one at the bottom looks really cool. It looks like something you would find in an enchanted forest.

  51. Well im very confused on how they are doing this. It is very creative. And i don't this there are enough directions in the world to explain how to do this.

  52. It is very confusing to look at, I like that the images start to disapear.

  53. This is so gnarly. I love how it looks like it is floating. I wonder how they did this amazing work

  54. this is cool art art. i like how they used nature for artwork. its decent

  55. This is really cool art. I like the one with the snowballs. Really interesting and fun project.

  56. I like this one because it reminds me of when Thanos snapped his fingers in infinity war and everyone dusted away. So this is cool.

  57. This is pretty cool and creative. It looks crazy hard to do and probably wouldn't last long. It also wouldn't be possible for a class project.
