Monday, October 29, 2018

Just relax and draw

Do you ever find yourself so stressed that you need to find a way to release that energy?  Maybe not, but if you do, can I recommend drawing.  It can be so soothing to just sit down and doodle, draw and color an image or design.  That's why adult coloring books have made such a comeback.

If you actually read this all the way to the bottom, you don't need to comment on this one, just draw something and show  me your drawing instead of writing me a message.  Because in a way, drawing is just writing in pictures.  Just on a side note,  I am making this post in July so you might need to remind me when you turn it in.


  1. that is so cool. i love this

  2. I love how this looks, because it looks like a snake coiled up in with a bunch of different things. I like all of the cool colors.

  3. I like this and I think it would be fun to make.

  4. I really like the free draw type drawing. It is just really calm.

  5. I love this idea. It seems like a good way to relax yourself. I think I'll do this next time I need to release my creative energy.

  6. These look really cool. anything with zendoodle looks and and artistic. I do think this could be fun to do in class.

  7. this looks really cool . this would be very hard to do. would be a good project to take up time in class

  8. Wow is the first thing that comes to mind when I see this. It looks really difficult and time consuming. It looks like something you would have us do for a project in class.

  9. this project looks like it would be really fun to do in class. I think that this is something that we could do to take up lots of time in class. It looks cool and very creative.

  10. this project looks very good you see that it is very difficult to do

  11. I like how this looks. I like how it looks like a snake. This would be fun to do.

  12. I really like is. It almost looks like they just doodled on paper but it is very cool. I like all the colors they incorporated in it.

  13. This one would be a fun one to do in class. I always run out of patterns doing zentangle.

  14. i really like this one and would like to do this. i love to do zentangles and doodles.

  15. I like these specifically because they're different. They look somewhat simple and I like simple art. I would try this.

  16. this is cool. its neat. i like it

  17. It is really nice , and creative . I like the bright colors. It is like snake .

  18. This is the kinda art i like to do if i probably had too pick. I love all the bright colors too it really makes it pop. It looks like they just did whatever on it.

  19. I like the looks of this a lot. The zentangle part of it makes it interesting. I would definitely do this.

  20. its confusing. its cool. its really weird.

  21. I don't know why but when I look at this it is nostalgic for some reason. I like the way that it looks. I would like to make something that looks similar to this.

  22. i like the gradients of the green ribbon. i like how in every pocket there's a different design. the colored spheres remind me of the Trix cereal.

  23. this is a very interesting piece. its very creative. I like how it looks.

  24. This is super cute. This reminds me of the zentangle project we did. It would be fun to make something like this.

  25. I like this one a lot. It is very hippy like. I would like to do something like this

  26. I think these are very creative. Whoever did this amazing piece of art did an amazing job and had a lot of patience.

  27. I like coloring. It really does relieve stress. Adult coloring books are fun.

  28. Looks cool. The cools are very NEEEEAAAATTTT.

  29. I like the designs in it and it would be really fun to color and make it more colorful.

  30. i like this design and the colors but it looks difficult to draw

  31. These drawings really mess with my head. But they are really cool to look at. I think these are something I would want to learn.

  32. This piece is so mesmerizing. I love the pop of color that they put into the picture.This must have taken lots of time.

  33. I like this piece of art it just a lot of zentangles. Which are actually cool. We did zentangles in art 1 and i think we should do something more 3D.

  34. I like how creative this is. I like they black and white and then a few things are colored. This would be something fun to do in your freetime. It could be relaxing to do.

  35. I like the design everyone releases stress differently.

  36. I think that this would be really hard to draw but it would be fun to make.

  37. This would be hard but look really good in the end an be a lot of fun. I like how the colors could be all of and still look good

  38. this is a very cool design and very creative i like all the designs that put in and the color makes it looks even better

  39. I think this is a very cool drawing that took time.
    I like the design everyone releases stress differently.

  40. this piece is very satisfying. its smooth and colourful. i think its very neat and nice

  41. I do things like that quite often when I am bored. I have a lot of them in a drawer of my desk. It is a really good way to fill some time.

  42. I like coloring. It really does relieve stress. If I was better at drawing these would be a lot more fun to me.

  43. I like the colors they used in this. It looks wild but really organized as well. I think these drawings are fun.

  44. I like the way they used the certain colors in this. It looks like they took their time on the color pencil thing. Cool painting

  45. This looks so cool. I wish that I was that good at art. I like the colors in it

  46. This looks fun but hard. We have had similar projects and I don't like them. But looks very cool.

  47. I like the way this looks. Zentangle is my favorite type of art to do. There isn't much thought to it you just draw.

  48. This is super cool, It looks really fun to do. Reminds me of our zentangle project at the start of the year.

  49. this is vary trippy and cool i would kinda like to do some art like this

  50. I love this idea. It seems like a good way to relax yourself. I think I'll do this next time I need to release my creative energy.

  51. I like how it almost looks like 3D. And it's something different, most artist do something big but this one keeps it small.

  52. I like coloring. It really does relieve stress. If I was better at drawing these would be a lot more fun to me.

  53. I like that you eyes get lost in this painting, its almost trippy, the way the lines and circles pop out and sink into this piece

  54. This piece is very cool. It is very colorful. I like how it looks like it is moving

  55. This is a cool drawing. Very colorful. It look likes it's kinda moving

  56. This is a really cool drawing. I really like the patterns that it uses. Its seems like a cool project to do.

  57. This look cool when finished but it would take a while for me to get done, and i don't think mine would be as nice

  58. This is really cool. I love seeing really cool colored pencil art. Along with it being sort of optical illusion it is very interesting.

  59. I love how this looks, because it looks like a snake coiled up in with a bunch of different things. I like all of the cool colors.

  60. I like how the whole thing isn't in color. This project looks like it would be easy. I would enjoy doing the zentangle part as you can literally do whatever you want.
