Monday, October 15, 2018

Even I could never do this...

There are not many art techniques out there that I look at with so much awe and amazement that even I would not try to touch it, but I think I found one of those.  The sculpture artist Tomoko Shioyosu has created these beautiful panels of paper with such delicate cuts that you can see through the paper like it is a window, but at the same time it has these abstract images cut out of it. 

Well see for yourself and then you tell me what you think...

So what are your thoughts?  Do you think they are amazing or just okay?  Would you be willing to tackle a project like this?  What would you carve into the paper?


  1. This is crazy how would someone be able to do this. All the time it would take. I would get way to bored if I was doing it.

  2. These pieces of art are very magnificent, and would take a long time to do. I feel like the artists who do this get a lot of money from the collectors. I think these are amazing and would like to learn how to do them, i wonder if we are doing something close to it in Art 1.

  3. This almost doesn't even look like art which makes it so amazing .This artist must have worked on this for such a long time but it is very worth the time for how the outcome is. I wouldn't even know where to start to make these.

  4. This style of art is very unique. I have never saw anything like it. I can't even imagine all the time and effort these artists put into this.

  5. This is pretty amazing. It must take so much patience. There is no way I could do this. I would mess it up too much.

  6. I think this is very cool. It would be very hard to do, and it would take a long time to do. It think it would be cool to try a smaller version of it.

  7. This is really cool. It is a 3D picture that shows a room or hallway. This would be cool to try.

  8. This is very cool. It doesn't even look like real art work. I couldn't imagine how much time and patience this would take

  9. This is really cool. It must of taken a lot of time and effort to do this.

  10. This is cool because it doesn't even look like art. It's awesome how someone can do that

  11. This is very cool artwork, there is a lot of detail that makes it look very unique. It must have been very time consuming but the final look is amazing.

  12. i think these are really cool and looks like it took forever to make all of the details and exactness, but it looks very cool.

  13. this artwork is neat. i like the detail. it would take a lot of time to do

  14. I like it. It's a piece that brings out so many pictures in one. I wouldn't say that this is a fail but a piece in a way that makes you want to look at it more

  15. These art pieces look but I don't quite understand what they are or how you would even do them. They also look very hard and stressful to try and work. They also look like there glass so I Don't think it would be a good project for class.


  16. This is very cool artwork, there is a lot of detail that makes it look very unique. I couldn't imagine how much time and patience this would take. To be honest I think that these are perfect the way they are.

  17. Wow. These are so cool. I would break the glass before anything could happen.

  18. This is a very great piece of art, there looks like a lot of hard work and patience that went into this.There i very good detail and is a very unique piece of artwork.

  19. I like this too. expectioly the pattern on them.they look soo naet

  20. I really like this piece of art, it looks pretty cool,but looks like it would take a lot of time:)

  21. This art looks very complicated and tough. It looks like you would needs a lazer imprinter or something along those lines to do.

  22. I like these because it kind of gives it a glass look with a cool design.

  23. This is amazing! I can never envision myself being this good at art. I must look into his technique further and figure out his secret.

  24. how is this even possible, paper isn't that strong especially if you cut it so thin you can see through it. I feel like it would break just hanging it up if not disintegrate when you touch it.

  25. this looks extremely hard. this would not be a good project for class.this would take to long to do

  26. This looks like something that would take a long time to do. I would not like to do this in class because I think I would get really frustrated. I think that the paper would just rip, it so thin the way it is.

  27. Oh my gosh, this person must be very organized and artistic. Those are really cool. I didn't even know that its possible to carve into paper like that.

  28. I think they are incredible. I don't think many people are able to do this. I certainly could not. I don't think I would want to try it. I feel like I would just end up tearing the paper by accident.

  29. This is amazing piece of art. I could not do this. Most people probably couldn't. It would take a lot time with lots of dedication. They are pretty cool though.

  30. I'd never have the precision and finesse to be able to cut things that close. That would definitely be a "don't come within 15ft of this" project.

  31. This looks impossible and I don't know how they did this. I could only do a foot long project or it would turn out terrible. I would hate doing this for a project.

  32. This looks really cool i wish i could have something in my house, but i feel like it would break really easy cause its made of glass.

  33. I could never do anything like this. I would get so frustrated and just tear the paper. It's so delicate and looks like a lot of time and effort. I couldn't do it.

  34. i think it would take a lot of time and concentration to do this. it is very pretty, but i think if i tried it i would get too frustrated. people that do these are very talented.

  35. This is very cool. It doesn't even look like real art work. I couldn't imagine how much time and patience this would take

  36. I certainly would not want to do this for a project in school. I would probably rip the paper so many times but its super cool . Also good for whoever and do this .

  37. This looks like a really fun project to do. I like the first one the best. It would take a lot of patience and talent.

  38. This looks likes a very cool project. i like the second one the best. takes a lot of patince to do this.

  39. Those are really cool.It would be very hard to do, and it would take a long time to do. It is unique.

  40. This design is really cool. I like the way the glass spirals in different directions and ways

  41. These are really nice. Looks really hard to do. It's cool that some parts of the picture look see through.

  42. It looks incredibly hard to do. The papers have a creative design. It looks very time consuming

  43. This looks very interesting. I don't think I would try it though. It would be somewhat fun but very hard.

  44. This looks like a very very challenging project to do. I do not think I would be able to make one these. I do think they look pretty cool though.

  45. These look like they would take a long time to do. They are cool pieces but challenging to do.

  46. looks really cool. I like how they hang it from the ceiling.

  47. This are super cool. It would take so much time to do.

  48. These look really cool. But I think that these are really time consuming. These probably take forever to do.

  49. I love all the little details in the art work. I like how it's kind of an illusion. It looks super fancy.

  50. This is super cool. You can almost see through the walls. Very interesting piece.

  51. this is amazing I wonder how long it took you must have a lot of patients to be able to make those.

  52. This is very cool. It doesn't even look like real art work. I couldn't imagine how much time and patience this would take

  53. This would take a very long time to do. It would take a lot of patience. It is really cool

  54. This looks simple but would cost a lot of money. This looks like it would be in a really art place

  55. Looks like this would be very expensive to do. If you make one wrong you could lose a lot of money. Cool art tho.

  56. These look very hard to do. I am sure they would take a lot of time and effort. It would be fun to do something like this but on a smaller scale

  57. These are super pretty. I love the colors in it and it just looks very clean and sleek.

  58. I like how it's kind of an illusion. It looks super fancy.The papers have a creative design. It looks very time consuming

  59. This almost doesn't even look like art which makes it so amazing .This artist must have worked on this for such a long time but it is very worth the time for how the outcome is. I wouldn't even know where to start to make these.

  60. This is very cool. It doesn't even look like real art work. I couldn't imagine how much time and patience this would take

  61. I bet this would take a very long time to do. It is kinda cool. I wouldn't be able to di this.

  62. This would take a lot of time to finish. But it would be worth it at the end. Really fun and neat project.

  63. This looks like it takes a really really long time to finish and I wouldn't want to do that very much. It does have a very satisfying finish though.

  64. This is crazy how would someone be able to do this. All the time it would take. I would get way to bored if I was doing it.
