Monday, October 8, 2018

Patience, paper and an xacto knife

I have stumbled upon the Japanese artist Noriko Ambe.  I highly recommend you take a moment an google her.  She takes these incredible stacks of paper or books and cuts them with an xacto knife page by page.  Her cuts are so precise that it looks like the books and paper are these deep caverns inside of an alien planet.  But I'll let you take a look and decide for yourself.

My question is, if I never told you that these were paper would you have been able to figure it out?  What do you think they look like?  Do you think you would have the time or the patience to just sit down and create one of these works of art?  What would you cut out if you could do this?


  1. These are some cool pieces. They are very different like me. It fits my style.

  2. This looks like such a pretty piece of artwork. It would look very nice on the wall. It very colorful and wavy looking.

  3. Mrs. DeWitt practice

  4. This looks really cool. It looks like they would take a very long time to make though. I like how they are wavy lines and colorful. I would not have the patience.

  5. this piece looks pretty cool . it stands out from the others. its a nice style of art

  6. this piece looks like it would be very challenging. it would take forever to finish this one. it is very interesting.

  7. I was very interested in this piece because the wavy.It looks challenging but fun at the same time. I think it would take some people a long time but some a very short time.

  8. These painting are so realistic. It very interesting to view this type of artwork. I wonder how they make it so amazing.

  9. They look very different. I don't think I would have the patience to sit down and do this because it looks like it would take a lot of time.

  10. This looks like a rather difficult piece of art to make. I think it looks very pretty and I would hang something like the first or second one on my wall. I like how it is kind of simple yet complicated at the same time.

  11. It looks very to make or paint but I would like to try it. I love the detail and the waves in it as well.

  12. This pieces look very difficult to even sit down and individually make these. It looks like these could take hours. But they actually really cool and well worth the patience.

  13. They are very unique and pretty, looks like very hard painting and very time consuming but worth it. I would want to try something like these but i would have to have a lot of patience.

  14. These are super cool and fun to look at. We should do a project like this it would be super fun. At the same time it would be long and hard to do.

  15. I like how these pictures look. it looks like im looking into a trench or a ravine. It would be cool to be able to make something like this.

  16. This style of art is very cool. I am really interested in how they did that. Can't even imagine how much time that took. And how much paper that took.

  17. This has to take a lot of time and focus. It is crazy what some of these artist come up with. It would be hard to attempt this.

  18. this would be very challenging. i don't think i could do this. an i dont think i have the pattentice to do it.

  19. This is super cool. It would take a lot of time. But if you finished it, it would be a very cool thing to look at all day.

  20. These are really cool. The way they look 3D is really cool. And the shadowing is very neat.

  21. These look really difficult to do and look like they took a lot of time and effort. They are cool pieces though.

  22. These are amazing, the 3D look is super cool. I wish I could do art like this.

  23. I think these look really cool. it looks like it would take a lot of also looks really difficult.

  24. these look really cool. they look like they take a lot of time and work.but they are pretty and a cool different style.

  25. these look really cool. it took a lot of time. it would take a lot of work

  26. I like it but not that much. I have seen a lot of these and this isn't the first artwork that i've seen in a 3D form. It is tempting to look at but i would say that somethings could had been adjusted.

  27. This looks cool I like that it looks a canyon or something. I do think it is cool there able to use three D drawing so well. This could probably be a cool class project.


  28. These look really difficult to do and look like they took a lot of time and effort. I would want to try something like these but i would have to have a lot of patience. I like how they are wavy lines and colorful.

  29. I like the book one the best because it shows the entirety of the layering.It looks like they used sandblaster to make the paper in the book.WHat's the best thing about this is you make these objects out of random objects as well.

  30. I like them because they have many colors, the lines are perfect

  31. This is a great piece of artwork. Its very colorful and has lots of details.

  32. i really do like this. it is just so fun to look at

  33. I don't think I'm a good enough artist to complete one of these projects. But I would love to try!

  34. I would like to do this. It seems like it would take a long time, but to do this to an old book I think would look really cool

  35. I can't express how much awe I am in right now. This art style, despite its simplicity, has so much depth and complexity. Simply amazing.

  36. i think that this is really cool. I would definitely do this, I really like the second to last one, i have no idea how you would make those holes without them breaking

  37. this is really cool but this would be a challenge to do. this would take alot of time.

  38. How would you make this with paper? I'd love to try this for an assignment. A Piece of Flat Globe is my favorite.

  39. These paper carvings remind of ice glaciers that have been carved out by water. I feel like this isn't really that hard to make. I would like to try it.

  40. I really like this piece. It has that feeling of satisfaction. I also love how it looks like it is water flowing.

  41. I´m not quite sure how this would turn out. The project we did, mine did not turn out the way I wanted. It much easier to paint with a paint brush. It does look neat though.

  42. These look more like paintings than anything and to make paper look like this is very interesting. The blending is really well done on all of these.

  43. Looks like this project is impossible. it would be hard to paint something like this let alone put it on paper. I could never do this but it seems interesting to see how they do it.

  44. I love how the artist did this. I don't think I would of been able to figure it out. I thought it was maybe lines that were painted in. I don't think I would have the patience do this, but I would like to try.

  45. This would be fun to do you could make it look like canyons or water. its like a splater painting.

  46. They look like waves and water. Or craters on the moon. I really want to try something like this. I've seen thing like it on the internet, and I've always wanted to do it.

  47. i like how colorful and wavy these look. they are really creative and i would like to try this, but it looks like it would take forever.

  48. They look very different. I don't think I would have the patience to sit down and do this because it looks like it would take a lot of time.

  49. This is neat. This is very creative. I like it.

  50. It looks like in the third picture that they are melted together. That looks like it would take a lot of work. It is really colorful.

  51. this is very cool. i like the first one the best. we should't try this tho, cause it would be hard.

  52. It would be hard to make something like that. It looks 3D and that is really cool. You need to be very creative to make this.

  53. I like the book one because it makes it look like the book is melting

  54. These are pretty trippy. I like them. The book one is really cool.

  55. This piece of art is really cool. It would be really hard to cut all the little details in. This would be fun to do something like this in class sometime.

  56. These are cool but confusing. It would be something that would be cool to try but hard to do.

  57. I find these confusing. I like looking at this art thought. It must have been difficult.

  58. It kinda looks like the project we did earlier in the year. this really cool. This would take a lot of patience.

  59. I like these pieces of art because they have a swirl effect to them

  60. This would look really hard. I don't know if I would do it but if i tried it would look really hard

  61. I like this project. It looks like it would be hard to do. Cool project tho.

  62. I wouldn't guess this is paper but i'm not sure what else it would be. I would not have the patience to complete something like that. If I would have to do something like this I would probably cut something simple like a shape

  63. I think these are really artistic and fun. They look hard to paint.

  64. These are really cute. Looks swirly and also calming.

  65. very swirly and creative its very cool as well i wonder how long it took to do this

  66. This almost doesn't even look like art which makes it so amazing .This artist must have worked on this for such a long time but it is very worth the time for how the outcome is. I wouldn't even know where to start to make these.

  67. Making this art must take a lot of time. I like artist you take time to make what they feel like is interesting.

  68. I couldn't even imagine how long it took to do these. The dedication shows through these projects

  69. I love these illusions. I think it is a very interesting piece of art. I Love how it looks like marble

  70. The last one is really cool. But it looks really hard and time consuming. Wish i could do something like that.

  71. I think this one is really cool because it looks like it has so many layers and is very colorful.

  72. This looks like a really fun art project to do. I feel like i would enjoy it.

  73. this looks really cool but it looks really complicated so I don't know if I would be down to make that

  74. It looks very to make or paint but I would like to try it. I love the detail and the waves in it as well.
