Monday, October 1, 2018

Paper and Nature

So what happens when you take paper and add nature?  You get ART!!

Or at least that is what these works are trying to combine.  Very beautiful or at least interesting things can happen when you mix different mediums.  Or at least I think so, but you let me know what you think after you check them out.

What do you think?  Do you like the drawing with the natural elements added on top, or do you prefer the sticks and the squirrels?  Or do you think both of them are no where near close to art and that this is something that you never want to even try to create?


  1. It think somebody would have to be kind of bored to do this. It is still kind of interesting because of how they mix nature to make animals. And how the make clothes made of plants for humans.

  2. I like this art work, it looks cool, and pretty. I like how you put nature in art, it makes it pop out and looks very pretty, and also adds more color to the picture:)

  3. I love squirrels. These paintings are really fun and interesting.

  4. I think they look cool. You would have to be creative to do this. It is really colorful. I think it would be cool to try.

  5. this piece would take a lot of skill to complete. it has a lot of colors that help it look cool.the squirrels make the painting pop out

  6. this piece isn't as good as it could be. it is just a normal white background and not a lot of colors. this one could use some work.

  7. I really like this drawing because it looks challenging but fun at the same time. I don't know if I would be able to do something like this and make it look that good but I would try.

  8. I think that this would be a super fun project to do. I would most likely be challenge, but you can be very creative with it.
    This is definitely something I would be interested in trying.

  9. It looks so different that I'd be willing to try it. The nature aspect of it makes it have a unique twist. It would take a lot of creativity.

  10. Its very cool how they used other pieces like flower pedals and stuff to make the picture.It seems like they were going for a theme like outdoors and nature, This is a very different piece.

  11. I don't really like this art style. It looks like my sister did this in her bedroom and she's seven. It uses objects that I wouldn't prefer to use and I hope we never do a project like this.

  12. I think this art style is really interesting. I like the one with the squirrels. And how they actually used tree branches. Makes it come to life.

  13. The squirrel piece is very nice. I like how it is in the frame. Bringing the nature part into it makes it pop.

  14. I like how this brings a different aspect into art. You get more of a realistic feeling because you are getting things from nature. This would be very cool to try

  15. This isn't the coolest thing I've ever seen. It cool but I'm pretty sure I could do the same thing.

  16. I like how they take nature and make it into their own art. It is simple but still pretty cool.

  17. I think it's cool that they used nature ti make art, but I think it's too easy and simple

  18. These are super cute they look like little kid crafts. They must not take that long to make they look like lazy art projects

  19. i like how these are simple but creative at the same time. they look pretty easy to do. i like like that its mad of nature.

  20. i like how they used stuff from nature. it looked very easy.

  21. I don't like these pieces that much. Using stuff from outside to make it look realistic was kinda neat. It's not interesting to look at as much as some of the other pieces on this website.

  22. I'm not a huge fan of these they don't really look like much and aren't all that creative. I definitely think this theme of art and nature could definitely become something very cool and creative. With a little tweaking this could easily be a interesting class project.

  23. I love these creative pieces of art. They are so cute and simple. I hope we can do something similar.

  24. It's very interesting to see people turning nature into art work.THe one with the sunflower is really cool looking fore sure.But what it is basically doing is just kinda describing the innocence of nature.

  25. I do not like the colors of the drawings

  26. These pieces are very good pieces of art. I like the creativity that was put into these.

  27. For some reason this art work looks like it should be from harry potter. But it looks cool. I would defs try this project.

  28. I like the squirrel one. It looks like a great decoration piece.

  29. I like how these use objects that are found in nature to make art.

  30. i think that it is cool but if you are going to add nature then you need to make it 3-dimensional. On the middle one i think that it would look alot better if they would have just cut slits in the paper so the leaves (wings) go behind her.

  31. this is cool looking. this would not be a project that i would like very much.this would take alot of skill

  32. These are cool. I like the usage of leaves and other materials to make beautiful works of art.

  33. I like the creativity in this. I don't like the various colorful designs in it. There are some spots where i would have picked something else instead, of a leaf or flower.

  34. I think the squirrels and sticks look the best.The projects are very creative. I do not know if I would like to do this.

  35. These are easier to make than some of the other stuff, and they are more temporary because it's made of flowers. I don't think I would consider them art.

  36. This would be one we could do in class. It would be fun to make this.

  37. I really like these. I think they are really interesting. I would love to try something like this. I like the ones with the squirrels and sticks, I think it's really interesting and not normal. I do also like the ones with the plants on top.

  38. I like the squirrels one. It's really cool how you can take two completely different things and turn it into art. But, I guess in a way, that's what we're always doing.

  39. I like how they take nature and make it into their own art. It is simple but still pretty cool.

  40. I think this is weird. Not into it very much. Don't think I would do this.

  41. The real props make the seem realistic and really brings the image to life

  42. These paintings are really cute. The second one is my favorite. They are really different.

  43. This would be a fun project to do. We could be really creative and use our imagination. my favorite it the one with the sticks and squirrels

  44. these look cool. i like how they used like flower petals and leaves

  45. I liked how they used parts of flowers and trees. Looks cool. It also looks like it would be hard to do.


  46. I really like this drawing because it looks challenging but fun at the same time. I don't know if I would be able to do something like this and make it look that good but I would try.

  47. I absolutely love how they incorporated nature into these pieces. It is so peaceful. I love the colors!

  48. The squirrel and logs is really cool. The 3D part is really cool. Would like to do that project.

  49. This idea is super cute and creative. I think this would be fun to make and these would be good decorations in a house.

  50. I think they look cool. You would have to be creative to do this. It is really colorful. I think it would be cool to try.
