Monday, September 24, 2018

Art that Rocks!!

I am hoping that most of you have heard or have seen or even found some of the painted rocks that people are creating and then leaving around for others to find.  But what if that was taken a step further and those rocks were attached to wood, canvas or anything else and used as art.  Check out these rocks and let me know what you think.

So my first question is, are they art?  If so, why?  If not, why not?  Do you think they are cute and creative or a waste of someone's time?  What would you paint on a rock if you could?


  1. I think this is a very unique way of art. It looks very cool. I bet that it is hard with the texture of the rocks.

  2. I think this should be count as art. It does take time to paint on a rock. I think the ones with the sticks are really cool. I would paint a goat on a rock.

  3. These ones are kinda weird. I don't know who would put faces on rocks. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  4. I think this style is creative. I like the bottom one the most looks like a comic. I don't like the one with the people on the swing, looks creepy.

  5. I don't really think of this as art. It looks like something little kids would give their parents on mother of father's day.

  6. I think that it is cool that you can use natural resources to make art. It kinda looka childish. But it still count.

  7. I collect rocks. This looks like a great project to do. It is very awesome

  8. I think that this is interesting. I would not like to do this because I think that is weird. I would not do this.

  9. this would be very very challenging to do. it is not my type of art style. it would be very time consuming

  10. These art concepts are very interesting and weird that draws your attention to the art. This would be a very experimental new art style for me if I tried it. Wouldn't Really take that long.

  11. This one is probs the second easiest other than the paint one that you throw on the wall. I looks like you could put these around the house and make it look really good

  12. I could do this art it looks very fun and easier. The rocks would most likely be the easiest one to do plus it is very cute. Very cool and something you could do for fun.

  13. I like this because it uses things that you normally wouldn't think of as art. Their are so many possibilities with this.

  14. This is very creative and fun. There are so many different kinds of art that yes, I consider it art. It would be a fun project.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I would consider this art. You are still doing art but aren't using traditional art items. I think it isn't a waste of time if you are an artist because it is still art

  17. These are cool. But they wouldn't take that long to do. I'm pretty sure my brother could do the same thing.

  18. This art is cool and simple. It looks like something you could do with kids.

  19. This is cool looks like it could be a family time fun, for family day. or if you have younger siblings you could do these. people are so creative.

  20. i would consider these art. they are cute and simple. i don't think i would try these.

  21. i like how they painted faces on rocks

  22. I like the way that they painted faces on the rocks. Looks like zany cartoonish characters. I like the last picture better than the rest of the other pictures

  23. I do not like these they look very simple and easy. They also don't even look cool for as simple as they are. So i do not think this should be incorporated into art.

  24. I do not like drawings

  25. These are very cool and and fun. Looks like a fun project to do if you were bored or wanted to do with little kids.

  26. I love these. I would make them and maybe put one on my christmas tree. It looks like a fun project to do with my cousins.

  27. These are so cute and some of the ideas here could even be done by little kids.

  28. I like the faces that are put on the rocks to show emotion.

  29. this would be a very time consuming project. this would be cool to do but this would take quite a few hours to complete.

  30. This is a very creative work of art. While not as complex as other pieces, I'd say the simplicity adds a layer of beauty. If I did this, I would do various important symbols.

  31. I think it's art, but not art that I would make. They're a little cartoony a bit of a waste of time because I doubt I'd be looking at them at all after they were made.

  32. I've painted rocks and left them around Sioux Falls. There's a Facebook page, I don't remember what it's called, but I follow it and it posts pictures of a bunch of people who paint, hide, and find the rocks all around town.

  33. I would consider this art. You are still doing art but aren't using traditional art items. I think it isn't a waste of time if you are an artist because it is still art

  34. It's cute so that's a plus. I would like to do this. I like this.

  35. The rocks are my favorite. The faces look so funny on them. That was really creative.

  36. The rocks on the bottom remind me of a bunch of guys laughing at something really dumb

  37. I've painted rocks before and I think it is fun and different. I think it is art because you are using creativity to put on a rock.

  38. I think these are really cute. I would really like this as an art project to do.

  39. I think these are very funny and cute. I would love to make these!

  40. i think these are very funny. theyre also very cute too

  41. This look like it could be an easy project. I think it would be something kind of fun and different to make. I am sure my only challenge with this would be deciding what I want to put on the rock.

  42. I think they look cool. It looks like a cool project for any age. I think it is art because some one expressed themselves with the rocks. I think they are very creative. I would paint a sun, sunset, or the ocean.

  43. I like the cute faces and their creativity by using rocks into their art work. It would be out of our age limit, but for younger kids it would be fun.

  44. This looks easy and fun. Thi would be a good project for the beginning of the year.

  45. I like how they painted rocks. Anyone could do this kind of art. Not something we should do in class tho.

  46. This look like it could be an easy project. I think it would be something kind of fun and different to make. I am sure my only challenge with this would be deciding what I want to put on the rock.

  47. It looks like the rocks were smoothed out. I like how someone can turn almost anything into a piece of art.

  48. This looks really cool to do. It may look very simple but in the end it'll look really awesome. The rocks they seem to do look very smooth and so it probably look like we cant use bumpy rocks.

  49. These are so cuteeee! I want to do some myself. I love how they made the rocks into people.

  50. This would be a fun and easy project to work on for a day or 2. You could make lots of different faces onto these small rocks.

  51. These are super cute, and this would be such a fun activity to do with kids or your family. what a great idea.
