Monday, September 17, 2018

Does their mother know they did this?

Have you ever made such a mess that you were grounded for a very long time?  Maybe some of you still are...

Well these three works of art might be right up your alley.  I couldn't find if they were real or who created them, but I thought they were lots of fun and kind of interesting and I wanted to know what you thought.

So what do you think of these?  Is this something that you would like to try?  Do you think he threw only one cup of paint to create that splatter or did it take him several, if so, how many?  Do you like only the black paint or would you try other colors?  Do you think the canvases would look as good if you move them away from their walls?


  1. I think that it is something that I would like to try. I think that he threw only one cup of paint and he just threw it across. I would try more colors. Also it would look as good if they were moved.

  2. I would like to try this even though it would be messy. I think he threw at least two cups. I would try more colors. I think the middle canvas would look cool if it was moved, but the other ones wouldn't.

  3. I really like these painting because of how the paint is dripping down the canvass. Even in the circle one just about every part is dripping which makes the circle look really cool.

  4. I really do like the way art looks like it was an accident like someone spilled something.

  5. I think he threw many cups of paint at the wall. It would be cool if you did many colors. I would probably try this because it would look awesome.

  6. It looks like he spilled

    1. The last one is very entertaining because for your point of view, he just randomly threw a cup of paint on the canvas. The other ones also look like this. I would like to learn how to make this look good.

  7. This looks like it would be really fun to make. To take a paint bucket and just through it at a wall. That is something you would definitely not be able to do otherwise.

  8. I think we should try this in class. It would be really fun to throw some paint at something. We should really try this.

  9. It does not look like it would that hard to do it. It is kind of interesting because you don't know what it will look like. We should try this in class.

  10. I like this one a lot. Splatter art is really cool. I would like to try this out.

  11. this peice does not look overly complicated to do. you cannot duplicate a piece twice. they'll all be different . this would be nice to try.

  12. This looks very cool and I would try it. I think he used just one cup and threw it across. It would also be cool to use more colors.

  13. I would like to do some projects like this. It looks very unique and very cool.

  14. This is a very interesting piece of art. It seems very easy and not complicated. I like it specifically because it seems easy and it looks pretty good. I would definitely try this.

  15. This one looks like the funnest to do so far and to me it would probably be the most modern as well. It is one of the most best looking painting that would get out in like an office

  16. Very different and cool looking i would like to do this sometime . My mom did something close to this on our basement wall and it looked pretty . Seems very fun to do but messy at the same time.

  17. This artwork shows how something so simple can be so pretty. I think this would be something fun to make. Although I am sure mine would not be as cool as these ones.

  18. This style of art looks super easy. I would like to try this. But I would throw different colors not just black.

  19. This seems very fun. It is just splattered paint, so I am not sure how much work went into it. Each canvas individually would not look good.

  20. This seems very fun. I would definitely do it because it is such easy art. It would be fun to see how it comes out

  21. Now this is freaking cool. I would really like to do something like this. VERY NEAT.

  22. This looks like a project that would be really fun. It's a way to make art more fun for people.

  23. These are so cool, this would be so fun to do. Throwing paint at a canvas not having to worry about what happens seems fun. I sure hope this art isn't expensive.

  24. I think this would be fun to try. It looks a little messy. Ithink if you used Brighter colors it would look cool.

  25. this would be fun to do. bright colors would look cool

  26. These look amazing. There cool and creepy if you look at it right.Using bright colors would have been one thing to use to take away a feeling of being creeped out, but putting in bright colors would have put in a happy feeling.

  27. This actually looks really cool on the canvas even though it doesn't look like it takes much effort to do. It would definitely fun to do getting to throw paint and watch it work itselfs. This is definitely way to messy for class though.

  28. I think that this art looks really cool, it is nice to look art. i think that this kind of art would be fun to do. it would be fun to do art like this.

  29. i just love paint splaters no matter what it it just soooo cool

  30. I don't understand this art piece, aren't you supposed to put the paint on the canvas, and not the wall?

  31. I don't understand how someone could be so famous for this. It's not like t really takes a lot of talent. Some paintings do deserve to go for millions of dollars, but ones like this deserve no more than 10

  32. I really like the last one because it can show that even accidents can turn into awesome art.

  33. This is a very cool concept for an art project, however I think it would need more than just splatters to make it look good. Like maybe paint a scene and then splatter paint on it.

  34. This is actually a really creative and pretty art project. I like how it can turn out different every time because it's not really planned. I would like to try this.

  35. I like this it is a very simple thing that makes it look complicated. This would be so much fun trying to design. It could get frustrating by not having the paint go exactly where you want it.

  36. It might be a little messy to do in the school but it would sure be fun. It might be a little expensive to just throw paint but i definitely want to try it out. We just have to be in the parking lot or something.

  37. These paintings are so pretty. I would decorate my house with these types of paintings.

  38. I love these pieces of creative art. I would love to do something like this.

  39. I think this is something I would love to try. It must be really cool and fun to do. I think that with a variety of colors it would look even better.

  40. They are really interesting. I would love to try this outside somewhere. I think he threw a couple. I think I would try more vibrant colors. They would still look cool if they were moved from their walls.

  41. I think it would fit very well in a modern place. I'm assuming more than one cup of paint, just for added splatter. I think mixing colors would look cool too.

  42. This would cool if it was more colorful. It just looks boring. i would like to try this though.

  43. I like how it looks like it goes of the canvas. To me it seems like something out of the box.

  44. I like how they put paint on a brush and threw it one the wall. It looks cool. We should do this in class.

  45. these are very violent. i think that this kind of art would be fun to do. it would be fun to do art like this. I think he threw a couple. I think I would try more vibrant colors. They would still look cool if they were moved from their walls.

  46. i realy like this

  47. This is some crazy art. It looks like it is very simple to do but a lot of fun. I like how when it is thrown at the wall or slab of art is then streams down the slab of art. It makes it really cool.

  48. This would be so cool to do, just throwing paint onto a canvas without having to worry about the out come because it's going to look cool no matter what. we should have done this
