Monday, September 10, 2018

Abstract magic

While surfing Pinterest, yes this is where I get most of my great ideas, I came across the abstract artist Cody Hooper.  Cody is an American Abstract artist that started in watercolors, but has since branched out to working with a variety of mediums to create these beautiful abstract works of art.
Why don't you take a look at a few of them and then let me know what you think?

So what are some things that you notice about his work?  Does he have any common techniques that you can see?  What do you like or dislike about them?  Do you like them more or less if I told you that most of these are for sale for a few thousand dollars each?  Do you think you could create them?


  1. I think this style is really nice. It looks like marbled watercolor. It's very pretty ad I would like to learn how to make it.

  2. I like these pieces because they almost look like a picture of the galaxy. I think they are very beautiful.

  3. I like the contrast of the lines. The colors are very creative. I think the art style is very polished.

  4. The abstract art was really creative in the art above. It is really cool how the paint runs of the painting. And it looks like they are moving kind of.

  5. I liked the abstract art. I looks like cool motion things. I feel like if you look at it right then it could look like it's moving.

  6. This is a very good piece of art. When I look at it, it reminds me of space or a galaxy.

  7. These pieces of work are very interesting to look at. A specific technique doesn´t stick out though. It looks like a galaxy.

  8. The colors are very creative. It is very beautiful . It is interesting.

  9. I like this piece of art because it's colorful, and looks like a galaxy.

  10. This would be a cool wallpaper, i like how they have many interesting colors.

  11. I really like these paintings. All the colors blend together in a really cool way that really does look like magic. It also makes it look like a nuclear smoke bomb.

  12. I really like these, i don't think they are worth thousands of dollars but they do look cool. I think that they look like pictures of foreign galaxies, especially the bottom two.

  13. I don't even know how you would start this. Looks kinda weird. At the same time it would be really hard to do.

  14. I think that it looks really cool. I don't know what technique you would do to make it though. It reminds me of a galaxy.

  15. I love this painting. I really want to do this painting. It is very lovely

  16. This is very colorful. I would like to try this. We should try to do this in class

  17. there is many colors in these paintings. these would be very interesting to do. this style would take alot of time

  18. A like this painting because this is something that looks fun but really cool at the same time. It looks kind of like space in a way and I think that is really cool

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I like this kind of art specifically because it looks like a cool galaxy. It would be cool to have as a background on a phone. It would be really cool to learn how to do this.

  21. It is really cool how the paint runs of the painting.
    I think this is amazing. I love all these pictures.

  22. It almost doesn't even look like a real painting. But i would think who made it had fun and kinda just went with the flow with it .They weren't trying to be precise with it is what it seems like.

  23. I like this style of art because of how much the color pops. It all really goes together even though the colors are different.

  24. This style of art is very eye grabbing. I like all the bright vibrant colors. I would like to try this style of painting sometime.

  25. I like the looks of this. It is very eye grabbing. It looks like he is using so many different techniques even though he is only doing watercolor.

  26. This is cool. I like how the one looks like the world from the satellites

  27. These pieces catch people's eye. They are very unique and complicated that people just want to look at it.

  28. These are so pretty they have so much color that makes it stand out.This would be fun to do in art class

  29. This one i like very much. It looks like a cosmic wave to me in a way. I would like to do one of these in class.

  30. This style really makes all the color come out, I would definitely like if we did this in art class. It looks like it would take a ton of time to do. I think it would be worth it though, it would be really cool when it is done

  31. I've seen assignments in class like this that people are doing and they look very cool. I would definitely like to create something like this. I think it should be incorporated into art 1.

  32. This super cool and your advance painting class should do this. I wouldn't be able to do it and make it look good though. I can't even imagine how you would start this painting.

  33. this looks really cool. i like the color they used. very time consuming

  34. I really like the colors because the paintings look so real

  35. I love these the colors are just so vibrant

  36. Wow this looks like the milky way. I could almost look at it forever. It's beautiful.

  37. I love this. It looks like an outer space scene. I would however, like to see more details in it.

  38. I love this art! I enjoy all the colors they've put in it. They use multiple colors, but they make it work.

  39. I love this painting. It has some great colors that make is stick out. Art projects to me need a little color in it. Painting is always a blast.

  40. I like who they can blend the colors so well. If you know what you are doing then you could probably make a cool one. I think this would be a cool project to try sometime this year.

  41. It looks like a picture of galaxy . I like the colors. It is really cool.

  42. These pictures make me think of other dimensions and what its like in space

  43. These paintings remind me of pictures I have seen of space. They are really cool but I wouldn't hang them up anywhere.

  44. This super cool and your advance painting class should do this. I wouldn't be able to do it and make it look good though. I can't even imagine how you would start this painting.

  45. I think these are very creative and i love how all the bright colors pop out and make a cool design.

  46. i like these. i like the splatter i think thats what its called

  47. These are really colorful. I really like them. I think that these would take time and be hard to do. but they do look cool.

  48. These look like they would be very hard to make and very time consuming. They kind of look like a galaxy. I do not think that I would like to try this, but it looks good.

  49. This look amazing to be honest. It looks like its from another galaxy. I would hang that in my room.

  50. They are all really pretty and creative. They all seem to have some parts that stick out more than others. I like how it kind of looks like a storm cloud in some. I think I would still like them even though they are expensive. I don't think I could create something like that.

  51. I actually prefer abstract over other styles of art. It gives you a freedom that painting objects doesn't give you. Mixing different colors in a random pattern just adds to the effect and makes them truly one of a kind

  52. I LOVE these art pieces. It brings so many colors to your eyes. There are so many spots to focus on. There isn't just one thing to focus on.

  53. I like how real it looks like. And it seems like somethig that I would find in a pirate game or something.

  54. This looks like a really cool project. Like like the blue one its really neat. I like that one because it bleeds down the page.

  55. I like how the colors mix and make different colors. I wished in some of them it wasn't so dark. More vibrant colors seems fun to focus on.

  56. THis looks cool. The blue one is my favorite. It's cool how it drips down the page.

  57. these are super cool. I love the idea of outer space it looks so cool and it is unexplored

  58. this would look amazing in my room. it reminds me of galaxy. I think it would be worth it though, it would be really cool when it is done


  59. I think this style is really nice. It looks like marbled watercolor. It's very pretty ad I would like to learn how to make it.

  60. I think the paintings are very cool.

  61. these are super pretty and I think these would be really fun to make for decorations, we should have done this or learned how to
