Monday, September 3, 2018

Pallet Art???

It is a wonderful thing that everyone is trying to find ways to be both creative and environmentally friendly, but do you think pallet art is a true art form?
Are these patriotic pallets considered art or crafts?

Does this horse silhouette look like something that you would even consider making?  If you could do this what would you put into silhouette?

What do you think of this ice cream bar pallet project?  Is this creative?  Is this something that you would make or hang up in your house?  Can you think of something that would be really clever to make out of pallets?


  1. I really like these art pieces. I like how they capture the creativity that you can use behind the pallet boards. My favorite one is the tree one because of the creativity used with the pallets.

  2. I really like these types of art. I love wood paintings and other of works. My favorite is the American Flag works. I would do some of these if I could.

  3. These pieces are very creative. I personally like the horse, the tree, and the ice cream one. I would like to make the horse and/or the ice cream.

  4. These are very artistic and imaginative. My personal favorite one are the flags. It looks like the person/people who created these invested some time and effort into the projects.

  5. I see a lot of pallet art all around town. The most popular one is most likely the flag because I see it everywhere. They're pretty cool, and it's nice that you can make multiple things out of them.

  6. I like this art because i live on a farm and this is the type of stuff we hang on our walls. It looks pretty decent. My fav is the horse one.

  7. This type of art is very good,the colors in this art work go together. i really like the popsicle art, the colors go together very nice. i really like the american flag painting, i like how it is on wood.

  8. I like the wood painting cause it looks cool. I really like the amercian flag painting. But they all look good.

  9. The American flag art work I liked the best. The red, white, and, blue on the pallet goes really good together. That looks like a really fun project.

  10. I liked the tree that's across the several pieces of wood. I think its very creative and imaginative.

  11. I think these are a great form of art. My favorite one is the tree one because it isn´t so simple. I think it is a creative project.

  12. I think this is cute. I like how you can keep it simple or get creative with it. I think these would look cute in my house.

  13. These really pop out what is being seen in the picture, I like that.

  14. I think the american pallets were more of a craft. It looks like something you would find in like a Walgreens or Lewis. I think they are all really just crafts.

  15. I like pallet projects alot. I would hang them in my house. It a craft and kind of a art. It takes creativity to come up with it and draw it on the pallet.

  16. I think that it depends what one it is to decide if it is artistic. the horse definitely is but the popsicle maybe not so much.

  17. I like the american flag. It goes really well with the pallet and wire. I feel like that is the most creative.

  18. the american flag style looks the best . it is a simple project that takes time and would not be hard to do. this would be a great one to do in class

  19. The american flag style looks the best to me because I think it would the best in like a house or living space. This looks easy but cool at the same time.;

  20. i think that the flag one is cool. it doesnt look like it took very long and it would be fun to mkae. i think that this artist is very creative.

  21. I like how creative you can be with the wood pallets. You can make something simple or you can make something more complex. I really like the popsicle I think it would be a cool 4th of July decoration.

  22. Pallet art seems pretty cool and I think it is very artistic with the designs you could make. It is very cool.

  23. There are so many possibilities with pallet art. They can decorate your yard or in your house. It is very cool.

  24. This style of art fit me best. I really like the horse one. I would definitely want to try this style of art someday.

  25. I've seen many people make things like this and it looks really cool. It's basically like taking something people probably don't want anymore and making cool art out of it.

  26. I think this looks really cool. I would definitely make art out of pallets. I would try an American Flag because I think they look the best.

  27. These are cool. I really like the America one for sure. I would spend some money on that or just try and make it myself.

  28. These are so cute they look like things that would be hanging up at my grandparents house. or fun things you do at family get togethers.

  29. These look cool. But i can't get a vibe to like them as much as other artwork. I like the tree on the best

  30. Pallet Art really looks cool, I really like the popsicle. It looks like it was bitten out of, this would also be a really good idea to do in art class. This wouldn't really take that long, so I would do it.

  31. I'm definitely not a fan of a pallet art I think it is pretty basic and not creative. I do think I could do well at this type of project but I don't think I would enjoy it. I don't think this would be a good class project either since it would require pallets and people knowing how to work wood which I don't think many people in this room could.

  32. this pallet art it cool. i would like to try it sometime. looks very interesting

  33. i want to learn how to do this. i love it

  34. this looks like something my mom would put up in our house

  35. I like these projects. Although it looks like a lot of work, i think it would be fun and worth it. My favorite one is probably the popsicle with the fun designs.

  36. The first one was really cool. That looks like a fun project for home. The red, white, and blue goes good on the palet.

  37. I feel like these pallets can really make someones yard pop and really show what kind of person you are

  38. These are kinda cute and they would be really simple to make. I really like the horse one.

  39. I really like projects like this. It is fun to do these and they make good gifts for family. I like the somewhat rustic look of these.

  40. i like this palette aret. i think that this would be fun to do

  41. I really like these pallet art things. I think they look so creative and fun. I would love to try this. I think for the silhouette one, I would do a cat instead of a horse. I also like the ice cream one, but I would hang it outside by a pool during the summer.

  42. I really like these. They look soo cool. These look like they could take a while to do but I think that they would to worth it. I would love to learn how to make these.

  43. i like how they use wood to make art. We should do this in class. I like it.

  44. I would really enjoy this project. The american flag pallets is my favorite. It doesn't look to hard to accomplish.

  45. I enjoy this project The american flag that got painted on the pallet is cool. Looks kinda challenging.


  46. I really like these art pieces. I like how they capture the creativity that you can use behind the pallet boards. My favorite one is the tree one because of the creativity used with the pallets.

  47. This is something that I really would like to do. It fits my interest in artwork as well as wood work. I like how if it is only the paint on the picture that it really pops the picture out so people can see it.

  48. These pallet boards are really nice, these would be good ideas for decorating walls in your home or even outside.Using bright colors would really give the wood a nice effect.

  49. I like the pallet knife painting cause it looks cool. I really like the american flag painting. But they all look good.

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