Monday, August 27, 2018

Resin Art

So every summer I seem to find a technique that I fall in love with and I become almost obsessed with.  This summer was no exception.  This year I have fallen in love with Resin art.

It all started when I found the work by the artist Mrs. Colorberry.  I would love to give you more info about her, but it is hard to come by.  I do know that she is a European based artist that has created these works of art that look like giant Geode's on canvas and wood.

What do you think of them?  What is your favorite part?  If you don't like them then tell me why?  Is this something that you would be willing to try?  What colors would you put together?


  1. this is just beautifully done in every way that i can think of.
    the colors are just planed out is just so butiful.

  2. These are really cool. The one that looks like an ocean goes together really well. The three is cool; the way the gold flows around stands out to me.

  3. These are very pretty looking. Blues and purples would go beautifully in this type of art. I would be willing to try!

  4. These pieces of work are very cool. I would really like to do one of them. This would be a great project to do.

  5. I think all of these are beautiful and amazing. My personal favorite is the blue one. It would be cool to know how to make these.

  6. This reminds me of the crystal rocks you can get from wall drug or a place in the black hills. They look very beautiful and divine

  7. I really like all of these pieces. They look like a geode when you break a rock open and it has all the crystals inside. I would like to try this style sometime.

  8. I really like some of the peices. I like the look of crystals and these are what the are. I wouldn't want to do one of these cause it would be hard.

  9. I really like these. I like the shiny marble looks of them. I would love to try this. I would do it with blue and purple tones.

  10. I really like this artwork it looks very pretty and cool, i would like to try this out because it looks interesting to do, i really like the 4th one bec it has a lot of color and looks bright,it looks very pretty.

  11. I really like these ones. I enjoy how all the colors stay separated but together at the same time. And they are so smooth it looks so cool.

  12. I think that these are really cool. I'm not sure how you would even make these. It looks like some kind of large polished stone. or something that you would find when you split rare stones in half.

  13. I think that these are really cool. They look like there was lots of water involved or something. They look like marble.

  14. these projects look pretty cool. they would be very challenging to complete. this would take a lot more skill than most projects.

  15. The way it looks with the furniture looks really good and its easier to put together and it looks really modernd out and i like that a lot

  16. I like these designs and how the art is layed out. This is definitely a project I would like to try and see what it is like. This is very cool.

  17. I like this kind of art because it looks like a granite countertop. It's really fancy and creative. It would be fun to make something like this.

  18. very cool art it looks nice and clean looking. Its like a marble theme that i really think is pretty. would be hard to do in my opinion but something to try.

  19. Resin is so cool. It looks super shiny and wet, but it isn't. The color schemes are very interesting also.

  20. This style of art is so cool. It looks so shiny, yet it isnt. I like the colors as well.

  21. I really like the looks of this art. Even once it is dry if the light catches it right I feel like it would look like it's still wet. This would be a very cool thing to try

  22. I like how these pieces are shiny and unique. This would be something that would be really cool to try and see how it turns out.

  23. These are so pretty they are very unique and seem like they would be very time consuming

  24. these are very cool. i like the design. very time consuming.

  25. These are really cool. They look like a huge paper rock. But i would never be able to do this.

  26. These are really cool. I like the 3D design on them. It looks like they actually pop up in a way.

  27. I really like these. They have a glossy look that I really like. It looks like something I could see myself hanging in my house.

  28. I really like these pieces of art. These are one of my favorites and would be very fun to do.

  29. seeing these in person makes me like the texture of the piece more than it would just with regular paint

  30. This is a really cool concept that probably takes lots of skill. I like the abstract nature of it. 10/10 would put in my room.

  31. This is really cool. I wish I could do this. It looks like it would break easily.

  32. This are work has a very modern look. I like most modern styled artwork.

  33. I think this would be hard but fun to do. I takes a lot of skill I am sure. I know I couldn't do this but I would like to try it sometime.

  34. Those paintings looks like they took years to paint. That is a really cool project. Looks like it takes a lot of work and patience.

  35. These are really cool. I like the 3D design on them. It is hard to paint it and it would take time to do these.

  36. These images remind me of rocks but with a splash of glitter and other things to make these images more unique

  37. I only like the very last one. The others are kind've ugly. I would definitely buy the last one though.

  38. I like the look of this project. The resin gives the effect of a glossy finish which looks really cool. It would be fun to do a project like this

  39. I love how these pieces of art are glossy looking. My favorite of them all is the last one because i love the color pink and all different shades of pink is really pretty and creative looking.

  40. This looks like a very fun thing to do. I like how it has a glossy finish to it. This is something that I would like to try and I am sure I would enjoy doing it as well.

  41. This looks like the inside of a special rock. It look pretty cool. I like all the colors.

  42. I think they look really cool and creative. I would definitely try this if I had the chance. I would want to do one with some dark colors and then a splash of gold on top. I think that would look really nice.

  43. These look amazing. I love their choice of colors and the way they look. These look a lot like marble. They are really shiny and look like they took a lot of time to complete. They would be worth it though.

  44. I really enjoy the looks of these art pieces! The marble color is what really catches an eye. I would definitely hang this up in my room

  45. Is it just me or does it look like a rock or crystal. I'm really impressed by this artwork.

  46. we should do this in class. This is really cool. I like how it looks.

  47. I really like this art and how it kind of natural swirls around

  48. This project looks like it is really time comsuming. But it looks cool when its done. And you would have to be really talented to do this project.

  49. This is very cool. Seems difficult. I wouldn't be able to do this.

  50. This looks super cool I would want to hang one of these in my house. I would like to try this sometime. It looks like this would be fun and relaxing to do. I would just go with the flow nd over time hopefully get better ad find different techniques to do.

  51. I really like this artwork it looks cool, colorful and would look pretty, and bright in a room with light/windows:)

  52. very pretty colors. i like the designs. i like this painting

  53. This is some crazy stuff to look at. It looks very easy but at the same time kinda difficult to do. I would have liked to do this during art this year

  54. These are so pretty. I want to buy all of those because they are sp breath taken!. I wonder how they made that.

  55. These are super pretty, I would love to make these sometime but it does look a little advanced. The shiny effect it gives off makes it very unique.

  56. I like it because the paintings are rather interesting

  57. These pieces of work are very cool. I would really like to do one of them. This would be a great project to do.
