Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Welcome back!

Well here we are again!  Welcome back to a new school year!  Remember you can make this year be the best or the worst, it is all up to you and your attitude!

I would like to start off by hearing what all of you did this summer.  Here is just a little bit of what I did.

Saw famous works of art in the Louvre museum in Paris.

Made art with Art Camp kids.

Watched my boys blow up fireworks.

Saw the largest and oldest cathedral in Europe in Koln, Belegium.

Saw where they filmed Harry Potter!

Recreated history with my hubby in Belgium.

Took a few girls to meet Mona.

Toured Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower.

Had fun with photography on the 4th of July.
So now I want to know what you did this summer?  Give me some of your best moments or your worst?  What did you love doing?  Did your summer feel really short or really long?  What are you looking forward to with this school year? 


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  3. This summer I went camping in Yankton South Dakota. I also participated in summer acceleration on every Monday, Wednesday,and Thursday. I really felt like summer flew by really fast.

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  5. This summer i played baseball we only won one game all year. My family and I went to Lake Superior. We went to Twins Royals this summer.

  6. I played baseball most of the summer. I Played on two baseball teams, and we played on almost every weekend. I also went to wisconsin for a family vacation.

  7. This summer I got to hang out with my friends a lot. I also went to houston for a church gathering. I am looking forward for christmas brake.

  8. This summer my family and i traveled a lot. We went to Florida for volleyball this summer. I also went to Houston for the national youth gathering thing.

  9. This summer I spent a lot of time with my friends. In July, I flew to Saint Petersburg in Florida. My family and I also went camping in Yankton.

  10. the colors in the last photo are really pretty. Your summer looked very exciting this year. I wish i had more chances to travel this summer, but i might be able to next summer.

  11. We went on a trip to the east coast for some MLB games. My favorite part of the trip was going to a Red Sox game and going to Toronto. It felt long and was very fun.

  12. I went to VAlley- Fair

  13. I went camping for about four days which was pretty fun. I also spent a lot of time hanging with my friends . Working was one of the main things i did this

  14. This summer I went to my moms house in Watertown. I went fishing with my family at the lake. I came back to Crooks for July 4th and shot off fireworks with a few friends.

  15. This summer I took Drivers ED which I thankfully passed. I also went skating with friends for a friends birthday. My family came to town so I watched them well my cousin was in the hospital.

  16. This summer I worked with my goats all summer and then showed them at the fair. Also really excited about my dog having 10 puppies. Summer went by way to fast and can not wait till next summer.

  17. This summer I went fishing with friends and family a lot. I did acceleration at the school every week. I hate how summer went by so fast and wish it lasted for longer.

  18. I played baseball most of the summer. I played on 2 baseball teams, and we played almost every weekend. I also went to wisconsin for a family vacation.

  19. This summer I worked at the Dells golf course as a cart attendant. I am involved in 4H and FFA and show goats at the Sioux Empire Fair. And will show at the State Fair next week.

  20. This summer I got to hang out with my friends a lot. I also went to houston for a church gathering. I am looking forward for christmas break.

  21. This summer I spent a lot of time with my friends. In July, I flew to Saint Petersburg in Florida. My family and I also went camping in Yankton.

  22. This summer I traveled to London, France, and Germany. I really enjoyed this trip and my favorite city I saw was Rouen, France. This summer was very short, but im looking forward to the football season.

  23. It seems like you had a great summer this year. I didn't really do much this summer personally. All I did was practice Japanese and I did a very big training regimen.


  24. This summer my family and i traveled a lot. We went to Florida for volleyball this summer. I also went to Houston for the national youth gathering thing.

  25. the colors in the last photo are really pretty. Your summer looked very exciting this year. I wish i had more chances to travel this summer, but i might be able to next summer.

  26. I went to Houston and Galveston in Texas with my youth group. It was fun getting to go to the ocean, we even went swimming the first day we got there in our clothes. I also did acceleration three days a week mostly for the volleyball season.


  27. This summer I went camping in Yankton South Dakota. I also participated in summer acceleration on every Monday, Wednesday,and Thursday. I really felt like summer flew by really fast.

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  29. This summer I went to Florida to spend time with family.

  30. This summer I went hammocking quite a bit with my friends we also went to the lake. I got a new job working at First Adventure Daycare with two of my closest friends, I also went to New York at the end of summer on a girls trip with my family. I think summer went by really fast.

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  32. This summer was actually pretty boring and it went by fast. I didn't really do much but one thing I really liked about my summer was that I got to go to Houston, Texas to see my grandma. I haven't seen her in years so I was happy that i got to see her.

  33. This summer I went to Knoxsville, Tennesse for a church mission trip. I also went camping with my family almost every weekend in Chamberlain. During the week I spent the day at acceleration and open gym.

  34. This summer I had to get a job because my parents made me. I also played a lot of basketball down at the pentagon and I also traveled with a traveling team. I also worked a church camp and that was a lot of fun.

  35. I played a lot of basketball down at the pentagon. We had SDSU camp and that was a blast with the team. I hung out with a lot of friends and tried to get better and better at basketball.

  36. This summer I went hammocking at parks, my back yard, and other places. I spent most of the summer building a coop for my pet ducks. I also went swimming and babysat.

  37. I worked everyday at First Adventure Learning Center. My friends and I hung out everyday. I spent some time at the lake.

  38. This summer I went to texas and went to the ocean. I also played for a traveling team named Bartlett basketball academy. I also played Basketball at the pentagon for Tri-Valley basketball every Tuesday.

  39. I didn't do all that much I worked a lot but that's mainly it. I had a lot of football and wrestling type practice things. We went to northern Minnesota and rented a cabin a cabin on lake Superior.

  40. This summer I went on a trip to Houston,Texas for a church mission trip. I also went to the lake and camping every weekend .There I went tubing skiing and attempted barefoot skiing and that did not go well.

  41. This summer I went canoeing on lake Madison. I hung out with friends and family. Lasty I went to the fair with friends and rode rides.

  42. I went to Florida for a week in Orlando and Jacksonville. We went to the NASA kennedy space center and saw a rocket launch. After that we went to see out family in Jacksonville

  43. This summer I went to acceleration to lift and run. I also went to Wild Water West 2 times this summer. This summer I also went to baseball camp to get better.

  44. this summer i went to arizona to see my dad. we drove to nevada to see my grandparents and we stayed there for a few days. after nevada we drove to california to see the santa monica pier.

  45. This summer I went on a road trip which was fun. I went to go see the Badlands and stayed there for a night. I also went to the Black Hills and saw Mt Rushmore.

  46. This summer i did alot of work on the farm and for other farmers. I learned how to use autosteer in a tractor. I went on a 3 day fishing trip to the river

  47. This summer I went to kentucky to visit my grandpas. I also went to Iowa to celebrate my great grandparents 60th anniversary.I watched my little brothers all summer.

    1. No, something you slept and did nothing while I watched your youngest brother. So no you didn't watch they all summer.

  48. During this summer I went to big stone lake and stayed in a cabin. We went boating and fishing for three days straight. The summer went by too fast almost like a flash.

  49. I went to Houston, Texas this summer for the ELCA gathering. I saw the Atlantic Ocean and went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. I also, grew my faith It was fun on a bun.

  50. This summer i came here to South Dakota for vacation and got sick and had to get a surgery so we had to stay here and i registered for school for the year.

  51. I went to Texas for a church trip. My family and I went to Minneapolis to go shopping and see family. I also went to the lake a lot this summer.

  52. This summer I worked a lot, I work at Burger King and Skyzone. I made a few trips to Minneapolis to visit my aunt and uncle. I also when on a mission trip to Tennessee.My summer seemed t go by pretty fast.

  53. This summer I had went to Soccer Camp and Eagle Lake Camp. I had spent some time with family. I also had chores to do around the house and in the yard.

  54. I played a lot of baseball this summer. I played on two different teams. I also hung out with my friends.

  55. This summer I rode a big charter bus to Houston Texas. The first day we swam at Galveston Beach. There were very nice people helping reach and grow my faith.

  56. My family and I went to Miami Oklahoma and it was really hot. I worked at the fair, only because I have a job at the fairgrounds. I ate a lot of food because I was always eating it kinda surprised me how much.n

  57. This summer I went to Florida and visited my grandma and grandpa. I was there for a week and went and saw some pretty cool things. I saw Daytona beach, their malls, and ate some of their interesting food. It was a really fun time!

  58. This summer I worked at my grandma's and grandpa's ranch at Gann valley south dakato. And I camped with my family at the Sioux Empire Fair where we showed our goats. Also I worked a
    lot on them farm by crooks.

  59. I worked with my dad for many days for about 8 hours a day making 10 an hour till my raise 12.I also did a lot of netflixing by myself.I also went fishing over at madison and brant.

  60. I went to Valley Fair this summer. I rode many rides and had lots of fun. I also went camping a lot this summer and went boating and fishing.

  61. This summer i did a bunch of dumb dares for money.

  62. I went on a road trip through Michigan this summer and also last week I went to the hill and road four wheelers in the hills.


  63. I started off my summer going camping to River, we wend camping multiple times during the summer. This summer I also went to Valley Fair and went on most of the ride, but didn't get to all the rides. I felt like the summer flew by.

  64. went to the river

  65. this summer I went to Oklahoma and went swimming every day. I also went to valley fair and rode all the rides more than once.

  66. I played a lot of baseball this summer. I played on a travel team, and played and the school team. I also went to bimedji Mineesota.

  67. This summer, I went to Wisconsin, for the first time, to see family. While I was there I got to ride four wheelers and and spent lots of time on the lake.

  68. I don't understand the big hype on Harry Potter. I don't think it's all the cool. It all about magic and wizards which I do not find interesting at all.

  69. this summer I visited my family in texas and also visit some relatives in nebraska

  70. I wish i could've gone to europe with yall. it looked really fun.

  71. This summer I babysat everyday. I went swimming a lot. I hung out with lots of friends. This summer went by really fast.

  72. They are really cool pictures taken. And I really like the last one of the sun set. I could never take a picture that good.

  73. This trip looked super fun. I want to go to Europe.

  74. I wanna know how long it took to make the harry potter one. Cause that takes a lot of time to get every detail. This might be my favorite one.

  75. This seems very fun. Looks like it would take a while. I love it.

  76. I played a lot of basketball this summer. Also did a lot of traveling with it. I got to play against Scotty Pippen Jr. this summer and it was a lot of fun.
