Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yarn Bombing!!

Our nation's capital had a crime committed!  Please take a look at the evidence photos and tell me what you think?

So in your expert opinion what do you have to say about this crime?  Who do you think did it?  Is it a crime or is it art?  If you were the criminal, what would you do?  What object would you yarn bomb?


  1. I honestly don't view this as a crime really, I think of it as a way of someone trying to bring a little more fun into a place that may seem boring. I think it would be really interesting if they would yarn bomb a tree, it would be really eye catching and unique to see a tree trunk and branches covered in multi colored yarn.

  2. I think that it's very cool. I don't really think that its a crime but it's definitely really creative.

  3. I think it is art. its really cool that someone made this out of yarn. It is not a crime because it is something so simple and even though it technically might its art.

  4. This is really cool. In my old school they made is do a project with yarn. A scarf and it wasn't the best. This must of took them a long time. This is really cool.

  5. This is so cool I love star wars and this is funny.I would totally do this if I knew how to.

  6. This is so cool I love star wars and this is funny.I would totally do this if I knew how to. I think would yarn bomb something at the school if I did.

  7. This is so cool I love star wars and this is funny.I would totally do this if I knew how to. I think would yarn bomb something at the school if I did.

  8. This is so cool I love star wars and this is funny.I would totally do this if I knew how to.

  9. It is so creative and funny! And star Wars is one of my favorite movies.

  10. I'm so confused on how this is illegal. What is a yarn bomb? It looks OK.

  11. Well i guess this rally just takes an ability as simple as being able to yarn, which many people can do. I know (somewhat) how to crochet and it was sort of fun.. so learning how to yarn and do something like this would be a little fun, but in my opinion not very creative.

  12. This is awesome, so creative. I don't think that this is a crime, but more of a piece of art. This would be really cool if the person who did this, did this to every place that he travels to.

  13. This is kinda cool and creative, but I don't think I would be able to pull it off. If I did however I would put a yarn sign over and already existing sign that says something else.

  14. This would have took so long to do. I dont have the patients to do that type of work. But its really cool.

  15. This would have took so long to do. I dont have the patients to do that type of work. But its really cool.

  16. wow this one likes like Sioux falls eww but is cool

  17. that is really cool how they did that and mad it look like r2d2 from star wars

  18. This is amazing and bring some fun out in the public. i dont think this as a crime. something i wanna try making sometime

  19. I think this is awesome. I don't really see this as a crime. I don't know what I would do as a criminal nor what object I would use to yarn bomb.

  20. i dont think this is very good. it just looks weird but its definitely not a crime. itd just be annoying.

  21. This is definitely the coolest thing so far. Very detailed, and well done. I bet it Looks really cool if you're walking down the street.

  22. This is extremely cool. Yes it is a crime but it makes the world we live in more exciting. They post he put the art on were boring anyway so he made it cooler. People like these artists add more excitement in our lives.

  23. I think this is pretty cool. i dont get how its vandilism tho. it is like knitting or somrthing

  24. I think this is pretty cool. i dont get how its vandilism tho. it is like knitting or somrthing

  25. I think this is pretty cool. i dont get how its vandilism tho. it is like knitting or somrthing

  26. I don't really think that this should be considered a crime because like stated by Bailey, it makes the town seem more exciting and creative.

  27. This is really cool and harmless "crime". Whoever did this is extremely talented to have done so and not get caught doing it. I don't think id be clever or sneaky enough to go through with something like this.

  28. I wouldn't really call this a crime, more of a prank. But this is still really neat, at first I thought this was made out of legos but then I read it was yarn! Pretty cool stuff.

  29. This is so lame, think how many cats could have been playing with this yarn. I mean yeah it looks pretty cool, but not worth the cries of thousands of cats.

  30. This must of took them a long time to make. This shouldn't be a crime because they did it to let people enjoy the work. I mean little kids who know who he is will be amazed by it.

  31. This seems like a very polite version of Graffiti, Which makes me wonder whether or not the person who made this, if caught, would be charged with anything.

  32. This is super strange, but I think it is so cool. I would love to have little yarn characters on the posts outside stores. I do not think that this is a crime. It is art. It is kinda like when people draw graffiti on walls and trains, its not supposed to be there but they hardly ever get in trouble.

  33. This is awesome! It is a fun and creative way to bring pop culture and art together, too bad it is illegal. Working with yarn is time consuming and takes patience, and it is really cool what this artist was able to do. I bet people were surprised when they saw this work of art.

  34. This is cool and i dont really thinks its a crime, its not reallt hurting anything. Someone who is really good at knitting had to have made that and it is amazing. i would yarn bomb a cheetah.

  35. This isn't a crime, it's pretty cool looking. I like star wars movies. I would probably do something like this in opublic.

  36. This isn't a crime, it's pretty cool looking. I like star wars movies. I would probably do something like this in opublic.

  37. I think it is detailed but it can be better. Although it would be difficult to do I would like to try it in Sioux falls. I think it is very detailed. In my opinion it would be hard to do it in public becaus of its attraction.

  38. This is awesome. I don't think that this should be a crime it is actually pretty cool. It makes a boring place full of life. I would do this a lot if i could.

  39. It's a good way to make old stuff new

  40. I understand why it would be a crime, but I think they should let it slide because it looks cool and people on the streets probably think the same.

  41. I understand why it would be a crime, but I think they should let it slide because it looks cool and people on the streets probably think the same.

  42. this is so weird who would have the time to sit their and make it

  43. Lots of different yarn balls would be used! especially how long would this take? Very cool piece.

  44. This is so cool and it definitely is not a crime. However if i was a criminal i wouldnt be yarn bombing something! If i have to yarn bomb something i would think of doing mailboxes.

  45. Definitely really cool, most likely catches the of everybody that walks by. I would think this is cool if i saw it in person.

  46. I think these are very cool. I think that they are very interesting and I don't think that I would of ever thought of doing that!

  47. I have no idea what this is made out of. I am going to be honest I do not like this at all.

  48. If there was any place on where I would the yarn bomb thing, it would probably be somewhere in the downtown Sioux Falls area or Falls Park area because that area of Sioux Falls has a lot of tourists and it would catch their attention.

  49. Another good place that I think I could place it at to catch people's attention is Omaha. The area in Omaha that I would place it in is probably somewhere in the zoo or along the median of interstate 80.

  50. This is so cool. It must have taken along time to do. It looks amazing.

  51. looks good and fun to do but hard to do

  52. this to me i just a hipsters idea of graffiti, and to tell you this much, it isn't working because the yarn causes all those little wrinkles that caused the piece to look pretty terrible

  53. This is funny. R2-D2 is my favorite yarn bomb. This shouldn't be a crime because one it is hilarious, and two it doesn't do any harm to no one. I have no clue what I would yarn bomb.

  54. This is funny. R2-D2 is my favorite yarn bomb. This shouldn't be a crime because one it is hilarious, and two it doesn't do any harm to no one. I have no clue what I would yarn bomb.

  55. This is definitely not a crime. It is adding a little art to the streets.

  56. These are definitely not a crime, they're more humorous than they do any harm. If i could I would do a cheetah out of yarn.

  57. I'm guessing it was made a hardcore Starwars by the looks of it. I actually think this is kinda cool because it adds to the scenery of the city.

  58. This is cool but i wounder if she did this at her house and brought it to the place or she stood there and did it as everyone watched. Other then that i think its cool and for little Star Wars fan i bet they loved this.

  59. this is cool and I bet it took a long time to make. And I think R2-D2 is a cool star wars character

  60. This is cool, but could be crossing the line. I can see where people think its really on the artistic side, and also on the you shouldn't do that side too.

  61. Yarn is cool but girly. I like the designs and stuff on the streets, but yoga is small and weird. I want to see something bigger on there like a big ole monster truck out of yarn.

  62. I also agree with Kevin! The stuff is cool but i wouldn't even do that on my own time. Not even if i was forced to for a porject.

  63. I also agree with Kevin! The stuff is cool but i wouldn't even do that on my own time. Not even if i was forced to for a porject.

  64. I don't get why street art is a crime. Street art is for people to look at and enjoy. If this made me smile i'm sure it made lots of others smile too. It is pretty funny

  65. I don't think this should be considered a crime. It is just a way to express yourself. If is is considered a crime and is becoming a problem, then the people that don't like it can just cut it off.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I've heard of yarn bombing before, but more like a grandma doing trees in her hometown. But this one is amazing, it looks amazing. If I were there, where the yarn bombing happened, I would be so amazed.

  68. This is really cool. I don't think this is a crime. It's a creative and funny. It's not hurting anyone. If anything, it's just making the city better.

  69. This is super neat. I can imagine some super hip grandma chillin at home making something like this. I wouldn't say it was a crime. It's just yarn and it's not doing any harm.

  70. This is really cool. I would say that it is not a crime because it is just yarn for one. Two is that it is very easy to clean, and you could use the yarn again.

  71. Yeah, it's art and it's cool but some people get way to angry about things like this. I'd just not do it to avoid the trouble.

  72. R2D2, how could somebody get mad about painting that awesome droid from the stars wars saga. This is a mix of probably one of the greatest sagas and art that came together to make some peoples lives a little brighter on a morning or afternoon commute.

  73. I can knit but I can would not be able to do anything like that. I mean I wish I could but I can only do small objects with some struggle.

  74. This must of took weeks to make. I loved to make things with yarn since I was little. Like any star wars fan I know who this is. Its R2D2!

  75. This looks pretty cool. It must have taken a while though, and they must be in to star wars to make a piece like that. This is also a cool street decoration.

  76. this one made me laugh inside. for some reason i like how public structures are used to express artwork. it breaks up the scenery from seeing the same thing all the time and brings a uniqueness to the place.

  77. This is so dope i love r2d2 and they put it in the perfect spot to

  78. This looks cool but I don't think I would make this. I feel like this would just be a waste of my time. Especially when it is considered a crime.

  79. I think this is not a crime, but art. It is not hurting anything. I like it also because is R2-D2. I think it is funny and adds a fun look instead of a boring, old post.

  80. I do not think this is a crime. I think that it made some peoples day seeing this. It adds something cool to something boring

  81. I don't really like Star Wars but I can't really say anything because I have never seen any of the movies. But this robot is really cool.

  82. I think this is really cool. This had to have taking a lot of time and patients. This is something i would never be able to do.

  83. This is really cool. I dont care if this is a crime. They are a savage. I could never do this.

  84. I think these are very cool. I think that they are very interesting and I don't think that I would of ever thought of doing that!

  85. This one is really cool because it R2-D2 which is probably one of the most iconic robots to ever appear on the big screens.

  86. I don't think it is a crime. It is very creative though. It would be cool to see people's reactions to it.

  87. Its not a crime, but it looks cool. It would take forever to do.
