Wednesday, February 17, 2016

From biomedical to art?

My dad has always been a firm believer in the fact that if you get a degree, any degree, it will open up a world of possibilities to you.  Well for artist Mark Doolittle his door opening degree is in biomedical research, which somehow led him to art.

Yeah I know what you are thinking, how do you connect those dots, but when you see his work you will understand how the two are working nicely together.

Have you figured out what most of his work is made from?  In case, you couldn't figure it out, they mostly wood carvings except the circles which are gourds.

Does that make them more or less amazing?  Is this something that you don't think is art?  Do you have any ideas what you would do?


  1. I don't really like this. I think that it is kind of wierd and I would never like to have this in my house. I think it is ugly and doesn't do justice for art.

  2. This artwork is original and reminds me of coral for the sea. The shading and colors are cool and super bright. Its really cool

  3. Wow this is amazing. i cant imagine the time it would take to carve in such detail.It is so cool how the color makes it look alive. this art reminds me of the deep ocean.

  4. Wow this is amazing. i cant imagine the time it would take to carve in such detail.It is so cool how the color makes it look alive. this art reminds me of the deep ocean.

  5. I think that these are very eye catching and look very cool! I don't know how you would do it but it would be cool to do.

  6. this artwork is so cool! It reminds of something you would find under the ocean!

  7. I like these pieces of art because they are creative and look like cool looking rocks. My favorite picture is the one with the flowers because it reminds me of the dessert.

  8. I think there are two things about this that make it super cool. One is the fact that they glued small pieces of wood together rather than just using a solid piece. Plus they make it look like it is just one by the end. The second thing is how weirdly realistic they look compared to living things.

  9. This is so cool!! It must take a while before finishing.

  10. This is really amazing. It must take a lot of time to get all the details like that into the wood. They're so detailed that they look so real. I bet it takes him a lot of time to finish one piece. I wonder how many tools he has to use?

  11. I think that these look really cool. They are made with such detail and I bet took a lot of time. It looks like something that you would see at the bottom of the ocean.

  12. I think that these look really cool. They are made with such detail and I bet took a lot of time. It looks like something that you would see at the bottom of the ocean.

  13. These look so awesome. They have so much detail. It looks like it would take along time to do, with a lot of time put into it.

  14. These are really cool and hard to make. wish i could have the time to do these

  15. they have so much detail and they look like they would take lots of time to make. they are done very well and with great skill. i like these.

  16. This is probably the thing i have seen that I like the most so far. I love all of the different colors and patterns that they use. These are very eye catching also.

  17. This is probably the thing i have seen that I like the most so far. I love all of the different colors and patterns that they use. These are very eye catching also.

  18. This is really cool. It really catches the eye, especially the paper layers. Its well done and probably took along time to finish.

  19. They are very detailed and look pretty cool but I'm not so sure this is one of my favorites..

  20. These look so cool. I actually think that it's kind of like art. I don't think I would have any ideas of what I would do. The one that I like best is the one that's called Finishing.

  21. This looks really neat. There are a lot of details shown here and this probably took a long time to construct. I don't think id have enough patience to do something like this.

  22. This looks really neat. There are a lot of details shown here and this probably took a long time to construct. I don't think id have enough patience to do something like this.

  23. wowowow. this is really neat! I had no idea what these were made out of until i read the comment. I would try doing this but it would turn out to be a complete fail most likely so... but this looks noice.

  24. This is really cool. How did they make it look like that. Most of took them a long time to make these amazing pieces of artwork.

  25. this pretty sweet. I bet it took this guy a long time to finish it.

  26. That is absolutely amazing. It looks like the wood is curved so that is hard to do that. I don't know what would be more impressive wood or stone versions of this. I would say that the stone is more impressive but this pretty amazing to.

  27. That is absolutely amazing. It looks like the wood is curved so that is hard to do that. I don't know what would be more impressive wood or stone versions of this. I would say that the stone is more impressive but this pretty amazing to.

  28. These are really neat and look as if they came right out of the ocean. I really like the neutral colors, because it makes the carvings look natural. The designs look like coral and sea life.

  29. These are really neat and look as if they came right out of the ocean. I really like the neutral colors, because it makes the carvings look natural. The designs look like coral and sea life.

  30. these are still pretty cool even though they are made out of wood. This is art and if i were to use this style i would try to amke a giraffe.

  31. These designs are really cool looking. They look really difficult to make so it would be a task to complete. I would like to try to make something like this if I could.

  32. These designs are really cool looking. They look really difficult to make so it would be a task to complete. I would like to try to make something like this if I could.

  33. These look awesome. I don't think I would be able to do something this ever though.

  34. It's cool, and weird at the same time

  35. that is crazy that they are made from wood i thought it was made from sea shells.

  36. what kind of tool would you use to do this? and how long would it take? It looks very cool. I would try it.

  37. I don't understand how these relate to biomedice, but they look very cool. I think it is incredible that the intrecite detail is symetrical. It looks much more like polystyrene foam than wood.

  38. I would love to make one of these just because they are so beautiful but i would have no idea where to start. It would be very time consuming and difficult but if you do everything right i feel like it would be such a beautiful piece.

  39. These are very neat but honestly i don't think i would want to try to construct something like this. They look really difficult and i don't think mine would turn out nearly as good as these.

  40. I wouldnt do this but when you have time to do this. This seems like it took forever but good job

  41. this is really cool. It definitely took a long time, and was probably really hard. it kinda reminds me of those rocks that have a lot of holes in them.

  42. These are so cool! I love them! I like that they have wholes and all the different colors in them. They are very cool and I think that they would be very cool to try and make.

  43. I these are really cool. They are neat and different. I like the color contrast and they way the look in the end.

  44. I think this would be very hard because the wood is so thin. It would be really hard to not break it. I really like these pieces.

  45. I think this would be very hard because the wood is so thin. It would be really hard to not break it. I really like these pieces.

  46. This is so cool. It must have taken a lot of time to carve this but the finishing product is very cool.

  47. This is so cool. It must have taken a lot of time to carve this but the finishing product is very cool.

  48. I think this is really cool. I think it would be really hard to make something like that.

  49. I think this is really cool. I think it would be really hard to make something like that.

  50. this is an interesting piece and i think its very creative. its very appealing to the eye and intrigues me.

  51. I personally do not like the pieces but I can understand why someone would, and I wouldn't go as far as to claim that these shouldn't be considered art.

  52. I think this art is kind of interesting, but i don't really like it. I would never do something like this or buy something like this for my house.

  53. Wood Carvings! Never would have thought of that. It is pretty cool looking. I thought it looked like something you would find in the ocean.

  54. Wood Carvings! Never would have thought of that. It is pretty cool looking. I thought it looked like something you would find in the ocean.

  55. I like this it is really cool. I thought that it was made of sea shells.

  56. I like these, it seems as if it would be time consuming to cut out all of those holes. But then end result looks worth it! They are definitely works of art.

  57. This is really cool. They look like some form of underwater coral or part of an underwater reef. That would be very difficult to make and I would definitely consider these as works of art.

  58. Very cool i like underwater coral. It very cool that people took the time to do tbis and make a great piece of art.

  59. This is really sick. I think underwater coral is sweet.

  60. I think this looks sweet! But there is way too much detail for me. But the question i have is where did he find a thing for that?

  61. For some reason these projects give me the chills. I like how the projects look, but they are scary. The holes make me cringe and I want to leave.

  62. Those circular ones are made of gourdes, that's incredible! I wonder if you can put a candle in it and make it a jack 'o lantern. The shadows that it would give off would be so cool.

  63. This is kinda cool looking but i wouldnt want to do it for a project. But it looks pretty cool i would make it into a big candle or something. i wonder what it is made of.

  64. This is kinda cool looking but i wouldnt want to do it for a project. But it looks pretty cool i would make it into a big candle or something. i wonder what it is made of.

  65. This is kinda cool looking but i wouldnt want to do it for a project. But it looks pretty cool i would make it into a big candle or something. i wonder what it is made of.

  66. This is something that is very unique/weird, it is not something that I am very fond of and would not want to do this as a project, but it is obvious that he put a lot of time and effort in creating this.

  67. This is really cool but something I could never do, so I wouldn't want to do this for a project. I didn't think that it was wood the first time i saw it.

  68. These look really cool. It kind of reminds me of coral. This would be difficult to do because you would have to be so precise. It baffles me as to how it is done.

  69. It is amazing how they made these. They look a type of corals in the sea. These are truly amazing pieces of art. This project looks like it is really hard to make and I dont think I would want to do this as a project

  70. These are really pretty and cool to look at. They have a lot of details.

  71. These look really cool with a lot of details. But they seems kinda dumb and not very creative. I wouldn't put time in making these unless I had too. Cool art though.

  72. These are amazing, I wouldn't be able to do them, but someone with an artistic eye could probably do this amazingly. They kind of look like corals in the sea, if I were able to do this project I totally would want to.

  73. This is such a cool idea. And it seems like it would be easy for you if you were good at art. I, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to do it. But I would love to at least try.

  74. That is awesome. That would take some serious talent and time plus patient which I don't have. I would get sick and tired of that project and give up.

  75. these are kinda lame i think. I wouldnt wanna do it, it seems like a waste. I dike their creativeness but thats about it.

  76. I think these are pretty cool. They aren't something you would see everyday. I like how they show us kind of how they were made

  77. This is pretty cool. It's taking something small and turning it into something big.This would seem like something that started as a hobby, and later became their full time job. Someday it would be nice to try this out.

  78. This type of art is actually pretty creative and interesting. But I really don't like it very much.

  79. I know from experience that carving takes a while to do. To be able to do that and not break anything while trying to do it.

  80. I see how he did this. Sometimes just to make things life like you have to study things for hours. A example for this is the artist of "The Last Guardian" made a cat dog bird thing called trico. It moves a lot like a cat to the smallest detail and the developer admitted he used to study things like animals, people, and myths. It was very impressive in my opinion and took 6 years to make the model of Trico.

  81. This would be a great center piece. It is very eyecatching artwork. It makes me want to go somewhere tropical and look at the reefs.

  82. man its dope wish i was talented like u . its so beautiful no joke. best art i have seen .

  83. this is super goofy. i dont like all these holes in it it just seem odd.

  84. when i saw this i didnt know what it was and when i started reading the comments and saw it was wood i was so surrised! it is crazy talent

  85. these are pretty cool. I dont know how they make these.

  86. These are so cool. I love this artist's style and technique.

  87. I really like that they had a before picture along with the finished art. It's cool to see how it went from a couple blocks of wood to a beautiful piece of art.

  88. This is really cool. I would love to try this sometime. It is cool how someone thinks to do something like this.

  89. This is really cool. He had to have spent hours working on these. I'd like to try and make this because I think you could do most of it with a circular saw.

  90. These are awesome. I would really want one to remind me of the beach.

  91. This would be a very meticulous thing to carve. I could maybe be able to do this with some practice.

  92. Wonder how he/she made that, bet it took so much time to complete a single form of art, especially this one.

  93. This reminds me of Trypophobia. I kind of liked it but then I made that comparison and now I cant stop think about that.

  94. This is okay, i kind of don't like it. I would never want to try to do something like this.

  95. This looks really cool. I dont think i would enjoy carving though.

  96. i think that this looks very cool. i think it would be very hard to carve these. i would not want to spend the time carving this.

  97. These are really cool. However, looks like it would take some time. There are so many holes that it would be hard not to mess up. They are also very colorful.
