Monday, March 14, 2016

Power in photoshop

So now we have just finished our photoshop projects, and while some of you did really good, others struggled.  But I want to show you what can be created on that program if you really work with it.

Artist Balazs Papay works with a couple of 3D computer programs, but one of them is photoshop.  Here are a couple of his works of art.

So what do you think?  Is this something that you wish you would have thought of?  Does this look like a career that would interest you?  Can you think of some interesting objects that he should put together?


  1. i like how clear these photos are. it makes these photos look really good. i could never do this i dont know easy this would be either.

  2. This is actually really cool. It looks like its supposed to be like that and it wasn't Photoshop.

  3. The shadowing is really in detail. that must have taken a lot of time to get it just right. I would never be able to do that

  4. The shadowing is really in detail. that must have taken a lot of time to get it just right. I would never be able to do that

  5. There is no way i would do this. With all the shading you would have to do and make it look all realistic. It would take a lot of concentration and time.

  6. that's so cool wow i wish we do that

  7. Ive got to be honest. These might be some of the coolest things I've seen on this blog. How does a human being make such a small statue so precisely? These things actually look real too, or at least like they could be real.

  8. I loved the photoshop project. It was really fun because someoneelse made each piece and I just had to put them into place with my imagination. This looks way harder, but it also look much cooler.

  9. I really thought that these were really cool. That took a lot of creativity in to putting those things together. I personally think that these are amazing and I wish we could do this in class.

  10. This is a pretty good piece of artwork.I like the one on the top. I like that one because I like on how the red leaves blends in with the background.

  11. This is a pretty good piece of artwork.I like the one on the top. I like that one because I like on how the red leaves blends in with the background.

  12. I feel like the first one doesn't even have Photoshop in it. It looks just so natural and put together. The second clearly does but it looks like it is meant to be there. I am not very good at photoshop so i dont think i could do this.

  13. this Photoshop is really dope, and whoever did this has a really creative mind!

  14. I would have never thought of something like this especially on Photoshop. I'm am not willing to do this for a living. I can't think of an object for something like this object.

  15. This is really neat. Whoever photo-shopped this did a really good job! It really does actually look 3D. I could never do something this good.

  16. This is pretty cool 3d design. Pretty good job i couldnt do any better. Don know how it was made but sick

  17. This is pretty cool 3d design. Pretty good job i couldnt do any better. Don know how it was made but sick

  18. This is awesome and it looks time consuming. I feel like im in a movie.

  19. this kind of art is always interesting and definitely catches the eye of the viewer. Very complex and unique.

  20. First of all in order for a human to create something like this they would need a lot of time and creativity, but most of all skill. In order to make this you would need to know how to use Photoshop better than the entire class combined. The quality and graphics are truly amazing, but what the picture actually are doesn’t make any scene. Think about it -instrument crabs- what is this crazy stuff modern serialism or what? Or maybe I just don’t get art who knows?

  21. I think that these look very cool! The way they pop off of the paper and stuff is very cool.

  22. I think that these look very cool! The way they pop off of the paper and stuff is very cool.

  23. This is pretty insane that you can. It's pretty crazy how small they made it I like this one quite a bit.

  24. these are very cool. It must of taken a lot of time and creativity.

  25. those beetles remind of those one sheep that were made of rotary phones. i wonder what would happen if you blew into one of those beetles and played it like an instrument. What if they were learning how to play that music that there standing on.

  26. looks cool and hard and not fun to do and boring to do

  27. the horns are very cool, and its neat how they incorporated them into the piece. looks like it takes a lot of skill to do this photoshop, but in the end turned out beautiful.

  28. I love this art! I love the book and it makes it look old fashioned and pretty. It would be fun to try to build these things with people. It looks like you could make music out of them.

  29. I love this art! I love the book and it makes it look old fashioned and pretty. It would be fun to try to build these things with people. It looks like you could make music out of them.

  30. This is probably way more complex than anything I will ever be able to make in Photoshop but that wont stop me from trying and failing.

  31. This photo shop art is good. I don't think I could do something like that. I like the one with the crab. If I could I would do stuff with sports but I have no clue what I would do.

  32. This photo shop art is good. I don't think I could do something like that. I like the one with the crab. If I could I would do stuff with sports but I have no clue what I would do.

  33. This is really cool.My favorite one is the crab.

  34. I wish I was this skilled at photoshop! these are really neat ! I really like how music is incorporated into the bottom one!

  35. This is a really neat form of art. I wish I could make these. I really like both of the pictures.

  36. This is cool. Takes lots of time and patience

  37. I found the instrument inescts very interesting. I have actually seen them before and I think they are on my phone somewhere deep in my camera roll. Very cool.

  38. I found the instrument inescts very interesting. I have actually seen them before and I think they are on my phone somewhere deep in my camera roll. Very cool.

  39. I think this is cool but also the instrument insects were a little creepy. But this would take patience. Which I dont have.Also a crecative mind to do all of these.

  40. This is kinda little scary i wouldn't want to do this cause it would take a lot of patience. Would take a lot of time.

  41. This is kinda little scary i wouldn't want to do this cause it would take a lot of patience. Would take a lot of time.

  42. This is kinda little scary i wouldn't want to do this cause it would take a lot of patience. Would take a lot of time.

  43. I think this is really creative and must of took a long time to come up with the idea. Its different and really cool in my opinion.

  44. This looks really dope! And would take a long time to create. Very creative

  45. If I were to do this I think I could come up with something really cool to do with hunting or fishing. Could turn out cool.

  46. This is really cool. I like to see these kind of art projects. I would enjoy the challenge to do it.

  47. This seems like something you would have to put a lot of time and effort to create, and the finished project looks amazing so I am sure it was well worth it to them. I probably wouldn't do this type of artwork because I very good with this type of technology.

  48. I like the musice notes. It look like it took for every to make.

  49. This would defiantly take a lot of creativity, which I don't have. I think the instruments are kind of creepy.

  50. This is really cool. I like the music one because music is such a huge part of my life. I could just imagine opening up a old music book and having those things crawl out.

  51. I love these! I really like what they did with the crab and the flowers and stuff. This looks like it took a lot of time to make. I would love to make one of these, but i'm not that skilled.

  52. This is probably my favorite art work iv'e seen. It is so cool how they make instruments look like bugs and other things. I don't think I would be able to do something this cool, but i'd like to try.

  53. This art work is really creative. I dont think I would want to do this for a art project. It looks like it is really hard to create and time consuming.

  54. this artwork is very complex and interesting. the intricacy of the bugs design is mind blowing. i think this type of work is cool but i could never do it as there is too much going on for me to draw.

  55. I love the complexity and small details. These would be fun to make.

  56. This is really cool. It has so much details in it. The coloring and shading looks amazing. I think this would be very complicated on making this type of art.

  57. I love those trumpet bugs, I think that is really creative. I don't really know how to use photoshop yet, but i am just assuming that would take a long time. But I would like to try this kind of art, it looks amazing.

  58. RoboCrab, Trumpet beetles, oh the mighty power of Photoshop. It's mesmerizing to see what technology combined with human creativity can form.

  59. Wow, wow is about the only that can really come to my mind right at the moment, these are some incredible works of art from photoshop and just some ideas in my head i wish i could do.

  60. Okay this is probably the best one i seen this gotta take hard work. Its amazing looks great but man I would wanna try this.

  61. this is pretty cool hand made work. i wuld want to do thi for a project one day! Maybe we should do more 3d pieces

  62. Wow. I love this crazy stuff like this, makes you really think. maybe one day i will be able to do something like this!!

  63. I think this is very cool. I took Photoshop and I know the amount of work and time you would need to put into a work of art like this. It is a lot.

  64. The instrument that look like insects look really cool. they look they are an actual insects. I like the concept of two instruments insect on top of a sheet of music.

  65. When I first saw them, I didnt know what to think about them. But the more you look at it the more you find the small details and you start to like it more.

  66. I love the detail put into these pieces! They have plenty of color and are a very cool piece.

  67. I tried my best at photo shop and practiced a bit but I dont think I would ever be able to do this. I like the style and effort he put into those pictures.

  68. I lie how creative this art is. I wish i was skilled in photoshop like Balazs Papay.

  69. I can barley work with photos on Photoshop, but he can do that. Man i wish i was as creative as some of these people. But i guess if you practice enough at it, you can do some crazy things.

  70. i am really excited to start working with Photoshop. i always like working with real photographs i think because it takes me to a real place. with Photoshop i can make it look even better than before.

  71. it is so cool . it is amizaning.

  72. The colors stand out their sexy and yeah.
    I would buy this painting because its cool
    Yeah i think everyone should like it.

  73. I wish I had this artist's skills. These are amazing. I could look at these images forever.

  74. I love those they are so creative and when people move music and art it is amazing. Of course I wish I would have thought of this it is incredible. NO for the career I am not an artist and nor will I be when I am older it is just not my calling. A cello lady bug would be really cute.

  75. I think this would be cool to be able to do. I don't know how people find the patience to do these. It would be fun to try for the kids next year for a project.

  76. There is a lot of creativity and imagination in this. It is really amazing how someone can do this.

  77. This is cool but I don't think that I would do something like thi. It interested me because the bottom one is of a trumpet and I play the trumpet. It's a little weird

  78. I might be interested in photoshop, but I like doing hands-on work more than digital. Though I do think it's interesting, and could try it. Maybe he or I could combine cave drawings with 3d pop outs of them.

  79. I like how they are so interesting and abstract. You can do pretty much anything with photoshop.

  80. That's some amazing photoshop skills. I don't believe it's possible to do this though. This must've taken a lot of time and picture editing skill.

  81. The cool thing about this picture is that it was done on photoshop. It had to have taken a lot of time. It looks like it could actually be a real picture.

  82. I love this. I know the amount of effort that went in is extreme.

  83. these are just random. where do these people get their ideas.

  84. These are very cool and clear to see. The detail on the spider or the instrument must of been very hard to do.

  85. I think this is really cool. I like how they blend in and look like they are supposed to there. I wish I could do something like that

  86. This is amazing. It is smart and works too. I would have never ever thought of doing something like this. Hats off to the artist.

  87. These would be impossible for me to do. The amount of shading would be insane to make these look realistic.

  88. I really wish i had the creativity and mindset to make such art piece come to life.
    Straight gangster stuff man.

  89. I love these. They make me think about the book series of "Spiderwick Chronicles". I love how much imagination that would take to even think of these. I just love these types of photos.

  90. They look cool. But i don't think i would be patient enough to make it. I don't think i would be creative enough either.

  91. you would have to be pretty creative to be able to think of something like this. I don't think i could make a career out of it though. Photoshopping is pretty difficult

  92. I really like the crab. The grasshoppers or crickets not so much. Both are in very good detail and like both but the crab is a bit cooler.

  93. I've worked with photoshop a little but I could never make anything like this. It also shows me that you can pretty much make anything with photoshop. And it also pushes me to try hard on the projects that use photoshop.

  94. I like the creativity in this.
