Monday, February 15, 2016

Taking writing to new levels

What if you could take your writing and turn it into a sculpture?  Would you be more interested in writing?  I could not find any info on these two pictures, but I really thought it was an interesting concept.

Would you like to create this?  Can you think of an interesting story that you would like to pop the words out into a specific shape?  For instance, what about making Hogwarts castle out of Harry Potter's story?  Do you have another idea?  Or do you like the idea of just a random poem like these above?


  1. This is very creative. I like how they turned a book into a piece of art like this. I think that the hunger games would be a story used for this.

  2. I would like too create one. I love too read teen romance novels and i would love to turn any of them into one of these. The random poems are cool too.

  3. That is really cool! I don't no if I would have the patents to do it but that would be really cool to do. Its very cool that some one came up with doing this.

  4. This is alright. I dont really like words in general but besides that its cool and must of took a long time.

  5. i really like this one. the coolest part is its taking something 2D and giving it depth, but still having look really good.

  6. I would not want to create something like this. It looks ok but it is hard to look at.

  7. I really don't know what to think of this. one thing that I wished they would have done to this is make it readable. Sort of so that you had to move it around and follow the words almost like they were on a sphere.

  8. This would only really interest me if you could follow the story and it was built into an object that fits the story, such as Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Castle.

  9. This is amazing it would be fun to do an art project like this! This really cool and could tell an amazing story.

  10. This is amazing it would be fun to do an art project like this! This really cool and could tell an amazing story.

  11. This is very creative I like how they turned a book into a piece of art like this g that's awesome

  12. this is def one of the hardest things to make. Looks very difficult and time consuming. Something i would never try doing.

  13. i love these so much. they look very cool and would be so fun to make. this would be a very fun project.

  14. This would be awesome to create but you would have to be so careful because it would fall apart easily. This is very cool though. I like how they have sayings instead of just words. This would be very fun to try.

  15. Its creative but I don't see this being something I would try.

  16. I wouldnt try this but i wuld love to see someone try this in my class

  17. I wouldnt try this but i wuld love to see someone try this in my class

  18. This is really interesting. Something like this would never just come to the top of my head. Whoever put this together must have a lot of time and talent.

  19. This is almost breath taking. To be able to cut so precise, and then stack it up like that *mind blown*

  20. This is so tumblr oh my god so beautiful, I could totally see this being a trend. I think this is pretty cool.

  21. I dont get the point of this artwork. Do you read it the words and it forms a new story or is it just words cut out and glued.

  22. We had to do something similar to this in freshman comp., except instead of cutting out the words we blacked out everything we wanted except for the words we wanted.

  23. this looks pretty cool, but looks like it was a little bit challenging to make

  24. This is not my favorite work of art. I bet this was challenging just not my favorite thing. I don't think that i would ever create something like this or be interested to decipher what it mean.

  25. This is not my favorite work of art. I bet this was challenging just not my favorite thing. I don't think that i would ever create something like this or be interested to decipher what it mean.

  26. This would be a fun decoration to put in a bookstore, because it combines two things that people love, books and art. I think that the Chronicles of Narnia book could be used to stack paper up and make a wardrobe. It would defiantly be time consuming, but if the artist could find words and phrases that really capture the meaning of the story, it would look even better.

  27. THis kind of art work is cool and a lot of people i would think a lot of people like it but its not my favorite. These words that are on there are good but if i were to make one it would just be for me with stuff about my life on it.

  28. This is pretty cool, it pops out at you. 3D art is always pretty cool and better than normal boring artwork. I'd like to see this made in person.

  29. This is pretty cool, it pops out at you. 3D art is always pretty cool and better than normal boring artwork. I'd like to see this made in person.

  30. I think that this is cool because it co,es out at you. I think it is cool that it isn't 2D. I feel like it would take along time do to though. And i think that it is way above y skill level.

  31. This takes a long time to be this precise and patient, so i give it a thumbs up for that

  32. This would also take a steady hand. And a way of thinking that I dont have. I loves how it pops out at you and it towers.

  33. i like how they look like they build off of each other. this wuld take so much focus

  34. This is crazy. I have never seen or done anything like this. I dont think i would be interested in trying this.

  35. This is super cool. If I could, I would love to make these. I would do it just because a bunch of words bunched together are really cool.

  36. This is still so pretty. This takes so much talent because there is unless possibilities to do something like this. You could take a stories words and tell a different story with this type of art. Its amazing

  37. I wouldnt do this but when you have time to do this. This seems like it took forever but good job

  38. One of the coolest art works on here. Very unique and complex, which makes even cooler. I dont even know how people come up with things like this.

  39. This work of art is so cool. I loved of how they made certain words stand out to make sense of it.

  40. looks good and fun to do and i would do it

  41. i think this is a nice idea, but it think a few adjustments like making it more of a message to read, or putting song lyrics would increase its popularity.

  42. i like this one is so awesome so cool yea that's my thing

  43. This is cool. I don't know how to do that. I don't think I would ever figure out how to do that. I think a poem of this would be cool.

  44. This is cool. I don't know how to do that. I don't think I would ever figure out how to do that. I think a poem of this would be cool.

  45. There is no way on earth I am doing this. This would take so much time that I don't have.

  46. This looks cool. Looks like it could be a hard project for me to do and looks confusing. I might have the steady hands to do it though.I also don't know whether or not I can build that many stories high.

  47. this is so cool, I love how they can take something so fragile and make it look so structural

  48. I really like how they mad word lines into a built structure that is stable. It would definitely be cool if you could make a story out of this.

  49. This is very cool i would rather do this to books than read them. Definitely takes a lot of time to do cause its hard to cut out stuff like this. Also would take a lot of time to glue stuff together.

  50. This is very cool i would rather do this to books than read them. Definitely takes a lot of time to do cause its hard to cut out stuff like this. Also would take a lot of time to glue stuff together.

  51. This would of been super cool if all the words made a story and you have to travel but at the same time just following them would give me a head ache.

  52. This is pretty dope and I this would be funner than actually reading the books. It would take a lot of time and patience to make it tho.

  53. Truthfully I would not like to do this project. It looks very easy to tear or mess up, and my luck I would. Although it would be an interesting way to tell a story.

  54. These are neat because they pop out at you. I really hate reading and words and stuff but Ill let this one slide. I would never do this.

  55. These are really cool to see but I don't think I could make this. I'd like to see someone make this in front of me.

  56. This is super cool. I would like to do this with a copy of my favorite book or a book I find important. I would like to make this then put it on a shelf in my room.

  57. This would be so cool if they made the whole book like this! It's definitely a challenge. I think it's a very time consuming sculpture.

  58. This is nothing but time consuming. Why would you want to do this. Especially to do this to a book. Books are expensive don't do this to a book.

  59. This is nothing but time consuming. Why would you want to do this. Especially to do this to a book. Books are expensive don't do this to a book.

  60. I like how they did the book. It is so cool.

  61. I like how they did the book. It is so cool.

  62. These are really cool. It's an interesting idea to do this. I wouldn't do this to a book though.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. These are amazing, I personally wouldn't like to do it.. But I think it would be cool to see this type of art in real life.

  65. looks like delicate work that i cant do. I would like to try. I would alse need alot alot of time to work on it

  66. This is super awesome. You can create really creative art with deep meaning. If I was capable of putting those little pieces of paper together, this would be right up my alley.

  67. I like this, but i feel like its really simple. I mean if we were gonna use it for an art project, everybody would like it because its simple.

  68. This looks cool but I feel like it would be too easy to do. Personally I'd rather do something that's challenging.

  69. These are so cool! I like how creative this is. We should so try this!

  70. i love this one! t is so unique and fun looking. it looks like it would take aome time but that seems worth it. anyoe could do this it just takes time

  71. I like it but I think I like my books better when I can see the order of the sentences. I'm a really big reader and can read a entire chapter book in a couple of hours. Reading this would take me atleast two or three days if not more.

  72. this one is very cool. simple enough for me to hang it up on a wall. you could make it say just about anything which i like.

  73. I think these are very interesting and unique. I think people can be very creative by making this type of art. I dont think I would like to know how to make this. It looks trippy though.

  74. I would love to create this Its super cool. The end of the HALF BLOOD PRINCES BOOK. Random poems would have been fine as well.

  75. Do people just put random stuff together and call it art ? anybody can honestly be an artist.

  76. This is a very unique way to use words. I would have never thought to have done this with them. It is a very cool concept.

  77. This is pretty cool. It probably took a while but it was worth is. fo sho

  78. This is really interesting. Something like this would never just come to the top of my head. Whoever put this together must have a lot of time and talent.

  79. This is super cool although I think mine would be a lot messier. I think that we wouldn't be able to sit still long enough to to make this honestly.

  80. This is cool. I'd like to try it, but I'd fail. How would you even do this? It is kind of like a maze in a certain way.

  81. This is very interesting and makes e question how they put this together. You would have to be very careful. I would get really mad making this.
