Thursday, February 11, 2016

Just too cool not to share

I have seen other artists play with sand on light tables, but I have never seen someone use sand on a potter's wheel to create performance art until I was looking for yesterday's video.  Then I ran across this video and thought I had to share it with all of you.

Watch and let me know what you think.

So I want to know what you think?  Is this something you could see and yourself sitting and watching?  Did you find it memorizing or sickening?


  1. 1:27 Is super mesmerizing because it appears 3d. I know that this is sand, but I can't help but think of it as pumpkin pie. The colors just perfectly fit it to be pumpkin pie.

  2. I can't see the video.

  3. This is hands down something I've always wanted to do. I don't mean to act like an expert... but I've seen things like this in places like the Washington Pavilion. I probably wouldn't be any good but they look super fun. You can just mess around with it.

  4. I would think that her fingers would get tired after awhile of doing this. Going around and around and around but at the same time is seems like fun to play with after awhile.

  5. umm i can't see this picture

  6. Looks very hard cant believe she can do this. Still looks really fun for something to mess aroun with.

  7. this looks very hard but also very cool. itd be fun to see this in person. looks very fun.

  8. this is very cool! but after a while it started to make me feel dizzy and get a headache. It'd be cool to see this in person, but I couldn't watch for long.

  9. this is very cool! but after a while it started to make me feel dizzy and get a headache. It'd be cool to see this in person, but I couldn't watch for long.

  10. this is very trippy, difficulty is on the next level, very cool! I'd love to try this.

  11. That is cool. I was so confused. At the start I was looking at the stuff he drew and watching down the wheel then all of a sudden I saw that it was the hand that was moving down the wheel.It made me feel crazy.

  12. That is cool. I was so confused. At the start I was looking at the stuff he drew and watching down the wheel then all of a sudden I saw that it was the hand that was moving down the wheel.It made me feel crazy.

  13. This is really interesting, but hard to watch for long periods of time. It makes my brain hurt. The more I focused, the more the shapes and lines spun out of proportion.

  14. This thing is really cool and looks really complicated. Its really 3d and when i see art like this i actually stop to look at it.

  15. I would dot his if I could because it looks really cool but i don't think I would be able to. It would be fun to try and mess around with it though.

  16. This thing is hypnotizing and making me dizzy cause it's that good

  17. this is awesome but it looks really hard i would probably ruin it

  18. Looks like fun. Looks like it would be some what hard to do. It kinda made me dizzy by the 3D look.

  19. I thought that this was an awesome video. The way they are able to do all those illusions. This would be something fun to do.

  20. looks good and fun and hard to do

  21. These type of videos always seem to catch my attention. They seem fun to do when we have free time!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. wow this finally got my attention so cool

  24. wow this finally got my attention so cool

  25. I did not get this at the start. This was just straight up epic. I liked it really well. Just the way he did was just so cool. That chalk was epic.

  26. I did not get this at the start. This was just straight up epic. I liked it really well. Just the way he did was just so cool. That chalk was epic.

  27. This would be really fun to try. This is really cool.

  28. I watched this and it was so amazing. I think it would be so fun to ry and attempt this. I had no idea that it was sand!

  29. This is really cool the way it looks. I enjoy seeing stuff like this during my free time and would maybe try doing something like this.

  30. This is creative and it seems like a project that would take a lot of your time. I know i cant do this my hands cant move that way but the person who did this is really talented and has a lot of free time.

  31. this is very cool. very creative. must have taken along time.

  32. I think this is a neat idea. I don;t think that i could do it.

  33. I cannot see anything, but I like it. This is art. This is beautiful, like Selena Gomez. I like Selena Gomez. Thanks.

  34. Very cool and mesmerizing. I love the designs. It would be fun to do. I really like the idea.

  35. Wow. I think i just got hypnotized.
    I think it is incredible how uniform the lines making up the patterns were. It was very mesmerizing and at times I could've sworn I was looking into a tunnel.

  36. I got confused for a little bit there. its kinda memerizing. but the designs and what not are cool!

  37. This is super cool and relaxing to watch. It just looks so cool and the designs look amazing.

  38. Wait... was that real? WHAAAT! It was? That was crazy. Seriously that was pretty cool and relaxing

  39. the designs that she was making were really really cool to me

  40. this really cool. It looks trippy but its cool


  41. That is cool. I was so confused. At the start I was looking at the stuff he drew and watching down the wheel then all of a sudden
