Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tricking the eye

So today I have decided to post a video of how to draw an optical illusion.  If you want to take this challenge and try it yourself I will give you extra credit.  But you have to bring me your drawing and show it to me in class.

So what do you think?  Are you up to the challenge?  Bring me in your version and I will give you extra credit.  If nothing else tell me what you think of this art form.  Is it an art form?


  1. This is obviously an art form by definition because it takes skill and imagination. I think it would make a lot of sense to use the line trick that a lot of gifs use. I really want to try this for extra credit.

  2. This makes a lot of sense but looks hard to do but when it done it looks really cool. Whoever did this did a amazing job

  3. This is really cool. I also watched some of the other videos that it lead to afterwards and in some of them she makes the 3D part extra long and on others she keeps them normal... what's the point in that?

  4. I can't watch this video

  5. I've always tried to do this in my free time and never could so this is really cool and super hard. Its so cool how they made it look like it is standing but in real life its not. So cool wish i could do this.

  6. that's so cool i want do that

  7. Really cool how she makes this 3D but something i wanna learn how to do cause why not.

  8. this is really cool! At first i was wondering ow he got the alligator to stand up, then he moved the camera and I was like "woah".But this is definitely an art form.

  9. I wish i could draw this. I've wanted to do this but i couldn't do it. Its really cool and it amazing me that its look like you can jump right in.

  10. the shading is amazing in this. It make the alligator look very realistic. The 2D version was cool, but the 3D version takes it to a whole new level.

  11. This is amazing i think this is a form of art but idk what its called. i would be up to the challenge to make this so you should make it a project in class.

  12. The shading is really cool looking. This looks pretty challenging for me. I'd like to see how it's done in person.

  13. The shading is really cool looking. This looks pretty challenging for me. I'd like to see how it's done in person.

  14. This would be difficult to do, but if you can pull it off it really looks good and works well.

  15. This looks really cool. I would love to try and do this. If you did good it would really cool.

  16. This is really amazing and takes alot of skill, I really appreciate the skill, talent, and credibilaty it takes for this level of art.

  17. Wow, this is really good and takes a lot of dedication for it to turn out as good as it did

  18. This is really cool and I would like to try something like this sometime.

  19. that is really cool its pretty simple but complicated

  20. This would take a lot of time, and skill. They are absolutely very cool. I would some day like to make one, just not anytime soon.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This is awesome. I love how realistic this looks. It looks like a piece of art popping out of the paper and coming to life.

  23. These videos always seem to capture my attention. They seem fun to do when we have free time!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. That is insane. I liked the one with the alligator. I could not ever do something like this. I wish I could do something like this but I definitely can't.

  26. That is insane. I liked the one with the alligator. I could not ever do something like this. I wish I could do something like this but I definitely can't.

  27. That is really cool. I like the alligator It would be really hard to cut out because you have too get it perfect

  28. this is actually messing with my head. It's cool how people can do things like this!

  29. These look so realistic and the illusions are really good. I wish I could make something like this, but It would be very hard.

  30. this is very cool. very creative. must have taken a lot of time

  31. optical illusions look hard. I think it would take a lot of time to do.

  32. This looks very difficult to do, but it's cool. I could try and do this but I would not succeed. This is cool art that makes me want to do art.

  33. I like this a lot. It would take time and skill, but it looked really cool. I like optical illusions and they look like a lot of fun.

  34. These are really cool. I would Love to do this some day and see how it is actually done. you could sure trick a lot of people by doing this.

  35. This is so Amazing.I like how you did it.

  36. I love this. I really enjoy optical illusions and stuff like that. Something like this would probably take a lot of time and I am very impressed.

  37. This video is so cool. It's amazing what some people can do. Haha I just know I could never do something that amazing.

  38. 3d illusion art is some of the coolest stuff out there. People who have the skill and patience to do this are legends. I'm sure I could never pull that off.

  39. this looks really cool. 3d are is sooooooooooooooooo cool. I dont know how they do it

  40. I like this a lot. It would take a lot of time.
