Monday, February 8, 2016

Don't let the horse drift by

I know where we live we don't see a lot of driftwood, this is more of an ocean or big lake thing, but I am guessing you all know what it is.  Driftwood is just like it sounds, it is wood that has drifted in on the water from wherever it came from.

Anyways, artist Heather Jansch has been collecting driftwood to create amazing life-size horse sculptures.  She does have an steel frame that is hidden underneath fiberglass that is the main support of her horses, but the she takes the driftwood and covers the frame.

What do you think of her sculptures?  Could you be patient enough to wait for the right piece of driftwood to float up into your area to finish your sculpture?  Other than horses, what would you turn the driftwood into?


  1. That is amazing. I can just imaging how long that would take to get all that drift wood and make those life size sculptures. That takes time and dedication for sure.

  2. These sculptures are so cool. I can't imagine how big those pieces of driftwood are, since the horses look life sized or bigger so it must be hard to find pieces that size. It would be really awesome to make some swans or a dragon out of driftwood, but I don't think I have enough patience to collect all that driftwood and wait for the right pieces.

  3. These sculptures are amazing because the pieces fit so well like it was met to be. If I was unemployed, bored, and had a house by an ocean. I would make it look like a giant was guarding my house. It would be so cool.

  4. That is amazing! I love this idea i would have one! It's so cool and creative. Just imagine how many different pieces of drift wood the sculptor would have to get to have every thing fit together.

  5. These sculptures are simply beautiful. Its so creative and different to think of someone coming up with such a cool piece out of something as simple as drift wood.

  6. materials needed:/driftwood, tools, horse anatomy expertise, and lots and lots of time. It is incredible how realistic they look, even though you can tell it pieces of driftwood and see the holes you can definitely tell its a horse. it almost looks like the horses are moving.

  7. This literally looks so cool! We should do something like in class

  8. Nope. Nope. I don't like any of these weird sculpture things. Especially when they put them in the environment that the REAL thing would be in. It just creeps me out. But hey, good job whoever did it.

  9. This is totally worth it! I love horses and I would like to see one of these close up!

  10. This is totally worth it! I love horses and I would like to see one of these close up!

  11. I really like her sculptures. These horses look like actual horses. I am definitely not patient enough to make a any sculpture, especially with wood. I can't think of anything I could make with driftwood.

  12. I think this is extremely cool and i like how it is life size. You can also see that it is a horse. I like this a lot this is really cool. Would be cool to see in person.

  13. I think this is extremely cool and i like how it is life size. You can also see that it is a horse. I like this a lot this is really cool. Would be cool to see in person.

  14. These are really neat and you would have be quite patient to get all the needed pieces.

  15. oh my gush a horse i love horse

  16. It is an amazing sculpture. I like looking at things like this and just look at the precise cuts of the horse to make it look real.

  17. This is pretty dope. Its crazy how they made it out of driftwood and how precise it is.

  18. the horses are really cool and really scary at the same time they look like horses from the really creepy movies

  19. This very cool. The horses are very big. If I would do a project like this I would do a smaller different animal. They are very eye catching though.

  20. This looks amazing!!! These would be so cool to have around my grandparents farm.

  21. I would loves this by my house. this is very creative. Probably hard to do too.

  22. This is super good. I love that she used wood to make the sculptures, but I like it even more because she left tiny holes in it. I think this would be something cool to have downtown.

  23. This is super good. I love that she used wood to make the sculptures, but I like it even more because she left tiny holes in it. I think this would be something cool to have downtown.

  24. This is really something else. They are all perfectly put together and look pretty realistic for being made out of drift wood! id love to try something like this.

  25. to be honest at first I thought that horse was made of hair, but to be made of wood that's really cool! I could not wait for the perfect piece of wood to come around, I'd just be like "ehhh, this one looks good."

  26. This is really cool. I mean how did they get the wood to bend and stay that way. Did they like pick threw a bunch of sticks and find the right one.

  27. This is pretty cool! How long did it take to find the wood alone? Also how long did it take to do? But my biggest question is how did they do it?

  28. This is pretty cool! How long did it take to find the wood alone? Also how long did it take to do? But my biggest question is how did they do it?

  29. These are pretty cool. They are also creepy. If I had the chance to make a sculpture out of plywood I would make fish. I think that would be cool.

  30. These are pretty cool. They are also creepy. If I had the chance to make a sculpture out of plywood I would make fish. I think that would be cool.

  31. I can just see someone run into one of these sculptures and it just falling apart. The sculpture, even though amazing, looks as if it has very little internal structure.

  32. I can just see someone run into one of these sculptures and it just falling apart. The sculpture, even though amazing, looks as if it has very little internal structure.

  33. Water does really interesting things to wood, and it is cool that this artist is able to use a part of nature and turn it into art. The sculptures look very realistic and the wood kind of looks like the horse's bones or muscles.

  34. These sculptures are really cool but i dont think i would have the patience to find the right piece of wood that fit.i would turn the wood into a dog.

  35. These scultpures are really well put together. I like that it seems they're made out of random pieces. I would enjoy the challenge.

  36. These scultpures are really well put together. I like that it seems they're made out of random pieces. I would enjoy the challenge.

  37. This is really cool. Probably one of my favorite art pieces. I would love to try and do this but I would never be patient enough when trying to find the right wood.

  38. this is really cool i dont know how they made it and it leaves me wondering. it is very hard to do it i bet , but the end work is worth it.

  39. This is really good and it looks real

  40. I feel like this would take to much time, but its really cool to see.

  41. i would flip out this would take so long

  42. It would be awesome to make one of these someday. Its different and thats what is cool about these. Would it be easily broken though?

  43. Ive seen alot of things made with driftwood when i was in northern California but i never seen something like this. I like it alot and i love horses so that makes it even better

  44. neat deal right here. wonder how much she pays for this. id buy it someday and paint it. put in in front of our school

  45. Im glad someone inthis world can do things like this, cuz i sure cant. Very unique and probably took a long time to make this. Patience is important, and is something i dont have much of so im glad someone does.

  46. These look cool. I would like to see these and look up close. It's cool how someone makes these. I don't know if I would have the time to make it.

  47. She did such a good job that it doesn't even look like a bunch of drift wood. It looks like an actual horse. I wonder if you can ride (or at least sit on it) like a horse. What if she made it animatronic so that you can ride around on it

  48. She did such a good job that it doesn't even look like a bunch of drift wood. It looks like an actual horse. I wonder if you can ride (or at least sit on it) like a horse. What if she made it animatronic so that you can ride around on it

  49. This is very unique. it uses your surroundings to its full potential and I would love to do something like this.

  50. this is a one of a kind thing and i think its very cool and unique, if i made a drift wood sculpture i would create a dragon and maybe a self portrait.

  51. woah so cool i never seen this in my life

  52. I have seen this before at the sportsman show. It looks super difficult. I would not have the patience for this. If I did have the patience I would do gigantic turtles.

  53. I have seen this before at the sportsman show. It looks super difficult. I would not have the patience for this. If I did have the patience I would do gigantic turtles.

  54. This is super cool, but it would be very boring. I wouldn't have the paitence

  55. Her sculptures look amazing. I don't think I would have the patience to wait until the right pieces of wood to build the sculptures comes up. I think I would probably to turn the sculptures into a dog or cat.

  56. I didn't notice at first that these were made of wood. And I feel like it would just take way too long to get the right pieces of drift wood.

  57. It would take a long time to find the perfect pieces of would to make this all come together. Although these looks really hard to make, they look cool and I would look really good as like statues in town.

  58. Did he cut and crave the pieces to fit the right area? I mean looking around and trying to find the right and perfect piece would take forever. If he did crave them himself hats off to him he did an amazing job its a site to see!!! Bravo

  59. I think horses are weird animals, but this pretty sweet! It would take a lot of time and patience to create this though.

  60. this is very cool and creative. Must have taken awhile to find all the right pieces that fit.

  61. to be honest those horses look pretty neat. I bet it took a long time.

  62. This is very cool. This looks way too hard for me to accomplush but I could try. Art makes me want to do art and this is neato.

  63. This is really cool. I really like horse and I think they are really majestic. Just the thought that something that just drifts out of the water can be used to create art baffles me.

  64. This is probably my favorite because i have always liked horses. If you would stand way away you could probably almost look like a real horse. This would be cool to do and have as a sculpture in a yard

  65. Out of them all, this is probably my favorite, It looks so real, but at the same time it doesn't. It has a unique look. Just looking at it makes me happy.

  66. I loves this idea but how would you get a piece of wood to go that would or how would you stop it from fading or something.

  67. This is so cool! And no, I couldn't wait for the perfect piece of driftwood to come. I'd probably forget about my sculptures if I had to wait for the pieces to come.

  68. This is awesome. Everything fits together perfectly to give it the true image of an actual horse. It would take a lot of time to find all of the pieces to fit together.

  69. I like how you make the house. It looks so cool.

  70. It's amazing how these look real, and how long it must have taken to collect all of the driftwood. It seems like it would take a long time to find just the right pieces in order to make these sculptures. If I were to do something like this I think I would like to make a lion, I think it would look cool.

  71. I feel like this is kinda silly. It does look pretty cool. But just make a sculpture out of a clay or something. Don't waste your time looking for the perfect piece of wood.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. They made these out of wood! These are cool and unique. I want to totally try these.

  74. These are really cool. I like how they're life sized. A lot more animals could be made this way. They could trick people into thinking they're real if they look from far away.

  75. In washington we had lots of driftwood. I liked building structures instead but I would not have the patience or skill to do this with it though. If I did I would make dragons.

  76. I really like her sculptures. These horses look like actual horses. I am definitely not patient enough to make a any sculpture, especially with wood. I like horses a lot and so this art really interests me

  77. These a re really cool. They look hard to make. If I were to make something other than a horse, I would make a dinosaur. Why? Cause why not. Yolo.

  78. It is crazy that these are made of just drift wood. I can't imagine the time that it took to put them all together to make one piece of art. He must just be able to easily vision in his head what the end product will look like.

  79. This is a very creative way to repurpose driftwood. It is amazing that she could find different pieces of driftwood to make a full horse. Thought this style was very unique

  80. These are pretty incredible, but there is no way I would be able to wait for the right pieces to float to shore. I would probably do a drift wood boat just for the irony in it.

  81. This are really sick! Its cool how she could find pieces of driftwood and make a horse. Very awesome

  82. These are really creepy yet realistic. For a second i almost thought they were actually real. I wish i could be a talented as this artist.

  83. I think that this is kind of creepy but cool at the same time. This looks like it would take a long time to make.
