Friday, February 5, 2016

What amazing creatures

Have you ever stopped to think about what amazing creatures we are?  I am often amazed by the wonderful things that man has made.  I would like to take you on a short adventure to some of these amazing man made creations.

Cinque Terre, Italy

Snow palace in Japan

Mogao Caves, China

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Deep well of Chand Baori

Bio bridge in the Netherlands, so animals can cross safely

Music house in Berlin.  Plays music when it rains

Gardening houses in Thailand
I would love to know your thoughts on these places.  Do you have any other amazing places that you wish I would have posted a picture of?


  1. I would love to visit these places. They look so beautiful and would be a lot of fun to visit. I bet that it wasn't easy making these so beautiful.

  2. These places look so amazing, it's awesome that places as cool these exist. I'd love to go to any of these places, they all look so interesting and if I had the chance to visit any of them I would.

  3. These places are obviously amazing. I have been in awe of Dubai for quite a few years because of their free spirit videos of skydiving. Dubai is home of the Burj Khalifa. The Burj Khalifa holds many world records and looks super cool and futuristic.

  4. That is so cool! I would like to visit some of those places. Someone has to be very creative to do all of those. I don't really no if I would really of come up with some of these things.

  5. I think this is very interesting! I love the colors and how it represents the buildings. I also would love to see something like this in person someday.

  6. This makes me hate South Dakota so bad. why are we living in the middle of nowhere? The would is so beautiful and we are stuck in this corn field. when i grow up i am defiantly moving to a place like shown in the photos.

  7. I would love to visit all these places!! And I think it would be pretty cool to live in the castle on the rock :)

  8. Please take me to all of these places. When I was little I always thought about places like these and never thought they were actually real until I saw these. I want to build and make these with whoever does them. That's my dream job.

  9. I like these places, I might have to look up the song the music house makes when it is raining.

  10. These would be amazing places to go see and to stay a couple nights at. Relax and just enjoy the creativity that these people made.

  11. I would love to go to all of these places do beautiful and unique. They are very creative and awesome.

  12. i would love to visit all these places in i want see all these cool pictures

  13. i would love to go and visit this places and stay a there for a while and see how creative people can really be

  14. This is probably one of the coolest thing art has. They took art to the next level. I wanna visit these places sometime in my life to check out how people did these.

  15. I think these are so cool. My favorite would probably would be the one from China. The reason why the one from China would be my favorite is because I like the two statues in the background.

  16. I also like the gardening buildings and the bridge one. The reason why I like the bridge one is because I like on how the bridge matches with the forest. The reason why I like the gardening houses one is because I think the plants look beautiful on top of the houses.

  17. I like the last one the best because it is very colorful and pretty. These are very cool pictures.

  18. This is very beautiful but kind of trippy to me. i would live anwhere like this

  19. Id love to visit these places and I was actually just looking at some of these photos just the other day. Its so mind blowing on what we have created and sometimes I wish our generation was more like the ones before us.

  20. The music house in Berlin looks so neat! I would love to visit sometime when it is raining just to see how it works and sounds! whoever came up with things and places like this are fantastic!

  21. These are all very amazing to me! There all very beautiful and probably took a lot of work to do!

  22. My favorite one is the snow castle. That is so cool but the only disappointment is that when the sun comes out all that hard work would go away unless he lives in a place where no sun comes out at all.

  23. The big wall made my eyes go crazy. All of these building are insane. So of these I don't think were real. Like the castle there is no way that is real.

  24. The big wall made my eyes go crazy. All of these building are insane. So of these I don't think were real. Like the castle there is no way that is real.

  25. The castle built on the rock is the most stunning one of the ones show above. It confuses yet amazes me how the rock looks as if it isn't able to actually carry the load of the castle.

  26. These beautiful structures make it clear what amazing beings humans are. They remind me of the pyramids or ancient Mayan temples, but these are much more intricate. My favorite one is the castle of the tall rock, I just wouldn't want to live there.

  27. These are some really cool things that i cant believe that people made. YOu should show a picture of the ice caves.

  28. These are very cool. I would really enjoy visiting many of these places and checking out the different scenery.

  29. These are probably some of the coolest things I've ever seen. I like the scenic views in other countries as well as the cool art forms. I hope to visit places like these sometime in my life.

  30. These are probably some of the coolest things I've ever seen. I like the scenic views in other countries as well as the cool art forms. I hope to visit places like these sometime in my life.

  31. These are some amazing places I would like to visit some of these could be a fun project. But I wonder how long it would take but also how they thought of the location of these.

  32. I would love to visit these places. They look very neat and I would like to learn the history behind them.

  33. This is really lame all they did was take pictures, i could do this if my dad was a billionaire, but if i was a billionaire i had have better things to do like buy some real art.

  34. These are good pictures and it must take a pretty high tech camera in order to get the pictures to look that good

  35. these are rally cool i would live at any of these

  36. these are very unique man made structures. I have never seen anything like this before. It would be cool to take a trip and visit one of these structures someday.

  37. These are so pretty, it would be fun to own or live in one of these just because they are so different. I really like the all wood circle one.

  38. House goals. i wanna live in one of these someday! Seems like alot of money but worth it!

  39. Super cool, things like this are things one has to see in person to experience it all. Definitely something i want to go see when i get older, and will for sure be on my bucket list.

  40. These are very cool! I would like to see these and look at them up close. It is very cool that they came up with these.

  41. I love this! I would love to visit these beautiful places someday.

  42. those place are so pretty i wish i could go there

  43. These are so epic. I wish I could live in a place like those. My favorite is the deep well it is so epic. I don't have any other places.

  44. These are so epic. I wish I could live in a place like those. My favorite is the deep well it is so epic. I don't have any other places.

  45. This is really cool. It would take a long time though.

  46. I also like the building that's named Snow Place in Japan. I like on how that building and snow mixes together. I also like on where that person is placed in that picture.

  47. I also like the building that's named Snow Place in Japan. I like on how that building and snow mixes together. I also like on where that person is placed in that picture.

  48. I wish we had more places like these in South Dakota or even in the USA! these places are so neat!

  49. I would really enjoy visiting all of these places and taking similar pictures of my own.

  50. My favorite out of all of these amazing places is the ice one because i like the cold and i like how cool it is i mean its made of ice how is that not cool!!!

  51. Very cool and creative. I would love to live in some of those houses.

  52. That is crazy to look at! I can;t believe they could do that.

  53. These pictures make me want to travel. But, I hate water and hate planes so I don't know how I'd get to these places. I guess I'll have to grow wings.

  54. These pictures are so amazing, it would be so cool if I were able to go to some of these places sometime. Out of these pictures my favorite is probably the house on the rock.

  55. Humanity after all the awful things it has done can also make beautiful creations like it has in these photos. The castle house in the rock is mind boggling.

  56. I like the music house the most. It reminds me of the movie Horton Hears a Who. It's really creative

  57. I also like the House made entirely out of snow. It's amazing.

  58. These places look so beautiful. I would love to visit all of these. If I could I would definitely like to live near a few of these, if they had internet. They look like they would have amazing views of nature in some of them.

  59. These places are truly beautiful. I would really like to visit places like this. I hope we preserve certain landmarks like these.

  60. These places look so cool I would love to visit them. I think y favorite is either the music house or the gardening houses in Thailand.

  61. I thought these were painting but I guess not. These are really cool places and Would be pretty cool to go there. But wanna know another cool place? My bedroom is pretty cool. AC. Food. Pop. Xbox. Bed.

  62. These look like cool things to see in person. I would love to travel to see them. These must have took a lot time to build.

  63. These would be such fun places to visit! I would love to go and experience these places first hand. It would be very interesting and new

  64. These are really cool places. I would love to visit at least one of them!

  65. Utilizing nature to create building, bridges, and other sorts of structures is super awesome. Some of these ideas were fantastic, the architects who designed them deserve a high five.

  66. I like these buildings they look fun to live in and i think i would like it very much i dont really think its is art but i guess they are cool to look at .

  67. These are really really cool. Art is cool.

  68. Those are really cool; wish I knew how to take pictures like that. Or even go to places to see some of this cool stuff.

  69. These are really cool! It would be cool to see these places in irl. This is some radical stuff

  70. These are amazing. I can't believe some of these even exist. Especially the 8th one. How would you build that and how does it not fall over. My personal favorite however is the 4th one because of the cool skylight.

  71. These are so beautiful! Its hard to imagine that people created these. They are wonderful creations.

  72. These are really cool! It would be cool to see these places in irl. This is some radical stuff

  73. I like all of these pictures. They are all really cool places. They look very colorful and vibrant.

  74. I would love to visit these places. The one with a house in the middle of the water reminds me of The Series of Unfortunate Events.
