Friday, February 5, 2016

Mixing it up

I love mixed media projects.  I love taking a variety of items and styles and putting them together into one cohesive image.  I also love the idea of getting to mix and match and just play until I am happy with a work of art.

I am not the only artist that loves mixed media art, artist Judith Kindler is also in love with this style of art.  She combines wooden panels, images and sometimes objects together to form her works.


The Package
So what do you think of Judith's work?  Did you like one of these more than another?  Is this something you could see yourself doing?  If you could work in her style what images would you create?


  1. I am still confused on many aspects of this type of art. My favorite is The Package because it looks like there is some type of cohesion but also some type of separation between each of the panels. It also seems that there is a deeper meaning to The Package, but I don't know exactly what I am picking up on.

  2. This style of art is very interesting, it's really cool to see a bunch of different things come together to make one big piece of art. I like all the detail in both paintings, but The Package just seems more eye catching with the horse in the middle of the pile of yarn and the package.

  3. I think that those are very cool! I really liked the one with the horse and the red string. I wouldn't mind making one of these. It would be very cool.

  4. These are really cool! I think it brings modern art and old time art together. Especially with the accent color of red in it.

  5. its alright. it looks very relaxed. this is something i would hang in my house. it also looks very interchangeable. you could probably change some of the frames around and it will still look good.

  6. This in my opinion is really dumb. If they would have just left the horse there they would have had a great painting. The rope in the horse's mouth doesn't look realistic. It looks like they just painted a horse and then a red line that starts before its mouth, stops at it's mouth, and restarts again after the mouth.

  7. I think these paintings have nothing appealing to them. I can't really find anything appealing to these pictures.

  8. I really like them they are really cool. I like the horse one the best. I like how they make it look like its old .

  9. I really like them they are really cool. I like the horse one the best. I like how they make it look like its old .

  10. I like the putting more than one picture into one. Looks like the image is an old image. but other than that its pretty dumb i dont like it

  11. These are amazing. I think my favorite one would be the bird catcher one. The main reason why I like that one is because I like on how everything is almost matching colors.

  12. These are very cool and I would want to try something like this. I think it would be cool to re-arrange the pictures so it is mixed up and it would make the person think about how to put them together to make the picture fit.

  13. I have been wanting to do this with different types of paper because I thought it would be so cool.

  14. I like the style of these pieces. I think it is cool how the artwork is spread out on more than one canvas. I would love to try something like this.

  15. I really like how there a different sections of canvas to paint upon. But I do not like the first one with the birds, it creeps me out for some odd reason.

  16. Its very interesting how she puts them all together and she makes it seem as if they were almost meant to be put together like so. I would love to try something like this although it probably wouldn't turn out as good as these ones.

  17. It looks like it takes up a lot of room. Like if you wanted to hang this up it would take up a lot of room because it is more then one painting. The first one is like 6 paintings made to make one big one.

  18. This is really cool how they put wood panels together to make a picture. Didn't know people could do this.

  19. It would be cool if the artist would make the panels easily interchangeable so that at any point the artist could change the meaning and story told by the painting.

  20. I love how simple yet at the same time complicated these works are. The horse one might seem like it is just a horse, but the string and the present create a whole story behind this horse. Like maybe he was a gift for someone and the long red string connects the horse to its' new owner.

  21. This art is something else but im not really sure whats going on with it. it looks interesting but i couldnt see myself doing this because its too time consuming.

  22. This is cool because it looks like separate pieces that make a whole. I think they blend together mostly because they fit obviously. I would try and do something like this in art.

  23. This is cool because it looks like separate pieces that make a whole. I think they blend together mostly because they fit obviously. I would try and do something like this in art.

  24. This is very cool and I like how one it looks like it is going from one painting to another. This is very creative and awesome.

  25. these are really cool i like the horse

  26. Ive never really seen anything like this before. But its a very unique way of showing different objects in pictures.

  27. I don't care for it. I think its boring and that there are more exciting things to do. I feel like it would be hard to do but it just doesn't look that cool like all the other ones on the website.

  28. Not a big fan for it. Seems pretty cheap artwork to buy. id not wanna do this in class

  29. Im not sure if i like this art or not. Very basic and plain. I know i wouldn't ever do this, but whoever did probably took a long time, so i have to give them credit for that.

  30. This isn't one of my most favorite pieces. It is kind of plain. But even though it is plain, I also think it is something you can use to waste time.

  31. woah that's an ugly pieces wow

  32. My favorite work of art is the bird catcher. I could not do something like this. I don't even how I would do it.

  33. My favorite work of art is the bird catcher. I could not do something like this. I don't even how I would do it.

  34. I like the horse the best. This is really cool.

  35. I really enjoy seeing paintings like these! How they are different canvases but you place them beside each other to create one whole beautiful creation!

  36. I really like both of these images and if I could make one of my own I would make a desert scene.

  37. This would be a pain to hang up on the wall because if you didnt have the correct space for the artwork it wouldnt work and you wasted all your money on these pieces of work and when hanging them you need like 4 nails just to make them fit but they are really cool.

  38. these are cool. Very creative. It looks like it would have taken alot of time

  39. This is really cool. I think it has to kind of deal with older art with the colors but the pop of red brings in modern art.

  40. These are cool because they all work together to make a whole. I really like the serenity of the works. Id like to accomplish a painting like these in the future.

  41. I love these works of art. This is something I would put on my wall for a decoration.

  42. This is a pretty cool drawing, but personally I would not draw something like this.

  43. These look amazing , the pictures really flow from one to the other. I like the top picture more than the one of the horse. One of the only things that I would change if I did this is have more vibrant colors to make it stand out.

  44. I this these are really simplistic, but they are beautiful. When I look at them, I feel peace. It reminds me of my childhood in a way too.

  45. The artist must like a older looking style. I still like it, but it looks like its really old. I like the one with the string.

  46. This artwork is quite realistic and looks a little rustic. "The Package" is my favorite, the horse looks very cool in that one.

  47. I really like this kind of art. I like how thyre each different but make on big picture

  48. Looks like the kind of thing you'd see hung up on somebody's wall. It's a good idea, but her art doesn't have a lot of color to it. It's just too boring. If I did this stuff i'd make much more crazy and colorful.

  49. I've never really seen this artwork before. It looks really cool though. I like the horse art the best. Cause its cool

  50. This style of art is really cool. It kind of reminds me of a puzzle, like when you put all the pieces together to get the bigger picture.

  51. I love her work. Its really unique and I like the bird catcher way more. If I had the ability to do this I would have a dandelion with the "petals" flying away.

  52. This looks really hard to make. There is no way I would be able to do this. This type of art would take a lot of planning and laying out.

  53. These are absolutely amazing. I would love to create something like this. They would look really nice in a house as decoration.

  54. I don't like them too much. They aren´t that exciting to me. Some of them are a little too boring.

  55. I really like this. It is rustic, that country feel. It's very detailed and realistic.

  56. i like how they made the art look older. i like the piece of art with the horse in it. i like how the i looks like the horse is unwrapping the present

  57. After a while of looking at this, I noticed that the bottom three paintings are connected together. I think that that is very creative and unique. It would be cool do make something like that one day.
