Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sticks, Stones and Drywall Mud?

Okay, if you have figured nothing out from these blogs, I hope you have figured out that art can be made from anything, at any time.  The next artist I found is Tom Moberg, and his medium of choice is drywall mud.

He takes actual tree branches and incorporates them into wall art.  He has done work all over the country and here are a few of my favorites.

Some of his work is in commercial buildings while some of it is in residential locations.  Did anyone recognize which two images are local?  Two of the above images are from Sanford Hospital.

So what do you think of his work?  Would you love to have one of his pieces in your house?  What about your workplace?  Do you think he could make one for the school, or do you think you could make one for the school?  If so, what design should we have?


  1. I would personally want one of his art works in my house because they are so pretty and unique. I don't think i could make one for the school but i think he could.

  2. I have always found this piece of art to be quite amazing. I see them all the time by the heart hospital in Sanford. I personally think it looks a lot cooler in person.

  3. I have always found this piece of art to be quite amazing. I see them all the time by the heart hospital in Sanford. I personally think it looks a lot cooler in person.

  4. This is so cool. The fact that he uses actual sticks is really creative. I want to know how he got the idea. I don't think that I could do this, but if I could I would make a bear standing upright. It just sounds like a really good idea to wake up to a bear in my room.

  5. This is really amazing, it's really cool how he takes simple things that you can find outside and turn them into awesome works of art. It looks really hard to do and I don't know if I have the patience to go out and look for the perfect pieces to use in a piece.

  6. That's so funny I just saw this the other day and I thought it was so cool. I don't no how well i would do with it but I would definitely like to try it.

  7. I love this! I think it would be really cool to have in a house above a fireplace mantle or something. I do however believe that it could use more of a pop of color.

  8. This art is really cool. Also I have seen his art around Sioux Falls

  9. i love the concept i would like to try this. the one of falls park is really good looks like a lot of fun to make. the trees make the entire room look alive.

  10. The last 4 pictures are unappealing but the first 3 are pretty cool. I wouldn't want any piece of art in my house. I think he could make one for the school I don't think I would do this for the school.

  11. This is cool but looks really hard i mean do they take the dry wall of then make it then put it up or do they make it as on the wall. If they made it as its on the wall then they have skill that seems really hard and it seems really hard to if they took it off the wall before creating the artwork.

  12. i would like the farming scenery one in my house i think they are cool and i would like to go see these in person

  13. i wanna add something like this to my house but i would never try to make this on my own. Its very artistic tho.

  14. I think these are amazing. I think I would want some of these in my house. My favorite would be the big picture of the waterfall. I just like on how those buildings are in the back along with the rocks by the waterfall too.

  15. These are really cool. Very unique, and cool in there own ways. Im guessing they took a very long time to do, and probably wasnt very easy to finish.

  16. I think the tree in the middle of the chairs is the coolest. It is cool how it is 3d almost and sticks out to where you could touch it.

  17. How does this haapen? or how did it work. I culdnt ever do this

  18. I think it would so amazing if I could have one of his artworks in my house. The trees he makes are so beautiful. this is so cool.

  19. I also like the tree and the couple couches one. I just like on how the tree matches the wall. I also like on how the light shadow on top.

  20. I love 3-D artwork. I think it makes the artist think more, because they have to create the whole thing. I really like the tree on the wall, I think it is super cool because it pops out of the wall.

  21. This is so cool! i cannot believe how much time this would take to carve and sculpt the mud. Its really pretty.

  22. This is so cool! i cannot believe how much time this would take to carve and sculpt the mud. Its really pretty.

  23. This is amazing. I have no idea how I would ever be able to make this out of mud. Very pretty, especially the tree one. The one of falls park is also very neat.

  24. The fact that he used dry wall mud is really unique. Although he does a very good job using it. It looks like it would be very difficult.

  25. This would be so cool to have in your home. Just the fine detail that they got with the wall mud. Its so amazing this would be the boom to have in your home.

  26. It's quite impressive that the artist can get the highlights and low-lights of a picture with just drywall mud and sticks

  27. I could see the school getting one of these, because they are simple and blend right in with the wall. The school would need one similar to the first one, because it fits in with the location of the school. I also like how the texture is added to the field to make it look realistic.

  28. This art is truly amazing and i wouldnt want one in my house because you probably have to be pretty careful around it. It would be cool to have one of these at school and at work but i couldnt make one.

  29. This is a fancy type of art that would look good in a work environment and would take someone skilled to create.

  30. This is something I'd like done in my house. The way the walls pop out with cool features says something nice. I would enjy doing something like this to my own house.

  31. I don't like these very much. They seem really dull and would take to long to make. I would never want to do something like this.

  32. I think these are interesting pieces. But way to time consuming for me. Plus the are kind of dull and no good feelings.

  33. these are really cool i would get this on my wall

  34. This is very cool. Looks like a time consuming piece of art. I would be interested to have this in my hosue.

  35. This is still so pretty. When I get older i want to have the tree looking ones in my house right when you walk in. It just so pretty and unique. You could make your own type of tree.

  36. This is sick. I want one when i get my own place. If its in the price range id have them do it for me.

  37. Super super cool, for sure going to have something like this in my house someday, very detailed and unique, and props to the creator for making sure it looks good.

  38. This work of art is probably one of my favorites. I love the textures that are shown through this dry wall and mud.

  39. this is one of my favorite things in the world

  40. I have seen the one at the Sanford hospital But yes I love these, It'd be so awesome if I could have one of these in my house!

  41. These are really neat and I would enjoy having this in my house. It pops out and adds a lot of detail to an average room.

  42. These are really amazing and the small little detail that they added to the art in the drywall is really cool. Must of take the artist a lot of time and soft marks because drywall isn't the hardest material it breaks easily.

  43. This would be really dope to put something like this up in my house. Who ever did this is very artistic.

  44. These are so awesome. Very creative. What is that made out of? Must have taken alot of time.

  45. This is so cool! And original. I would love to have this in my house, or just to be able to look at it. It must take a lot of time because it looks so realistic.

  46. These are amazing. I really like the ones of the trees. Also the waterfall one looks like it's of Falls Park in Sioux Falls...I would love to have one of these in my house.

  47. These are very creative and interesting to look at. It must take a lot of time. I like the birds and leaves. They're so detailed and life-like.

  48. These pieces look cool, but I wouldn't want it in my house because they aren't exactly something that I would want to stay on my wall. I think they might peak my interest more if they were more colorful and I would like more of a fantasy scene instead of a realistic one.

  49. I think these are so cool. I would want one in my house. I think if I had one at my job, it would be covered by clothes and destroyed by some interesting substances unfortunately.

  50. This looks so cool and it would look so amazing inside of a house. I would want this in my house if I could do this.

  51. I like the picture of the falls. It has lots of detail and I like how it shows it back in the day. The old times.

  52. This is great work. The way he uses depth and texture really enhances it. The one of the Falls is amazing

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I was hoping for a more English explanation on how it was achieved. I have looked every where! no English instructions or classes on this Base relief method. I love it!!!

  55. I think its cool that they made some of it hang of of the wall

  56. This art looks really cool. I would want this art in my house. It looks really detailed. It looks like it would take a long time to do.

  57. These are amazing. My favorite one was of the tree with the wo birds sitting on the branches. The artist even had the tree come of the wall!

  58. I'm not exactly sure how he is able to do his but it is amazing. The fact that he is able to incorporate actual natural resources is amazing. It looks super cool in houses. My favorite style is the tree in which it is slightly separated from the wall.

  59. This is very cool. Love how it is 3D and looks like part of the wall. Definitely would want this in my house.

  60. I would love to have this at school and my house. Phlanz would just say No but hey! I would like a little blossom tree in the middle of a wall, that would look so pretty.

  61. the one with the falls looks like the ones in sioux falls. Its even got the little shed thats right next to the falls.

  62. These trees are so creative. I would love to have something like this in my house. They would add a unique style to any place.

  63. I love these trees. When i'm older I hope to have something like this in my house. I think it would definitely be a conversation starter.

  64. Is it possible to get instructions on the procedures of taking a tree limb dipping it in drywall mud and placing on a sheetrock wall?

  65. I would more than LOVE... how to do this. Is there a site for instructions on how to do this type art work on sheetrock for a retired old - well, not too old... to try and do this? many thanks!

  66. Could you respond to my question? I would love to learn how to do this. Any instructions available for placing a tree limb on a sheetrock wall. Will you OR CAN YOU respond? When you check the box 'Notify me'.... an error occurred. thank you!

  67. I like how all of the paintings literally stand out. My favorite one is the tree. I bet that this would take a lot of patience and precision to make.

  68. Drywall mud and tape contractors are essential artisans in the realm of construction and renovation. Specializing in the delicate art of smoothing, sealing, and reinforcing joints in drywall installations, these professionals wield expertise in the application of drywall mud and tape. Their meticulous workmanship ensures flawless surfaces, ready for painting or finishing touches. Wall mud, their primary tool, is a versatile compound used to fill gaps, hide imperfections, and create seamless transitions between drywall panels. These contractors possess a keen eye for detail, employing precise techniques to achieve seamless results that enhance the aesthetics and structural integrity of interior spaces.
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